European Elites and Revolutionary Change: 1789 – 1848 – 1917. The Aftermath

European Elites and Revolutionary Change: 1789 – 1848 – 1917. The Aftermath

Dr Anna Ananieva and Prof Andreas Schönle; Queen Mary University of London; School of Languages, Linguistics, and Film; Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Campus, Arts Two Building, Senior Common Room, London E1 4NS
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
02.11.2017 - 03.11.2017
Anna Ananieva, QMUL

With the emergence of European modernity over the course of the “long” 19th century, the existing systems of power and social relations were not only challenged and renegotiated, they also underwent dramatic alterations – not once, but multiple times. Thus, looking back, it makes sense to locate the struggle to establish a nation-state governed by parliamentary democracy as part of the same historical process as the deposition and beheading of the French king and the murder of the Russian emperor and his family.

The era’s revolutionary upheavals, which saw the participation of not only traditional political actors but also portions of the rural population, brought about wide-reaching changes in the political and social order. Revolutions established new institutions and practices, built new communities, and created alternative forms of identity. Nor did the consequences of these events stop at the borders of the countries or regions where they occurred. On the contrary: they contributed to the transregional circulation of ideas and they appreciably encouraged – indeed, even compelled – the movement of people across borders.

This conference looks at the revolutions of 1789, 1848 and 1917, focusing on the consequences for European elites in terms of their agency, their social status and community belonging, and their everyday lives and lifestyles in general. The organisers invite discussion of the dynamics of the social and cultural changes that accompanied these major revolutionary events.

The two-day conference aims to serve as a forum for an interdisciplinary discussion in which the local logic and characteristics of the French Revolution, the central European 1848 Revolution, and the Russian Revolution can be examined in the context of their transnational ramifications. Our hope is that this analysis will make it possible to arrive at a better understanding of the “European elite” as a socially heterogeneous formation that requires a more precise historical definition.


Conference Programme

Thursday, 2 November 2017
Welcome & Introduction: Anna Ananieva & Andreas Schönle

Chair: Professor Andreas Schönle (QMUL)

Professor William Doyle (University of Bristol)
The Limits of Legislation: Beliefs and Bloodlines

14:45 – 15:30
Dr Friedemann Pestel (University of Freiburg)
La France du dehors: French Émigrés and European Spaces of Political Exile

15:30-16:00 Coffee break

Professor David Duff (QMUL)
Experiments on the Public Mind: Romantic Poetry and Revolutionary Trauma, 1789-1817

Dr Alexandra Veselova (RAS, St Petersburg) & Michail Miliutin (St Petersburg State University)
The Russian 'glorious revolution' of 1762 and the French 'bloodshed' of 1789 in the assessment of the Russian provincial nobleman of the 18th century (according to the memoirs of A.T. Bolotov)

Friday, 3 November 2017

Chair: Professor Christina von Hodenberg (QMUL)

Professor Dr Heinricht Best (University of Jena)
The Apprenticeship of Democratic Representation: The Frankfurt and Paris National Assemblies in the Revolutions of 1848 – 1849

Dr Jonathan Kwan (University of Nottingham)
The Experience of the 1848-49 Revolutions and the Development of Liberalism in the Habsburg Monarchy

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

Dr Denis Sdvizhkov (GHI Moscow)
The Revolution that Did Not Happen: Russia and the Impact of 1848

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch

Chair: Professor Dr Klaus Gestwa (University of Tübingen)

Professor Dr Dietrich Beyrau (University of Tübingen)
Destruction, Dispersion and Survival of an Elite: The Case of the Russian Empire 1917-1922

Dr Stanislav Savitski (Smolny College, St Petersburg State University / HSE St Petersburg)
New Elites, New Gardens: Transformation of Park as a Public Space in USSR (1920s-30s)

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break

Dr Markian Prokopovych (University of Birmingham)
Transformation of Urban Spaces in Interwar Central Europe: Continuities and Ruptures in Architecture and Symbolic Politics of Space

Dr Olga Sobolev & Dr Angus Wrenn (LSE)
Interpreting the ‘Writing on the Eastern Wall of Europe’: G. B. Shaw & H. G. Wells on the Russian Revolution

17 - 18
Final Discussion & Departure

The conference is free to attend, and is open to academics from all research backgrounds.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 655429.


Dr Anna Ananieva
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow

Queen Mary University of London, SLLF, Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS
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