Generations in flux: ethnicity, integration and family ties

Generations in flux: ethnicity, integration and family ties

The Finnish Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU) and The Finnish Youth Research Society
Helsinki, Finland
Vom - Bis
23.10.2008 - 24.10.2008
The Finnish Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration

There is a growing, and interdisciplinary, interest in migration, integration, multiculturalism and transnationalism. However, relatively
little attention has been paid to age, family and intergenerational
aspects, although these issues are implicitly present in many migration and integration studies. Life span and age perspectives enable, for example, the examination of not only change and fracture, but also of continuity in the processes of migration, integration and identity formation. It is thus important to promote research in this area.

The Finnish Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International
Migration (ETMU) and The Finnish Youth Research Society have joined their forces and announce an international interdisciplinary conference "Generations in Flux". We invite researchers from different disciplines who address questions of age, life course, identity and migration. The conference offers an interdisciplinary forum for dialogue and exchange of diverse theoretical and empirical traditions. Our main objective is to discuss social and psychological processes, and forms of culture in generational encounters related to migration and new patterns of transmission of "the old to the new".

The keynote speakers of the conference are: Prof. Floya Anthias (University of Roehampton, London), Prof. David L. Sam (University of Bergen), Prof. Jean Phinney (University of Los Angeles), Dr. Anna Rastas (University of Tampere), PhD Marko Juntunen (University of Helsinki) and Senior Researcher Viggo Vestel (Norwegian Social Research).

Call for papers

Researchers, research groups and students are invited and encouraged to submit paper abstracts to the sessions dealing with the above mentioned themes. In addition, some sessions more generally related to migration and ethnicity will be organized. All sessions are held in English.

The sessions are following:

1) Conflict and cohesion in immigrant families and intergenerational

2) Immigrant children and youth: the second generation growing up

3) Intergenerational dynamics: between individualisation and
interconnectedness among diaspora groups in Scandinavia

4) Memory and belonging in diaspora communities

a. Diaspora community, its memory through age and generations

b. Movement and belonging: perceptions on self in an intergenerational
context in diasporic communities

5) Multiple membership and changing forms of citizenship in youth

6) Religion in the world of diversity: perspectives to religious
identity and education

7) Health and caring in immigrant populations

8) Diversity management in global metropolis: border controls and
precarious labour?

9) Interdisciplinary approaches to the right to culture as a human

10) Multicultural identity and language

11) Multiple identities: migrants, ethnicity, and membership

12) Organising foreignness

a. Governing territories and populations

b. Immigrant integration: between culture and politics

13) Research on multiculturalism, ethnic relations and racism:
methodological and ethical challenges

Participants wishing to present papers are invited to submit an abstract of
no more than 200 words. All abstracts must be submitted online using the
abstract submission form which can be found from the conference website:

Deadline for the abstract submission is August 31.

Information about the acceptance of the paper will be sent to each
participant by email in the beginning of September. The organisers reserve
themselves the right to move papers between sessions.

More information about the conference, including fees and registration, as
well as about the submission of abstracts and session themes are available
at <>

Please forward this Call for papers to colleagues and all others with an
interest in study of Ethnic Relations, International Migration or Youth



Nuorisotutkimusseura ry, Asemapäällikönkatu 1, 00520 Helsinki (2. krs).
puh. 020 755 2653, e-mail:
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