CfA: Neue Calls for Articles 18.08.2017 [5]

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Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ), Zeitschrift der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Subject: CfA: "Meere und Ozeane" - Bonn 8/2017

1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War
Subject: CfA: Call for Papers: 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War - Berlin 1/2018

Forthcoming special issue of the "Usuteaduslik Ajakiri" (2018), edited by Eiker Faber (Potsdam), Jaan Lahe (Tallinn), Daniel Mielke (Potsdam) and Matthias Sandberg (Münster)
Subject: CfA: Forthcoming special issue of the "Usuteaduslik Ajakiri" on the "Religions" of the Roman Imperial Period (2018) - Tallinn 10/2017

European Network Remembrance and Solidarity
Subject: CfA: Violence in Twentieth-Century European History - Warsaw 9/2017

European Association for History of Nursing, PD Dr. Karen Nolte, Prof. Dr. Susanne Kreutzer
Subject: CfA: Call for Abstracts - European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics (ENHE) - Würzburg 8/2017

From: Johannes Piepenbrink <>
Date: 11.08.2017
Subject: CfA: "Meere und Ozeane" - Bonn 8/2017
Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ), Zeitschrift der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn
14.08.2017-15.09.2017, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ), Zeitschrift der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung

Meere und Ozeane sind nicht nur komplexe Ökosysteme und vielfältige Lebensräume für unzählige Arten, sondern auch für den Menschen extrem wichtig: Seit Jahrtausenden dienen sie als Nahrungsquelle und Rohstofflieferant, zudem sind sie ein entscheidender Faktor im Weltklimageschehen. Sie sind zugleich globalisierte Wirtschaftsräume, Schauplätze kriegerischer Auseinandersetzungen, Rückzugs- und Sehnsuchtsorte, Inspiration für Kunst und Literatur sowie vielfach schlicht Müllkippen. Mit all den unterschiedlichen und zunehmenden Nutzungen durch den Menschen sind häufig politische Fragen verbunden, weshalb Meere und Ozeane immer wieder Gegenstand internationaler Verhandlungen und Regulierungsbemühungen sind. Die natur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Erforschung der Meeresräume und ihrer historischen, gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Verbindung mit Land und Menschen spielt dabei eine wichtige Rolle, liefert sie doch die Wissensgrundlage, auf der politische Entscheidungen getroffen werden.

Zum Ende des gleichnamigen Wissenschaftsjahres widmet sich die Ausgabe 52/2017 von „Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte“ (APuZ) dem Thema „Meere und Ozeane“. Dafür suchen wir sechs wissenschaftliche Beiträge (bis zu 26 000 Zeichen inkl. Fußnoten), die sich aus unterschiedlichen fachlichen Perspektiven mit dem Thema in Geschichte und Gegenwart auseinandersetzen.

Exposés mit einem Umfang von höchstens 4000 Zeichen können bis zum 15. September 2017 per E-Mail an eingereicht werden. Aus den Exposés sollen die zugrunde liegenden Leitfragen, die Struktur des Beitrags und die Vorgehensweise der Autor(inn)en klar hervorgehen. Bitte fügen Sie auch einen Kurzlebenslauf bei.

Die Auswahl aus den Exposés wird von der APuZ-Redaktion vorgenommen. Kriterien sind Wissenschaftlichkeit, Originalität und politische Relevanz. Die Autor(inn)en haben anschließend bis Anfang November 2017 Zeit, ihre Beiträge zu schreiben. Diese werden in der Print- wie auch in der Online-Ausgabe der APuZ veröffentlicht.

„Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte“ – die Beilage zur Wochenzeitung „Das Parlament“ – wird von der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung herausgegeben. Sie veröffentlicht wissenschaftlich fundierte, allgemein verständliche Beiträge zu zeitgeschichtlichen und sozialwissenschaftlichen Themen sowie zu aktuellen politischen Fragen. Die Zeitschrift ist ein Forum kontroverser Diskussion, führt in komplexe Wissensgebiete ein und bietet eine ausgewogene Mischung aus grundsätzlichen und aktuellen Analysen. Sie fungiert als Scharnier zwischen Wissenschaft, politischer Bildung und breiter Öffentlichkeit.
Redaktion "Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte"

Adenauerallee 86
53113 Bonn

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From: Carla MacDougall <>
Date: 16.08.2017
Subject: CfA: Call for Papers: 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War - Berlin 1/2018
1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, Berlin
01.01.2018-15.09.2017, 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War

1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War is an English-language online reference work on World War I dedicated to publishing high quality peer-reviewed content. Each article in the encyclopedia is a self-contained publication and its author receives full recognition. All articles receive a distinct URL address as well as a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and are fully citable as scholarly publications. 1914-1918-online is an open access publication, which means that all articles are freely available online, ensuring maximum worldwide dissemination of content.

The editors invite academics to contribute articles on a select number of topics not yet covered by our invitation-only editorial process. The Call for Papers will be automatically updated. Authors who are interested in submitting a paper on any of the subjects listed should submit a short CV with a publication list, as well as an abstract (max. 250 words) or a full-length paper. To submit an abstract/full-length paper, please click on a topic of your choice in the list of open articles. The submission will then be sent to the responsible section editor(s) for consideration, after which you will be contacted with a decision.

The Call for Papers can be found by navigating from our home page (, or here:

Manuel Freistein

Freie Universität Berlin, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut
Koserstr. 20, D-14195 Berlin
+49 (0) 30 838 63723

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From: Daniel Mielke <>
Date: 18.08.2017
Subject: CfA: Forthcoming special issue of the "Usuteaduslik Ajakiri" on the "Religions" of the Roman Imperial Period (2018) - Tallinn 10/2017
Forthcoming special issue of the "Usuteaduslik Ajakiri" (2018), edited by Eiker Faber (Potsdam), Jaan Lahe (Tallinn), Daniel Mielke (Potsdam) and Matthias Sandberg (Münster), Tallinn
31.10.2017-31.10.2017, Forthcoming special issue of the "Usuteaduslik Ajakiri" (2018), edited by Eiker Faber (Potsdam), Jaan Lahe (Tallinn), Daniel Mielke (Potsdam) and Matthias Sandberg (Münster)

Primarily as well supported as largely encouraged by the Faculty of Theology of the University of Dorpat (Estonia), by the Institute of Theology in Tallinn and by the Estonian Academic Theological Society, providing appropriate contributions, a special issue of the periodicals “Usuteaduslik Ajakiri” (UA, ISSN (print): 1406–6564) will be published at the end of 2018. This edition (6–7 papers) is concerned with the “Religions” of the Roman Imperial Period. It is devoted to opening up new perspectives on specific phenomena based on international humanistic standards.
In particular, doctoral students from Classical Studies as well as associated disciplines and young scientists are provided a forum to present their considerations interdisciplinarily and to subject them to negotiation. Not only one’s own reflections should benefit substantially from this, but also the research itself should be fostered. In order to make your paper available to the international scientific community the special issue is published in printed form. Moreover, it will be available to readers online and free of charge. The UA is for example incorporated in the following services: CEEOL, Elsevier – SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS.

Conditions of submission and evaluation

The relative broad thematic focus provides the opportunity to publish papers (30,000–40,000 characters in the running text (excl. blank lines), primary publication, Eng. or Ger.) dealing with different issues. For example, your exploration may discuss

- essential methodological issues
- the relation between Christianity and Paganism in the (pre-)Christian Empire
- the situation of the Jews in the (pre-)Christian Empire
- the conceptualisation of Otherness

Are you interested in bringing your considerations to the attention of a wider and interdisciplinary audience and are you interested in contributing to a well-founded revaluation of specific historical issues, then please send an e-mail containing an abstract (max. 1,800 characters, excl. blank lines), five keywords and a brief description of your academic and professional development (no longer than one page, Eng. or Ger., contact details) to one of the following e-mail addresses until Oct. 31st, 2017 (Subject: UA-2018-application):

Prof. Dr. Jaan Lahe:
Dr. Eike Faber:
Daniel Mielke:
Matthias Sandberg, M. A.:

Depending on the quantity of the submitted documents you will immediately be informed whether you belong to the authors of the special issue appearing in 2018. An international as well as interdisciplinary editorial board mainly makes its decision on the basis of your abstract. If there is an overall positive vote you will receive promptly further information, in particular with regard to the stylesheet and the deadlines. Of course a peer-review precedes the forthcoming publication. The elaborate reports serving as a basis for the reworking of your article will be sent to you as close in time as possible.

You will find an overview of the editions published since 2000 at .

For the editorial board of the special issue of 2018
Associate Prof. Jaan Lahe
University of Tallinn
School of Humanities
Narva Road 29

10120 Tallinn, Estonia

Associate Professor Jaan Lahe
University of Tallinn
School of Humanities
Narva Road 29

10120 Tallinn, Estonia

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From: Wróblewska Zhanna <>
Date: 18.08.2017
Subject: CfA: Violence in Twentieth-Century European History - Warsaw 9/2017
European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, Warsaw
15.09.2017-31.10.2017, European Network Remembrance and Solidarity

We seek authors willing to submit articles for the next issue of the Remembrance and Solidarity Studies. Deadline: 15 September.

Issue will be titled Violence in Twentieth-Century European History: Commemorating, Documenting, Educating.

In Europe, the 20th century could rightly be called a ‘century of violence’ due to an exponential increase in the number of those who were killed, imprisoned, tortured or displaced during that century. Apart from numerous wars, including two global ones, which have caused millions of deaths, modern states became involved in violence towards their own citizens. The increase of state violence weakened democracy, undermined human rights and eventually led to the creation of totalitarian regimes. Therefore, it seems vital to focus primarily on the various phenomena of violence and their consequences for twentieth-century history as well as on how they are remembered.

The issue will be edited by Florin Abraham and Réka Földváryné Kiss. Remembrance and Solidarity Studies in 20th Century European History is published online ( and, in limited copies, in paperback.
Zhanna Wróblewska

European Network Remembrance and Solidarity

0048 889263795
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From: Karen Nolte <>
Date: 18.08.2017
Subject: CfA: Call for Abstracts - European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics (ENHE) - Würzburg 8/2017
European Association for History of Nursing, PD Dr. Karen Nolte, Prof. Dr. Susanne Kreutzer, Würzburg
18.08.2017-31.10.2017, European Association for History of Nursing, PD Dr. Karen Nolte, Prof. Dr. Susanne Kreutzer

Call for Abstracts
European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics (ENHE)
Second Issue 2019
The European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics is an interdisciplinary Open Access and peer-­reviewed eJournal spanning the Humanities, Nursing Science, Social Sciences, and Cultural Studies. The journal is published online once a year with each edition having an individual theme. In addition, all volumes provide an open section that contains articles on various topics.
The Journal is seeking contributions to the open section and themed section.

Theme 2019: “Bads” in nursing: Negative experience as an impetus to reform in nineteenth and twentieth centuries
The theme for 2019 has been agreed in Cooperation with the Swiss Society of the History of Health and Nursing (GPG-­HSS) and the European Association for the History of Nursing (EAHN)
Deadline for abstracts: November 30th, 2017

Cultural expectations of ‘good care’ change according to context. They vary according to time and place. They are constantly shaped and reshaped by knowledge and techniques of health professions; by bodily and emotional needs and sensations; by symbols and rituals of attention and of sympathy; by religious ideas; and by views of justice, of caring human relations and of the person’s dignity. Individual experiences sometimes harmonise with expectations so that patients, and their nurses all feel satisfied. But sometimes things can and do go wrong. Bad things can happen – and these can be compounded by the failure of systems to intervene, to ‘turn things around’. Those involved can be left with negative experiences and may suffer consequences. According to the Dutch Philosopher Annemarie Mol such experiences are termed ambiguously as “bads” in care: “There is something else that bothers me. It is that somehow writing about the goods of care is just too nice. Too cosy. There are also bads to address, but how to do so?” (Mol 2010, 229)

The second issue of the European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics will provide an opportunity for scholars from a range of disciplines to debate historical and ethical research relating to this subject. It will consider both individual and collective experiences of nursing; explanations for bad care; and descriptions of ways in which individuals and groups have attempted to find impetus for reform. The history of Europe and its colonies in the 19th and 20th centuries contain many examples of socalled “bads” in healthcare. During this time science based medical knowledge and techniques gained a powerful position within the logics of care and within the systems and practices of health professions. “Good” nursing was redefined. And yet, the materiality, symbolisms and rituals of care continued to be understood in terms of the Judao-­Christian religious context, coupled with bourgeois ideas of social justice, moral behaviour and human dignity. Through decades, different cultures of care responded to what they considered “bad” in attention, protection or kindness. During the “Age of Extremes” (1914-­1991) – to use the term coined by Eric Hobsbawm – totalitarian ideologies and race biology, dictatorial regimes, authoritarian societies and economies at war put pressure on the multifaceted cultures of care. From the 1960s onwards, organisations of victims and of patients, social and feminist movements as well as critical scholars launched historical studies and social inquiries to disclose neglect, failures of care, mistreatments and abuse in medical, psychiatric and foster care institutions in past and present. These processes are still ongoing and they contribute to reforms in healthcare, to acts of apology, to compensation and to commemorative cultures.

The aim of the Second Issue of the European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics is to enlarge our understanding of how nurses were interlinked with “bads” in healthcare, of how they addressed and responded to negative experiences and how they contributed to the reform of healthcare in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics calls for contributions from scholars who can present research relating to negative experiences of and with nurses. Their starting point should be the individual or the collective experience of nurses and/or of patients and family members with bad care. They should find answers to these questions: What shaped experience of “bads” as the actors addressed them? Whom did they make responsible for their negative experiences? How did they explain them? What did they claim? How did the actors involved deal with the negative experiences? How did those made responsible for “bads” respond to re-­‐establish their standards of good healthcare, reputation and trustworthiness? How did this process contribute to reforms in healthcare?

The CfA for the special theme of the European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics is related to the International Conference „’Bads’ in healthcare: Negative experience as an impetus to reform in nineteenth and twentieth centuries“, 21/22.6.2018 in Winterthur, Switzerland, see further information : https://gpg-­‐­conference-­2018/

Please note the following remarks on the concept of the European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics:
The journal creates a dialogue between the history and the ethics of nursing while providing new impulses for advancing the subfields of the history as well as the ethics of nursing. Historians are asked to include the ethical dimension of the topic into their research project; researchers interested in ethics are requested to reflect on the historical dimensions of their projects. This does not mean, however, that articles on ethics should be preceded by a historical overview in the style of a manual. Rather the latest developments and socio-­political debates that have led to the current issues in the ethics of nursing should be put in their historical context and be used in the analysis. Likewise papers on the history of nursing should address ethical questions within the historical context or refer to current issues in the ethics of nursing. The journal publishes research both on European History and the history of the reciprocal relationships and entanglements of European and non-­European societies.

The journal only publishes original contributions. The authors agree when submitting their script that their text has not already been submitted or published elsewhere.

Please submit your abstract (max 500 words) in English and separately a short CV until November 30th, 2017 to Prof. Dr. Susanne Kreutzer kreutzer@fh-­ and PD Dr. Karen Nolte:
Mol, Annemarie: Care and its values. Good food in the nursing home. In: Mol, Annemarie, et al. (eds.): Care inPractice. On Tinkering in Clinics, Homes and Farms. Bielefeld 2010, pp. 215-­234.
Karen Nolte

Institut für Geschichte der Medizin
Oberer Neubergweg 10a, 97074 Würzburg
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CfA: Neue Calls for Articles 18.08.2017 [5], In: H-Soz-Kult, 18.08.2017, <>.
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