Wednesday, September 18, 19:00: Informal get-together
Venue: S 102 Seminargebäude Augustus Platz
Thursday, September 19
Welcome and Introduction
Arda Akıncı, Giorgio Ennas, Fatma Aladağ
(Post)Colonial Questions of Borders, Security and Health
S. Rohdewald (Leipzig)
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
Panel 1 Sanitary Policies (Chair: Giorgio Ennas)
The Turning Point of the 1830s: Epidemics and Health Control at the Borders in Mediterranean Africa
S. Speziale (Messina)
Disease, Borders, and Sovereignty in Ottoman Baghdad, 1848-1890
H. Y. Altınay (Oxford)
Quarantine, Health, and Taxation: A New Revenue for Maintaining Public Health in Ottoman State
S. Yeşilyurt (Cambridge)
The Protection of the Borders of the Greek State against the Transmission of Epidemic Diseases during the 19th Century”
Y. Gonatidis (Crete)
12:30-14:30 Lunch Break
Panel 2: Safety & Security Policies (Chair: Arda Akıncı)
Conversations in Constantinople: The role of Britain and the Concert of Europe in the suppression of Barbary 'piracy'
G. Sette (Torino)
An Empire of Borderlands: The Proposed Division of the Ottoman Empire into General Inspectorates, 1913-1914
P. Schilling (Georgetown)
Unmaking Ottoman Subjecthood: Armenian Transatlantic Mobility and Photographic Documentation at the End of the Empire
H. Özdemir (Northwestern)
Changing the Face of a Region: The Politics of Civil and Military Security in Romanian Dobruja
G. Motta (La Sapienza)
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:00 Keynote Lecture: J. Pešalj (Leiden)
19:30 Dinner
Friday, September 20
Panel 3 Borderland & Frontier Societies (Chair: Fatma Aladağ)
The Organization of Hotin as the New Ottoman Administration Centre on its Border with Poland-Lithuania (1712-1714)
N. Królikowska-Jedlińska (Warsaw)
Frontier Fables - Ottoman Roaming along the Habsburg Edges (1772-1826)
Z. A. Çelik (Bochum)
A Comparative and Transnational View on Imperial War, Collective Memories and National Identities in the Borderlands of the Empire
A. Yürükçü (Eastern Finland)
Bordering on the micro-level: The case study of Palestinian al-Bassa 1918-1948
L. Eilan (Heidelberg)
11:30-12:00 Coffee Break
12:00-13:00 Closing Remarks