Judaica Bohemiae 50 (2015), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Judaica Bohemiae 50 (2015), 1
Weiterer Titel 

jährlich 2 Bände
Anzahl Seiten
149 S.



Judaica Bohemiae
Czech Republic
Židovské muzeum v Praze Judaica Bohemiae U Staré školy 1, 3 110 01 Praha 1 Czech Republic Tel.: +420 221 711 576 (577)
Cermanova, Iveta

A new issue of the journal Judaica Bohemiae 50 (2015), 1 came out in September 2015. This volume includes a study by Zdeňka Stoklásková on the life and academic career of Bertold Bretholz, a historian and archivist of Jewish descent. It is followed by the final part of a study by Markéta Lhotová and Vlastimila Hamáčková that explores in detail the way that Jewish organizations in the Czech border regions were liquidated during the Second World War. In the 'Reports' section, Arno Pařík looks back at the life and work of the historian Jiří Fiedler who tragically died recently; this includes a bibliography of Fiedler's work compiled by Daniel Polakovič. There is also a collective report by J. Kuntoš, P. Schneider, M. Sidenberg, L. Uličná and D. Veselská on acquisition activity in the Jewish Museum's ‘Judaica’ sub-collection between 1994 and 2014. Michal Frankl discusses the Jewish Museum's recent exhibition at the Robert Guttmann Gallery, Orient in Bohemia? Jewish Refugees during the First World War. Julie Jenšovská and Jarka Vitámvásová review the workshop Archival Traces of Jewish History and the Holocaust in the Czech Republic.

The final section of the journal contains reviews of the books Vybrané hebrejské a jidiš prameny k dějinám Židů na Moravě: středověk a raný novověk [Selected Hebrew and Yiddish Sources on the History of the Jews in Moravia: The Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period] (T. Visi – M. Krappmann – A. Drexlerová, eds., Olomouc 2014), Vanished History. The Holocaust in Czech and Slovak Historical Culture (Tomas Sniegon, New York 2014), and Von der Hauptstadtposse zur Erfolgsgeschichte. Die Entstehung des Jüdischen Museums Berlin 1971–2001 (Daniel Bussenius, Göttingen 2014).




Zdeňka Stoklásková: The Academic Career of the Historian and Archivist Bertold Bretholz

Markéta Lhotová – Vlastimila Hamáčková: Die Liquidation der jüdischen Organisationen in den annektierten Grenzgebieten im Lichte der Materialien des Stiko Reichenberg II.


Arno Pařík: Jiří Fiedler and the Documentation of Jewish Sites Daniel Polakovič: A Bibliography of Jiří Fiedler

Jaroslav Kuntoš – Pavlína Schneider – Michaela Sidenberg – Lenka Uličná – Dana Veselská: Acquisition Activity in the ‘Judaica’ Sub-collection Groups mof the Jewish Museum in Prague, 1994–2014

Michal Frankl: Exhibiting Refugeedom. Orient in Bohemia? Jewish Refugees during the First World War

Julie Jenšovská – Jarka Vitámvásová: ‘Archival Traces of Jewish History and the Holocaust in the Czech Republic’ Workshop


Tamás Visi – Marie Krappmann – Alžběta Drexlerová, eds., Vybrané hebrejské a jidiš prameny k dějinám Židů na Moravě: středověk a raný novověk [Selected Hebrew and Yiddish Sources on the History of the Jews in Moravia: The Medieval and Early Modern Periods] (Jiřina Šedinová)

Tomas Sniegon, Vanished History. The Holocaust in Czech and Slovak Historical Culture (Nina Paulovičová)

Daniel Bussenius, Von der Hauptstadtposse zur Erfolgsgeschichte. Die Entstehung des Jüdischen Museums Berlin 1971–2001 (Katalin Deme)

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