Creating Spaces, Connecting Worlds: Dimensions of the Press in the Middle East and Eurasia

Creating Spaces, Connecting Worlds: Dimensions of the Press in the Middle East and Eurasia

Ulrich Brandenburg; Eliza Isabaeva; Helena Rust; Gonzalo San Emeterio Cabañes
University of Zurich
Vom - Bis
31.10.2019 - 02.11.2019
Ulrich Brandenburg

This workshop has emerged out of the panel “Creating Spaces, Connecting Worlds: The Press in the Middle East and Beyond as a Historical Actor,” which Leyla von Mende (University of Jena) and Ulrich Brandenburg convened for the 3rd European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies in Bamberg in September 2018. By continuing our discussions from Bamberg in Zurich and including the perspectives of new participants, the organizers intend to initiate a regular series of meetings of scholars interested in the historical role of the press. Essential questions to be discussed are: - How can we grasp and describe the role of the press as a historical actor? How does its role differ between the global, imperial, national, regional and local levels? - What options are available for the classification of journals and newspapers beyond national press histories? - How can we aggregate knowledge about the press through the use of cooperative digital resources? To participate, please register until October 25, 2019 with:


Thursday, Oct. 31, 2019

10:15-10:30 Introductory remarks: Ulrich Brandenburg (Zurich)

10:30-12:00 Panel I: Ottoman Istanbul as a Local and Global Media Hub
Chair: Ulrich Brandenburg (Zurich)
Aysegül Argit (Heidelberg): “British, French and German Reactions on the Ottoman Revolutionary Press”
Ali Sonay (Basel): "Transnational Mediascapes in the Early 20th Century: The Press in the Young Turk Era"

13:30-15:30 Panel II: Russia and Beyond – Boundaries and Overlaps in Communication Structures
Chair: Eliza Isabaeva (Zurich)
Ryosuke Ono (Waseda University Tokyo): “‘Preparations for Our Future’: A Failed Attempt to Send Turk-Tatar Youths from the Far East to Al-Azhar, according to the Tatar Newspaper Milli Bayraq (1936-ca.1940)”
Ivan Sablin (Heidelberg): “A Public Sphere without a State: Newspapers in the Russian Far East, 1920”
Ulrich Brandenburg (Zurich): “Like Father Like Son? Two Tatars in pre-WWI Japan and the Press”

16:00-17:15 Roundtable Discussion: The Press – A Mirror or a Maker of Public Opinion?
Input from communication studies: Mike Meißner (Fribourg)

18:00-19:30 Public keynote lecture
Samir Seikaly (American University of Beirut): “At the Fringes of Empire: The Press in Egypt and Syria on the Eve of World War I”

Friday, Nov. 1, 2019

10:00-12:00 Panel III: The Press in the Intellectual Re-Making of the Middle East
Chair: Ulrich Brandenburg (Zurich)
Mohammad Magout (Leipzig): "Researching Religion in the Arabic Press in the 19th Century: Some Methodological Reflections"
Helena Rust (Zurich): “Disciplining Bodies, Educating Desires: Al-Riyāḍa al-Badaniyya as a Forum for Arabic Sexology in the 1930s”
Mehdi Sajid (Utrecht): “The Other Egyptian Islamic Press in the Interwar Years: The Journal al-Fatḥ as an Example”

13:30-15:00 Panel IV: Public Sphere or Locally Fragmented Publics?
Chair: Helena Rust (Zurich)
Ellinor Morack (Bamberg): "The Constitutional Revolution of 1908 and its Impact on Provincial Newspapers: The Case of Kastamonu"
Ayça Baydar (SOAS London): “Tracing the Path from Coexistence to the Catastrophe through the Analysis of the ‘Karamanlidhika’ Press (1897-1924)”

15:30-16:45 Roundtable Discussion: How can we categorize, present, and connect press sources?
Input from Japanese and global history: Gonzalo San Emeterio Cabañes (Zurich/Madrid)

17:30-19:00 Public film screening: “Karlstraße 10”
Documentary produced by the ERC project “Neither Visitors, nor Colonial Victims: Muslims in Interwar Europe and European Trans-cultural History”

Saturday, Nov. 2, 2019

10:00-11:30 Panel V: Digital Methods and Arabic Press Materials
Chair: Gonzalo San Emeterio Cabañes (Zurich/Madrid)
Till Grallert (Orient-Institut Beirut): “Digital Tools and the Analysis of al-Muqtaṭaf's Networks”
Emad Mohamed (Wolverhampton) and Umar Ryad (KU Leuven): “'Ugly' but Civilized? The Images of Europe in the Arab Muslim Press in the Colonial Age”

11:30-12:00 Final discussion


Ulrich Brandenburg

Rämistr. 59, CH-8001 Zürich
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