Historia 50 (2001)

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historia 50 (2001)
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Stuttgart 2001: Franz Steiner Verlag
Jahresabonnement € 168,--, Einzelheft € 48,--



Prof. Dr. Kai Brodersen Historia Universität 99105 Erfurt Telefon: 0361 / 737-4301 Telefax: 0361 / 737-4479



Juliette Ernst 1900 – 2001 [I]

CYNTHIA J. BANNON (Indiana University, Bloomington), Servitudes for Water Use in the Roman Suburbium [34]
ERNST BALTRUSCH (Freie Universität Berlin), Königin Salome Alexandra (76-67 v.Chr.) und die Verfassung des hasmonäischen Staates [163]
STÉPHANE BENOIST (Université de Caen – CNRS Paris), Le prince, la cité et les événements: l’année 68-69 à Rome [279]
ANDREW BERRIMAN – MALCOM TODD (University of Nottingham), A Very Roman Coup: the Hidden War of Imperial Succession, AD 96-8 [312]
ROBERT BUNSE (Ranzig), Die frühe Zensur und die Entstehung der Kollegialität [145]
P. BURGERS (Tilburg, Netherlands), Coinage and State Expenditure: The Reign of Claudius AD 41-54 [96]
KARL CHRIST (Philipps-Universität Marburg/Lahn), Velleius und Tiberius [180]
SVIATOSLAV DMITRIEV (Michigan State University), The End of provincia Asia [468]
NORBERT DÖRNER (Universität Trier), Ambrosius in Trier. Zu den Hintergründen der zweiten Gesandtschaft bei Maximus (Ambrosius, epist. 30 [24]) [217]
PAUL P. M. ERDKAMP (University of Nijmegen), Beyond the Limits of the ‘Consumer City’. A Model of the Urban and Rural Economy in the Roman World [332]
DAVID W. J. GILL (University of Wales, Swansea), The Decision to Build the Temple of Athena Nike (IG I3 35) [257]
ROBERT A. HADLEY † (The Georg Washington University, Washington, D.C.), A Possible Lost Source for the Career of Eumenes of Kardia [3]
JULIA HILLNER (University of Manchester), Die Berufsangaben und Adressen auf den stadtrömischen Sklavenhalsbändern [193]
PATRICK KRAGELUND (Royal Academy of Art, Copenhagen), Dreams, Religion and Politics in Republican Rome [53]
ARNALDO MARCONE (Università di Parma), La storia di una riedizione difficile: la Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire di M. Rostovtzeff [357]
DIDIER MARCOTTE (Université de Saint-Étienne), Structure et caractère de l’œuvre historique d’Agatharchide [385]
STUART S. MILLER (University of Connecticut at Storrs), Josephus on the Cities of Galilee: Factions, Rivalries and Alliances in the First Jewish Revolt [453]
LUIGI PEDRONI (Napoli), Illusionismo antico e illusioni moderne sul soldo legionario da "Polibio" a Domiziano [115]
SÉBASTIEN THIRY (Machecoul, France), Aspects géopolitiques de l’histoire des îles ioniennes aux époques classique et héllenistique [131]
ANDREW WRIGHT (University of Sydney), The Death of Cicero. Forming a Tradition: the Contamination of History [436]


KAY EHLING (Universität Duisburg), Zwei ‚seleukidische‘ Miszellen [374]
DEXTER HOYOS (University of Sydney), Identifying Hamilcar Barca’s Heights of Heircte [490]
BERNARD J. KAVANAGH (Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada), The Conspirator Aemilius Regulus and Seneca’s Aunt’s Family [379]
VASILE LICA (University of Galatzi, Rumania), Clades Variana and postliminium [496]
DAVID C. A. SHOTTER (Lancaster University), A Considered Epitaph [253]
F. RICHARD STEPHENSON – LOUAY J. FATOOHI (University of Durham), The Eclipses Recorded by Thucydides [245]

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