Cultures of Travel: Historical Travel Practices and Digital Humanities

Cultures of Travel: Historical Travel Practices and Digital Humanities

Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) in Regensburg; Tallinn University (Tallinna Ülikool) (Research Project "Digital Editions of Historical Travelogues (DEHisRe)")
Research Project "Digital Editions of Historical Travelogues (DEHisRe)"
Tallinn University, Mare (Uus-Sadama 5), Meeting Room M649 and Online via Zoom
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29.08.2024 - 30.08.2024
Anna Ananieva, Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg

The two-day event marks the conclusion of the research project "Digital Editions of Historical Travelogues (DEHisRe)", conducted at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) in Regensburg and funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
The conference is organized in cooperation with Tallinn University (Tallinna Ülikool).

Cultures of Travel: Historical Travel Practices and Digital Humanities

The interdisciplinary conference aims to delve into the historical travel practices and cultures spanning from the Middle Ages to the present day, with a particular focus on the Eastern European region in a global context. Throughout the conference, we will examine the socio-cultural and technical conditions of spatial mobility, including who travelled, why, and how. We will explore how mobility was influenced by various factors, such as economic, political, and social factors, and how it impacted the travellers‘ experiences.

The conference will also explore the ways in which travels were documented in text and images, and how these self-testimonies of mobile people were composed. We will discuss the various media used to document travel experiences, such as journals, letters, drawings, paintings, and photographs. We will examine the accuracy and reliability of these sources as well as the ways in which they influenced the perception of travel and the world outside of one’s home.

Furthermore, we will explore how digital methods can be used to research, analyze and visualize travel cultures and their history. We will discuss the various tools and techniques used in digital humanities, such as data visualization, text mining, and GIS mapping, and how they can be applied to the study of travel cultures.

The conference will mark the conclusion of the research project „Digital Editions of Historical Travel Reports (DEHisRe)“, which has been conducted since October 2021 at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) in Regensburg. The project aimed to create digital editions of historical travel reports, making them more accessible and easier to analyze for researchers. The conference is being organized in partnership with the University of Tallinn (Tallinna Ülikool) and funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Project team at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies: Guido Hausmann (PI), Anna Ananieva, Sandra Balck, Hermann Beyer-Thoma, Ingo Frank, and Jacob Möhrke.

Cooperation partners at Tallinn University, School of Humanities:
Karsten Brüggemann, Professor of Estonian and General History, Maris Saagpakk, Associate Professor of German Cultural History and Literature, PRG project "Translation in History, Estonia 1850-2010: Texts, Agents, Institutions and Practices" (funded by the Estonian Research Council).


Day One - 29 August 2024 -

10:00 Welcome & Introduction
Guido Hausmann, Anna Ananieva, Karsten Brüggemann, and Maris Saagpakk

Chair: Jacob Möhrke
10:30 On Animals, Plants and More: Ottoman Nature in Travelogues
Doris Gruber (Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna)
11:15 Traveling in One’s Country. Topography and Imagery in State Descriptions
Borbála Zsuzsanna Török (University of Vienna, remote)

12:00-13:00 Lunch Break

Chair: Karsten Brüggemann
13:00 Franz Xaver Bronner's Travelogues (1810 & 1817): Digital Approaches to Academic Mobility
Anna Ananieva, Sandra Balck, and Jacob Möhrke (Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS), Regensburg)
13:45 Appropriation of the Imaginary East: The Journey of Johann Werner Pause from Saxony to Moscow 1701–1702
Tatiana Kostina (Eur'ORBEM, Faculté des Lettres de Sorbonne Université / CNRS, Paris) and Olga Kirikova (St. Petersburg, remote)

14:30-15:00 Coffee Break

Chair: Maris Saagpakk
15:00 Tagebuch als Zuflucht: „Sächsische Reise“ (1784–1786) von Elisa von der Recke (1754–1833) und Sophie Becker (1754–1789) im Kontext der Egodokumente um 1800
Anna Gajdis (Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wrocław)
15:45 Heimat Revisited - die Reisen der Deutschbalten in das sowjetisch besetzte Estland bzw. Lettland während des Kalten Krieges
Reet Bender (Tartu Ülikool)

16:30-17:00 Coffee Break

Chair: Guido Hausmann
17:00 Keynote Address
Traveling with Humboldt (for 18 years): Digital Scholarly Editing on the Move
Tobias Kraft (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW), Berlin)

Day Two - 30 August 2024 -

Chair: Gordon Fischer
09:30 Digital(ised) Livonia: A Trampoline for the Research of the Medieval History of Livonia
Rūta Bruževica (Tallinn University)
10:15 Digitale Edition und Kontextualisierung historischer Reiseberichte mit historischen Karten
Ingo Frank (Universitätsbibliothek Münster, remote) und Hermann Beyer-Thoma (München)

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 Post von unterwegs - Reisebriefe in correspSearch
Stefan Dumont (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW), Berlin)

12:15-13:15 Lunch Break

Chair: Sandra Balck
13:15 Fremde Ökologien und Lebensräume. Beobachtungen der Natur im Reisebericht
Mareike Schumacher (Universität Stuttgart, remote)
14:00 „Ich habe mit eigenen Augen gesehen...“ Baltische Reisetexte um 1800
Liina Lukas (Tartu Ülikool)

14:45-15:15 Coffee Break

Chair: Anna Ananieva
15:15 Datenbank der literarischen Übersetzungen ins Estnische und „reisende Bücher“
Maris Saagpakk (Tallinna Ülikool)
16:00 Travel Literature in the Estonian National Bibliography – a Data-Driven Approach
Krister Kruusmaa (Tallinn University / National Library of Estonia)


Dr. Anna Ananieva
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / Research Fellow DFG-Projekt "Digitale Editionen historischer Reiseberichte" (DEHisRe)