Prof. Dr. Konrad H. Jarausch

University of North Carolina
Department of History

Academic CV - Employment

1998-2006: Director at the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Studien, Potsdam
1994-1998: Co-director of UNC/Duke Center for European Studies
since 1983: Lurcy Professor of European Civilization, University of North Carolina,
1968-1983: Assistant to Full Professor of History at the University of Missouri/Columbia



Two Germanies, 1961-1989 (Washington, DC, 2006), volume IX of internet German History in Documents and Images, edited with Helga Welsh
Risse im Bruderbund. Die Gespräche Honecker – Breshnew 1974 bis 1982 (Berlin, 2006), coedited with Hans-Hermann Hertle
After Hitler: Recivilizing Germans 1945-1995 (New York, 2006)
Demokratiewunder. Transatlantische Mittler und die kulturelle Öffnung Westdeutschlands 1945-1970 (Göttingen, 2005), edited with Arndt Bauerkämper and Markus Payk
Zerbrochener Spiegel. Deutsche Geschichten im 20. Jahrhundert(Munich, 2005),co-authored with Michael Geyer

Edited Books

Editor of the hybrid journal “Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History,”
Editorial board member Jahrbuch für Universitätsgeschichte, Historisch-Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen
Editorial board member of Comparativ
Former board member of History of Higher Education Annual, Central European History, German Studies Review, History of Education Quarterly, and others


Überlegungen zur Positionsbestimmung deutscher Geschichtswissenschaft, in: zeitenblicke 4 (2005), Nr. 1
Kriegsende 1945. Schmerzhafte Erfahrungen und langwierige Lenrprozese, in: Deutschland Archiv 2005, Nr. 2 : 230-236.
Critical Memory and Civil Society: The Impact of the 1960s on German Debates about the Past, in : Philipp Gassert and Alan Steinweis, eds., Coping with the Nazi Past: West German Debates on Nazism and Generational Conflict, 1955-1975 (New York, 2006), 11-30.
Anfänge der Berliner Republik (1990-2005), in: Ulrich Hermann et al., Kleine Deutsche Geschichte (Stuttgart, 2006), 477-510.
The Collapse of Communism and the Search for Master Narratives : Interpetative Implications of German Unification, in: TELOS 136 (Fall 2006), 59-75.

Edited Reviews (Selection)