Český časopis historický 106 (2008), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
Český časopis historický 106 (2008), 2
Weiterer Titel 

Praha 2008: Academia
Anzahl Seiten
239 S.
110 € (für ganzen Jahrgang)



Český časopis historický / The Czech Historical Review
Czech Republic
Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prosecká 76, CZ-190 00 Praha 9 – Nový Prosek
Pokorná, Magdaléna




MILLER Jaroslav
Snový svět idejí a syrovost skutečnosti: městská historiografie raného novověku jako utopie?
(A Dream World of Ideas and Harshness of Reality: Early Modern Urban Historiography as an Utopia?), S. 261-287
This study advocates the thesis in a broadly understood genre of Early Modern Age urban historiography that there was inherently present, alongside the positive realistic level of communication, a normative utopian level, which mediated a vision of the ideal urban republic. The author supports this thesis through textual analysis and the comparison of urban historiographic texts with contemporary utopian works. The study further establishes that the image of the perfect mediaeval and Early Modern Urban Community, characterized by shared values and opinions, harmony, unity and order, had been influenced by Plato and Aristotle’s deliberations on an ideal political and social order.
Key words: Utopia, urban historiography, the Early Modern Age

Postoj pražských přírodovědců ke krásným vědám a estetice ve druhé polovině 18. století
(The Attitudes of Prague Naturalists to Schöne Wissenschaften and Aesthetics in the Second Half of the 18th Century), S. 288-326
The attitudes of Prague naturalists from the second half of the 18th century to Schöne Wissenschaften and Aesthetics have not yet been the subject of systematic research. One exception might be the clashes betweent supporters of the most important Bohemian naturalist Ignaz von Born (1742-1791) and supporters of the University Professor of Schöne Wissenschaften Karl Heinrich Seibt (1735-1806), which occured in the first half of the 1770s. This study investigates the views of Bohemian naturalists during the period starting with the introduction of natural sciences at Prague University in the 1750s until the end of the 18th century when these disciplines came to enjoy a high reputation. The approach adopted here is based on an analysis of the printed and archival materials with the aim of drawing attention to the as yet unknown circumstances, together with the novel approach to traditional topics, headed by the above mentioned dispute between Born and Seibt’s supporters.
Key words: Bohemia, Prague University, Aesthetics, Schöne Wissenschaften, natural sciences, the history of science, the Enlightenment

„Očista“ na ministerstvu zahraničních věcí po roce 1945. K poválečnému vyšetřování událostí spojených s okupací Česko-Slovenska
(„The Purge“ at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after 1945. On the Post-War Insvestigation of Events Connected with the Occupation of Czechoslovakia), S. 327-348
This study describes the activities of the Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which after the liberation of Czechoslovakia in 1945 dealt with the issue of the conduct of Czechoslovak citizen–diplomats after the occupation of Bohemia and Moravia in March 1939, and the activities of Czechoslovak diplomats during the occupation. It had to assess the possibility of their return to an active Czechoslovak diplomatic service, or, in the cases of their wrong-doing, hand them over to the judicial system to face punishment.
Key words: diplomacy, foreign policy, Czechoslovakia, 1945-1948


SALAČ Vladimír
Praha v pravěku (a raném středověku)
(Prague in Prehistoric Times /and the Early Middle Ages/), S. 349-357
In 2005 an extensive monograph on Prague in prehistoric times was published. Its editors were Michal Lutovský and Lubor Smejtek. This work comprises texts and a wealth of pictorial documentation, which does not merely relate to the prehistoric period but it also deals with the Early Middle Ages (until the 10th century) and at the same time with the history of archaeological research, the natural features of the city’s territory and the etymology of its geographical names.
Key words: Prague, prehistoric times, the Early Middle Ages

Ocenění Františka Šmahela
(Honours for František Šmahel), S. 358-374

Pešek Jiří
Historiografie prvního století dějin pražské university v evropské perspektivě Františka Šmahela
(The Historiography of the First Centenary of Prague University’s History in František Šmahel’s European Perspective), S. 375-383
This review article deals with the research into the history of Charles University from its founding in 1348 to the mid-15th century as reflected by the rich and substantial historiographical works of František Šmahel, whose Selected Studies were published last year.
Key words: History of Universities, Prague, Middle Ages, Historiography, František Šmahel

MACHÁČEK Jiří, Pohansko bei Břeclav. Ein frühmittelalterliches Zentrum als sozialwirtschaftliches System (David Kalhous) S. 384 – TURČAN Vladimír, Byzantská kultúra a Slovensko. Zborník štúdií (Hana Chorvátová) S. 390 - ČORNEJ Petr - BARTLOVÁ Milena, Velké dějiny zemí Koruny české. Svazek VI. 1437-1526 (František Šmahel) S. 393 - HUBER Kurt Augustinus, Katholische Kirche und Kultur in Böhmen. Ausgewählte Abhandlungen (Herausgegeben von Joachim BAHLCKE und Rudolf GRULICH), (Jaroslav Šebek) S. 395 - HARTSTOCK Erhard, Teichwirtschaft in der Oberlausitz bis 1945. Abriß der Geschichte von den Anfängen bis 1945 (Jan Zdichynec) S. 398 - GALANDAUER Jan, František kníže Thun. Místodržící Českého království (Pavel Cibulka) S. 400 - DEJMEK Jindřich, Edvard Beneš. Politická biografie českého demokrata. Část první. Revolucionář a diplomat (1884–1935), (Roman Holec) S. 403 - STOBIECKI Rafał, Historiografia PRL. Ani dobra, ani mądra, ani piękna… ale skomplikowana (Maciej Górny) S. 408 - CACCAMO Francesco, Jiří Pelikán, un lungo viaggio nell’arcipelago socialista (Pavel Helan) S. 411

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