Thursday, 20 June 2024
Check-in / Welcoming remarks
Keynote & Discussion
Mark Jones (Berlin/Dublin): Making the atrocities go away: reflections on violence in the German Revolution of 1918-19.
Friday, 21 June 2024
Panel 1: Linke Intellektuelle und die Gewaltfrage/ Left lntellectuals and the Question of Violence
David Bernardini (Milan): "All the Violence Necessary to Win; but Nothing More": Errico Malatesta and the matter of violence
Ari Ofengenden (New Orleans): Kautsky and Trotsky on Terrorism and Communism
Ben Lewis (Leeds): Dictatorship, Terror and Sacrifice in Rosa Luxemburg's Thought
Panel 2: Linke Gewaltpraxen / Violent Practices of the Left
Christina Diac (Bucharest): Far-Left Terrorism? The Bomb Attack at the Romanian Senate in December 1920
André Pina (Porto): The Red Legion: radical-left terrorism in the Portuguese 1st Republic (1919-1925)
Monica Quirico (Stockholm/Turin): Between Strategy of Tension and Second-Wave Feminism: Lotta Continua and the lssue of Violence (1969-1976)
Panel 3: Zur linken Organisation von Gewalt/ On Left Organization of Violence
Paul Dvorak (Wien): Vom Bellizismus zum Pazifismus? Die französische Linke, der Krieg und die Armee im langen 19. Jahrhundert
Chris Ealham (Madrid): "All power to the unions": The genealogy of Spanish "Anarcho-Bolshevism" and the Anarcho-Syndicalist Revolutionary Armed Struggle (1917-36)
Sebastian Engelmann (Karlsruhe): Wie lernt die Klasse kämpfen? Gewalt in der proletarischen Pädagogik zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts
Panel 4: Gewaltrezeptionen / Perceptions of Violence
Ottavia Dal Maso (Genova): Women leading Turinese Bread Riots: Between Violence and Spontaneity, August 1917
Kostas Paloukis (Thessaloniki): The Views of the lnterwar Communist Party of Greece (KKE) on Revolutionary and Labour Violence
Judith Tauber (lthaka, New York): The Cause of the People: Gauche proletarienne on Violence and Consensus
Saturday, 22 June 2024
Panel 5: Zwischen Gewalterfahrung und Gewaltwahrnehmung/ Between Experience and Reception of Violence
Mari-Leen Tammela (Tallinn): Use(fulness) of violence in political struggle: views on the use of violence in Estonian left-wing newspapers' editorial offices from 1906 to 1914
Vojtěch Šimák (Prag): From Militant Vanguard to Neutral Observer: The lntellectual Evolution of the lrish Citizen Army from Militancy to Neutrality
David Mayer (Wien): Fokus und Ambivalenz: Die Guerilladebatten in den langen 1960er Jahren in Südamerika und ihre differenzierte Anverwandlung der Maximen des bewaffneten Kampfes
Panel 6: Erinnerungen an Gewalt/ Memories of Violence
Kyra Schmied (Wien): Auseinandersetzung mit der Erinnerung an Gewalt im Rahmen bzw. im Anschluss an die Pariser Commune (1871)
Linh Vu (Tempe, Arizona): Laboring and Sacrificing Life: Narratives of Brutality in Worker Movements in Early Twentieth Century China
Kumru Toktamis (Brooklyn, New York): Lessons from Historical Praxis of Violently Defeated Left Movements in Chile and Turkey
Nicholas Bujalski (Oberlin, Ohio): 'Knight of the Proletariat': Feliks Dzierżyński and the Antinomies of Russian Revolutionary Violence
Panel 7: Strategische und taktische Beurteilungen von Gewalt/ Strategie and Tactical Assessments of Violence
Daniel Egon (Lowell, Massachusetts): ls There a Socialist Mode of Warfare?
Mario Kikaš (Bodø): Cultural Front on the Semi-Periphery: lntellectuals and the International Labor Movement in the 1930s
Sean Scalmer (Melbourne): Sabotage and Violence: Historical Transformations
Antonio J. Pinto (Malaga): Postcolonialism in Africa and ... in Europe? The Algerian Experience and lts lnfluence on Eta (Spain) and IRA (Ulster) in the 1960s