German Studies Review 40 (2017), 2

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German Studies Review 40 (2017), 2
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three times each year



German Studies Review
United States
Fritsche, Jana

German Studies Review (GSR) is the scholarly journal of the German Studies Association (GSA), the world’s largest academic association devoted to the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary study of the German-speaking countries. Recent issues have covered topics from Alexander von Humboldt and postcolonial theory to Krupp housing estates in the Ruhr valley to the popularity of German gangsta rap. A peer-reviewed journal, GSR includes articles and book reviews on the history, literature, culture, and politics of the German-speaking areas of Europe encompassing primarily, but not exclusively, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.


Volume 40, Number 2, May 2017

Table of Contents


Freedom and its Boundaries: Johann Nestroy as Political Thinker
pp. 249–266 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0045
Peter C. Meilaender

Franz Roh's Nach-Expressionismus and the Weltanschauung of the Weimar Republic
pp. 267–288 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0046
Andrew Hemingway

A Tale of Two Novalises: The Legacy of Romantic Literature in German Alternative Pop Music
pp. 289–312 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0047
Stefan Höppner

"'Women of Peace' We Are Not": Feminist Militants in the West German Autonomen and the Women's Movement
pp. 313–332 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0048
Patricia Melzer

A Sort of Homecoming: The German Refugee Crisis of 1929
pp. 333–352 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0049
John Eicher

A Berlin Republic Convivencia?: Ethnic Tensions in the Turkish- German-Jewish Triangle
pp. 353–371 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0050
Nick Block

The Objects of Remembrance: Jenny Erpenbeck's Short Stories Alongside Contemporary Exhibitions of East German Material Culture
pp. 373–387 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0051
Ariana Orozco

GSA Conference Snapshots

Die Ungnade der späten Geburt: Challenges in the Twenty-First Century for Central Europeans: German Studies Association Presidential Address 2016
pp. 389–405 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0052
Irene Kacandes


Nahbeziehungen bei Hof—Manifestationen des Vertrauens. Karrieren in reichsfürstlichen Diensten am Ende des Mittelalters by Jan Hirschbiegel, and: The Emperor's Old Clothes: Constitutional History and the Symbolic Language of the Holy Roman Empire by Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger (review)
pp. 407–409 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0053
Heikki Lempa

The Origins of the Thirty Years War and the Revolt in Bohemia, 1618 by Geoff Mortimer (review)
pp. 409–411 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0054
Phillip Haberkern

Pflug und Steuerruder: Zur Verflechtung von Herrschaft und Landwirtschaft in der Aufklärung by Susan Richter (review)
pp. 411–413 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0055
Bodie A. Ashton

Before Boas: The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German Enlightenment by Han F. Vermeulen (review)
pp. 413–415 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0056
Karl J. Fink

Österreich und der Immerwährende Reichstag. Studien zur Klientelpolitik und Parteibildung (1745–1763) by Michael Rohrschneider (review)
pp. 415–417 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0057
Chris Thornhill

Faust lesen, Faust verstehen by Gernot Böhme (review)
pp. 417–419 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0058
William Carter

Goethe and Judaism: The Troubled Inheritance of Modern Literature by Karin Schutjer (review)
pp. 419–421 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0059
Sarah Vandegrift Eldridge

Ethics and the Dynamic Observer Narrator: Reckoning with Past and Present in German Literature by Katra A. Byram (review)
pp. 421–424 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0060
John B. Lyon

Bluestocking Feminism and British-German Cultural Transfer, 1750–1837 by Alessa Johns (review)
pp. 424–426 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0061
Lorely French

Nietzsche's Last Laugh: Ecce Homo as Satire by Nicholas D. More (review)
pp. 426–428 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0062
Sean Ireton

Sex and Control: Venereal Disease, Colonial Physicians, and Indigenous Agency in German Colonialism, 1884–1914 by Daniel J. Walther (review)
pp. 428–430 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0063
Martin Kalb

Avantgarde und Modernismus. Dezentrierung, Subversion und Transformation im literarisch-künstlerischen Feld ed. by Wolfgang Asholt (review)
pp. 430–432 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0064
Sage Anderson

Poetics of Dance: Body, Image, and Space in the Historical Avant-Gardes by Gabriele Brandstetter (review)
pp. 432–434 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0065
Caroline Weist

Walter Ruttmann and the Cinema of Multiplicity: Avant-Garde, Advertising, Modernity by Michael Cowan (review)
pp. 435–437 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0066
Gerd Gemünden

Benjamin's Passages: Dreaming, Awakening by Alexander Gelley (review)
pp. 437–439 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0067
Ferdinand Bubacz

The Consuming Temple: Jews, Department Stores, and the Consumer Revolution in Germany, 1880–1940 by Paul Lerner (review)
pp. 439–441 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0068
Michael Brenner

Between Yesterday and Tomorrow: German Visions of Europe, 1926–1950 by Christian Bailey (review)
pp. 441–443 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0069
Steve Hochstadt

Erkenne Dich selbst! Strategien der Sichtbarmachung des Körpers im 20. Jahrhundert ed. by Sybilla Nikolow (review)
pp. 443–444 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0070
Peter M. McIsaac

Der Ostmark treue Alpensöhne. Die Integration der Österreicher in die großdeutsche Wehrmacht by Thomas A. Grischany (review)
pp. 445–446 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0071
Peter Thaler

Moroni and the Swastika: Mormons in Nazi Germany by David Conley Nelson (review)
pp. 447–449 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0072
David J. Howlett

Mission at Nuremberg: An American Army Chaplain and the Trial of the Nazis by Tim Townsend (review)
pp. 449–450 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0073
Blake I. Campbell

The Holocaust and the Revival of Psychological History by Judith M. Hughes (review)
pp. 450–452 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0074
Russell A. Spinney

"Wir wollten was tun." Widerstand von Jugendlichen in Werder an der Havel 1949–1953 by Iris Bork-Goldfield (review)
pp. 452–454 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0075
Phil Leask

Gender Politics and Mass Dictatorship: Global Perspectives ed. by Jie-Hyun Lim and Karen Petrone, and: Mass Dictatorship and Modernity ed. by Michael Kim, Michael Schoenhals, and Yong-Woo Kim, and: Mass Dictatorship and Memory as Ever Present Past ed. by Jie-Hyun Lim, Barbara Walker, and Peter Lambert, and: Imagining Mass Dictatorships: The Individual and the Masses in Literature and Cinema ed. by Michael Schoenhals and Karin Sarsenov, and: Everyday Life in Mass Dictatorship: Collusion and Evasion Ed. by Alf Lüdtke (review)
pp. 455–459 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0076
Ángel Alcalde

Composing the Canon in the German Democratic Republic: Narratives of Nineteenth-Century Music by Elaine Kelly (review)
pp. 459–460 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0077
David G. Tompkins

How We Learn Where We Live: Thomas Bernhard, Architecture, and Bildung by Fatima Naqvi (review)
pp. 460–462 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0078
Jacob Haubenreich

After the Red Army Faction: Gender, Culture, and Militancy by Charity Scribner (review)
pp. 462–464 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0079
Gary L Baker

East, West and Centre: Reframing Post-1989 European Cinema ed. by Michael Gott and Todd Herzog (review)
pp. 465–467 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0080
David N. Coury

Berlin Replayed: Cinema and Urban Nostalgia in the Postwall Era by Brigitta B. Wagner (review)
pp. 467–469 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0081
Katharina Gerstenberger

Hermann-Broch-Handbuch ed. by Michael Kessler and Paul Michael Lützeler (review)
pp. 469–471 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0082
Kirk Wetters

Christian Petzold by Jaimey Fisher (review)
pp. 471–473 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0083
Muriel Cormican

After the Fact: The Holocaust in Twenty-First Century Documentary Film by Brad Prager (review)
pp. 473–475 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0084
Margarete Landwehr

Zivilgesellschaft im Widerstreit. Konkurrenz zwischen Staat, Ökonomie und Zivilgesellschaft in der Realisierung des gesamtgesellschaftlichen Gemeinwohls by Reinhard Hildebrandt (review)
pp. 475–477 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0085
Christine Schoenmakers

Der Souveränitätseffekt by Joseph Vogl (review)
pp. 477–479 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0086
Alex Holznienkemper

Die Bedeutung des muslimischen Kopftuches. Eine kleidungssemiotische Untersuchung Kopftuch tragender Muslimminnen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Reyhan Şahin (review)
pp. 480–481 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0087
Kate Zambon

Die neuen Staatsfeinde. Wie die Helfer syrischer Kriegsflüchtlinge in Deutschland kriminalisiert werden by Stefan Buchen (review)
pp. 482–483 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0088
Quinn Slobodian

pp. 485–486 / DOI: 10.1353/gsr.2017.0089

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