Studia Historica Nitriensia 17 (2013), 1

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Studia Historica Nitriensia 17 (2013), 1
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Studia Historica Nitriensia
Studia Historica Nitriensia Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Hodžova 1, 94901 Nitra
Palárik, Miroslav



Štúdie a články/Articles/Studien

BISTÁK, Peter – BORZOVÁ, Zuzana
Historické mlyny v Kostolianskej kotline
(Historical mills in Kostoľany valley)
pp. 3–22

During research of mills as medieval and modern technical buildings the interests of historians, archaeologists, ethnographers and conservationists overlap. For archaeologist, a question of research is interesting in connection with the reconstruction of historical landscape. During research of mills in Kostoľany valley we analysed historical maps and historical written records as well as results of archaeological field survey. Due to synthesis of obtained knowledge we were able to localize five historical water mills with a rich history situated on the stream Drevenica in Kostoľany valley. However, there are still many questions to be answered.

Key words: watermill; mill race; modern age; archaeology; historical maps; Kostoľany valley

Teória mémov a možnosti jej aplikácie v archeológii
(Theory of memes and its application potentionality in archaeology)
pp. 23–31

Cultural and biological evolutions are complex processes influenced by many internal and external factors. Both of them share some basic characteristics and key aspects like variation, inheritability and selection. Many researchers are investigating the possibility of the cultural evolution analysis, using the same methods and principles as for analysing the evolution of living organisms.

Key words: evolution of living organisms; theory of memes; behaviourism; archaeology

ZUBKO, Peter
Erby katolických diecéz na Slovensku
(The coat of arms of Catholic dioceses in Slovakia)
pp. 32–39

In Slovakia, there are twelve Catholic dioceses, of which eight Roman Catholic, three Greek Catholic and one military. Each diocese has own coat of arms. The coat of arms began to emerge in the 1970s. The most important author of coats of arms is Mr. Zdenko G. Alexy. This article explains the motives of coats of arms, armorial figures selections, date of acceptance and use, as well as the authorship of coats of arms.

Key words: Catholic dioceses; coat of arms; armorial figures

K problematike posledních Pálffyovcov na hrade Červený Kameň a ich vztah k obyvateľom okolitých obcí
(To the problematice of the last Pálffys at the Red Stone Castle and their relation to inhabitants of surrounding villages)
pp. 40–53

Pálffy family dominated and influenced the fate of the Small Carpathian region for long centuries. This study follows the development of former economic and administrative centre – the Red Stone Castle estate in the interwar period. The Red Stone Castle was being kept by Pálffy family until the end of the World War II. However, in this period they had to face many problems brought by the change after the World War I. Also the relation to inhabitants changed significantly and Pálffys had to cope with it.

Key words: Pálffy family, Red Stone Castle, interwar period

Deväť zlatých hviezd. Hrdinovia alebo náhodný výber propagandy? Tanková čata podporučíka Deputatova v obrane Hronského predmostia
(Nine golden stars. Heroes or a propaganda´s random selection? Platoon of second lieutenant Deputanov in the defence of the Hron bridgehead)
pp. 54–68

On February 17, 1945 units of the German Wehrmacht launched its last successful tank offensive on the eastern front. This operation received name Südwind. Its goal was an elimination of the Soviet 2nd Ukrainian front bridgehead on the lower Hron. The progress of this operation is well documented in the military-historical literature. We know exactly the units, their activity, even the losses on both sides. There is lack of information concerning the human dimension of this operation. Article focuses on three crews of second lieutenant Deputatov, who held their positions in lost battle until last moment and after it, they were celebrated as heroes. Were they really exceptional heroes or randomly selected examples to serve as a mean of strengthening the morale and motivate the others for such deeds?

Keywords: operation Südwind, Deputatov, World War II, heroes of the Soviet Union


Tlače 16. storočia v Archíve Gemerského Seniorátu e.c.a.v. v Revúcej
(The 16th century prints in archive of Gemer Bishopric of Evangelical church of the Augsburg confession in Revúca)
pp. 69–81

Following article descibes circs in Gemer bishopric since the moment of acceptance of the reformation up to the closing of the Satmar agreement (1526 – 1711). In the Archive of Gemer bishopric of Evangelical Church of the Augsburg confession in Revúca were discovered to this day 31 prints dated into 16th century. Following article publishes information about printers, places where was books printed, their languages or the decade, form which these volumes are.

Key words: Gemer bishopric; reformation; Satu Mare agreement; 16th century; prints

GLEJTEK, Miroslav
Testamenty a testamentárne právo v spišských kanonikov v 18. storočí
(Testaments and testamentary law of Spiš canons in 18th century)
pp. 82–98

The study deals with testaments of church representatives in modern era, particularly in the region of Spiš in the 18th century. Described is the development of testamentary law. Analysed is the division of canons´ property into the hereditary and non-hereditary property belonging to the beneficium. Described is the basic development of property inheritance rules and partition of the property among the heir beneficiaries. The paper introduces the testament of canon Andrej Čepešéni (1738) and describes its content and formal design. The aim is to use the particular example in order to introduce the modern era testaments.

Key words: testament; testamentary law; canons; modern era; Spiš region

Študijná cesta Johannesa Urzidila po Slovensku v lete 1920
(Johannes Urzidil´s study tour in Slovakia in summer 1920)
pp. 99–117

Following article introduces Johannes Urzidil´s observations connected with the territory of Slovakia. As a staff of German legation in Czechoslovakia, in summer 1920 Urzidil carried out a visit to Slovakia with the intention to describe the situation in eastern parts of Czechoslovak republic. In his extensive report he described and evaluated the situation in Slovakia. Published document is considered to be an important source of information concerning the conditions and moods in first years of republic. It also brings interesting point of view – Urzidil was Czechoslovak citizen with German nationality.

Key words: Johannes Urzidil; German Foreign Office; Slovakia; Czecho – Slovak relations


AUSZ, Mariusz
Kolegium Krakowskie Pijarów 1872–1914
(Collegium scholarum Piarum in Krakow in 1872–1914)
pp. 118–125

Following article deals with the history of Collegium Scholarum Piarum in Kraków at the turn of the 20th century. In the introduction is described complex socio-political situation in Poland in the 18th century and early 19th century, the period of a decline in Piarist schools. After the January Uprising in Poland remained only the Piarist College in Krakow. The main part of the article deals with the conditions related to facilities and staffing at Piarist College in Krakow and also its educational activities.

Key words: Piarist College in Krakow; January Uprising in Poland; socio-political situation in Poland

RUSŇÁK, Ľudovít
Osobnosti slovenskej archeológie a muzeológie od polovice 19. Storočia po polovicu 20. storočia
(Persönlichkeiten der Slowakischen Archäologie und Museologie von der Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts)
pp. 126–163

Diese Studie präsentiert die archäologische Forschung in der Slowakei von der Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts im Zusammenhang mit der Entfaltung des Museumwesens in diesem Zeitraum. Vorstellt ist die Arbeit und das Schicksal der Menschen, die sich der archäologischen Forschung näher widmeten. Verfolgt sind die Bemühungen um die Gründung eines Nationalmuseums in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Archäologische Forschung, die in dieser Zeit realisiert wurde, bereicherte unsere Erkenntnisse, viele Funde wurden aufbewahren und bis jetzt können wir sie in einheimischen oder ausländischen Museen sehen.

Stichwörter: Museologie; Archäologie; Persöhnlichkeiten, 19. und 20. Jahrhundert

Recenzie a anotácie/Review and Annotations/Kritik und glossen

ŠMAHEL, František. Diví lidé (v imaginaci) pozdního středověku. (Miroslav Glejtek), pp. 164–166

DUDEKOVÁ, Gabriela. Na ceste k modernej žene. Kapitoly z dejín rodových vzťahov na Slovensku. (Adriana Kičková), pp. 166–169

KOLLÁNYI, Ferencz. Az esztergomi érsekség pizetum joga. (Dávid Jablonský), pp. 169–170

SKAČAN, Juraj. Kresťanská mystika vo filozofii európskeho stredoveku. (Michal Veselei), pp. 170–173

Kronika/Chronicle/Chronik, pp. 174–182

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