Sibirica - Interdisciplinary journal of Siberian studies

Sibirica - Interdisciplinary journal of Siberian studies

New York
United States
Vom - Bis
07.12.2021 - 17.01.2022
Peggy Ann Shaffer

Special Issue Proposal: The spectrum of intersectionality in the Arctic – from discrimination to diversity and inclusion.

Sibirica - Interdisciplinary journal of Siberian studies

Special Issue Proposal: The spectrum of intersectionality in the Arctic –from discrimination to diversity and inclusion

Guest editors: Dina Abdel-Fattah, Doris Friedrich, Olivia Lee, Sardana Nikolaeva

The people who call the Arctic their home are diverse on many levels, from ethnicity, class, and gender, to sexual orientation. Many of these aspects are often overlooked or ignored, not only in everyday social life, but perhaps even more so in political decision-making. Discrimination is still an important issue. Women and LGBTQ+ are disadvantaged on various levels and there is little knowledge and mention of non-binary genders. Indigenous peoples still struggle to make their voices heard and have their rights respected.

Intersectionality is concerned with the ways in which different forms of oppression interact and potentially reinforce each other. In a changing Arctic, distinct but associated forms of discrimination might further increase the negative impacts of climate change on particularly vulnerable groups.

The release of the Pan-Arctic Report on Gender Equality in the Arctic (May 2021) and a successful conference session on intersectionality at the 2021 Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) have proven the great interest of researchers on this issue. Employing a holistic, intersectional approach to examining various axes of discrimination is of crucial importance to mitigate the inequalities between different communities and between individuals within these communities.

This special issue invites contributions that revolve around different aspects of intersectionality, discrimination, diversity, and inclusion in all areas of the Arctic/Circumpolar North, not just Siberia! It will not only examine current challenges, but also look at possibilities for improvement. Our aim is to open up a space for discussions beyond theoretical research and for sharing perspectives. We particularly invite contributions from early-career researchers, Traditional/Indigenous knowledge holders, and experts from local institutions in the Arctic. In addition to scientific articles, we also welcome essay-style contributions from Indigenous voices, which are vital perspectives for any discussion on diversity and intersectionality in the Arctic.

We are looking for papers on the following issues (but not limited to them):

- Gender
- Sexual orientation
- Indigeneity
- Any form of intersectionality
- Discrimination, inclusion, diversity

Please send a 300 word abstract of your paper to Sardana Nikolaeva ( no later than January 17, 2022. If your abstract is accepted, full articles will be required at a date TBA in June or July 2022. The special issue will be published as Sibirica Vol 22 (1) in early spring of 2023.

If you have any questions about the journal, please contact Sibirica editor Jenanne Ferguson at Questions about the special issue theme or possible papers can be addressed to Sardana Nikolaeva at the email above.

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