Bukovina and Bukovinians after the Second World War: (Re)shaping and (Re)thinking a Region after Genocide and ‘ethnic Unmixing’

Bukovina and Bukovinians after the Second World War: (Re)shaping and (Re)thinking a Region after Genocide and ‘ethnic Unmixing’

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maren Röger, Juniorprofessur: "Transnationale Wechselbeziehungen: Deutschland und das östliche Europa", University of Augsburg and Dr. Gaëlle Fisher, Bukowina-Institut at the University of Augsburg
Bukowina-Institut an der Universität Augsburg, Alter Postweg 97a, 86159 Augsburg
Vom - Bis
14.09.2016 - 15.09.2016
Gaelle Fisher, University College London

The historical region of Bukovina disappeared definitively from the map of Europe as a result of the Second World War. Politics of expansion, ‘ethnic unmixing’ and genocide marked the end of its existence as an independent political, geographical and social unit. This also put an end to its renowned ethnic and cultural diversity. Yet today, Bukovina is still widely referred to as a multi-ethnic – if not ‘multi-cultural’ – region. In particular, it is known as the site of the German-Jewish symbiosis embodied by a range of famous German-speaking Jewish writers and the Viennese lookalike city of Czernowitz (Ukrainian Chernivtsi, Russian Chernovtsy and Romanian Cernăuți). In many ways, therefore, Bukovina and Bukovinians did not disappear after 1945. Those who left rebuilt their lives elsewhere; those who stayed adapted to new circumstances; the place itself continued to exist and change under the impact of Sovietization and the effects of late and post-communism. Its present-day perception is the result of what can be described as a complex Aneignungsgeschichte: the way in which Bukovina was reshaped and rethought both in its historical location and abroad where it was remembered and re-enacted.

The region’s distinct and multifaceted “afterlife” (Marianne Hirsch/ Leo Spitzer) deserves to be explored. The aim of this workshop is to investigate the postwar histories of ‘Bukovina’ and ‘Bukovinians’ in all of their political, cultural and geographical diversity. It seeks to embed the history of the region and its (former) inhabitants in the larger web of post-war social, political and cultural relations and developments. This event will therefore focus on the experiences of self-identifying Bukovinians (Bukovina Romanians, Ukrainians, Jews, Germans and Poles among others) in their respective postwar contexts (e.g. West Germany, Austria, Israel, USA etc.) as well as developments on the ground in Romania and Ukraine (in the Soviet Union and after independence). In so doing, it will shed light on the different ways in which Bukovina has served to refract historical meaning among and beyond those with a direct connection to the region.

In cooperation with the Bukowina-Institut at the University of Augsburg, the University of Klagenfurt, the Institute for German Culture and History of Southeastern Europe (IKGS) at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the FORUMOST of the University of Augsburg

This project is funded in part by the Bavarian Ministry for Work, Social Affairs, Family and Integration


Wednesday 14th September

14.00: Introduction and welcome (Maren Röger and Gaëlle Fisher)

14.15 – 17.00: Rebuilding Communities after Genocide and ‘Ethnic Unmixing’
Chair: Florian Kührer-Wielach (Munich)

Die neuen Kader “aus dem Osten”: Narrative der Nachkriegssowjetisierung in der Bukowina – Olena Petrenko (Bochum)

Between Liberation and Emigration: Bukovina Jews in Post-war Romania – Gaëlle Fisher (Augsburg)

15.30: Coffee Break

Old Settler – New Land: The Founding of the Buchenland-Siedlung in Stuttgart Büsnau – Mathias Beer (Tübingen)

Zōē and Bios; the Forms-of-life of Bukovina Refugees in Post-war Romania – Lidia Gheorghiu-Bradley (Brasov) & Dr Stefan Ungurean (Brasov)

19.00: Conference Dinner

Thursday 15th September

9.30 - 11.00: Rewriting Bukovina: The Role of Literature
Chair: Bettina Bannasch (Augsburg)

Images of Czernowitz in the Works of Some Modern Ex-Bukovinian Émigré Jewish Writers – Wolf Moskovich (Jerusalem)

Bukarest als intellektuelle Hauptstadt der deutschsprachigen Bukowina: 1945-1947 – Andrei Corbea-Hoisie (Iasi)

„Ich möchte mir selber viele Geschichten erzählen“: The Literary Depiction of Bukovina as Idealized (childhood) Memory in the Work of Edgar Hilsenrath – Anna Zachmann (Augsburg)

11.00: Coffee break

11.30 – 13.00: Remembering Survival: Home and Exile
Chair: Dieter Pohl (Klagenfurt)

Die Bukowina als traumatischer Ort – Zur Literarisierung spezifischer Erfahrungen im Kontext der Deportationen nach Transnistrien – Francisca Salomon (Iasi)

Trip to Chernivtsi or return to Czernowitz. The paradoxes of memory and nostalgia over three generations – Florence Heymann (Jerusalem)

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch – Bukowina-Institut

14.00 – 15.30: Recalling and Reinventing: The Bukovina Myth
Chair: Alfred Wildfeuer (Augsburg)

“Bukowina als Erinnerung. Vergleichsanalyse der deutschen und polnischen Aussiedler” – Ewelina Wanat (Chemnitz)

The Meanings of Nostalgia in Reshaping Contemporary Cityscape of Chernivtsi – Karolina Koziura (New York)

"Returning Chernivtsi to the cultural map of Europe"? Analysing the Memory Work of the Poetry Festival Meridian Czernowitz – Niklas Bernsand (Lund)

15.30: Coffee Break

16.00: Closing Discussion (Andrei Corbea-Hoisie and Dieter Pohl)


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