09:15–09:30 / SESSION A: National Museum of Iceland
WELCOME: Guðrún Nordal, director of the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
09:30–10:30 / CHAIR: Guðrún Nordal
KEYNOTE SPEAKER 1: Heather Wolfe: Reconsidering John Spilman‘s paper legacy and the English white paper market
10:30–11:00 BREAK
11:00–12:00 SESSION 1: Paper analysis CHAIR: Silvia Hufnagel, Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
Geoffrey Day: Frost Fairs and Laki: paper-making, printing and the climate in eighteenth-century London
Sonja Neumann: Mechanizing handmade paper: traditional and modern paper production in 19th-century Europe
12:00–13:30 LUNCH
13:30–14:30 / CHAIR: Ólöf Garðarsdóttir, dean of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Iceland / KEYNOTE SPEAKER 2: Dana Sajdi: The place of culture (from the perspective of the Arabic tradition)
14:30–15:00 BREAK
SESSION B: National and University Library of Iceland
SESSION 2: Object biography
CHAIR: Bragi Þorgrímur Ólafsson, National and University Library of Iceland
Maria Stieglecker: Traveling books: Johannes of Speyer and his autographs
Chiara Palandri: Missale Nidrosiense, 1519: an archaeological approach
Martina Hacke: Agents connecting the book markets of Basle, Paris and Lyons in late medieval times: the example of the agents of Johann Amerbach
Anna Svensson: Plants in paper: revisiting the early herbarium as history of the book
17:00 OPENING OF EXHIBITION AND RECEPTION: Ingibjörg Steinunn Sverrisdóttir, National Librarian, National and University Library of Iceland
SESSION A: National Museum
SESSION 3A: Vernacular literacy CHAIR: Viðar Hreinsson, Icelandic Museum of Natural History/Stefansson Arctic Institute
Davíð Ólafsson: Many pages, much ink: the materiality of writing in 19th-century Iceland
Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon: The page: textual embodiment
Harpa Rún Ásmundsdóttir: From oral transmission and single sheets of paper to systematic collection of poetry
SESSION B: National Library
SESSION 3B: Watermark description CHAIR: Silvia Hufnagel, Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
Ermenegilda Müller: Describing and representing watermarks from paper catalogues to online databases
Neil Harris: Watermarks and descriptive protocols: Briquet reloaded
Ilaria Pastrolin: Paper history and watermark studies: a European network before Europe, through Charles-Moïse Briquet’s labor
10:30–11:00 BREAK
SESSION A: National Museum
SESSION 4A: Vernacular literacy CHAIR: Davíð Ólafsson, University of Iceland
Indriði Svavar Sigurðsson: The mirror in miscellanies
Viðar Hreinsson: Harsh nature in tattered manuscripts
Dana Sajdi: Coif and tell: the barber historian of Damascus in the eighteenth century
SESSION B: National Library
SESSION 4B: Paper uses CHAIR: Beeke Stegmann, Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
Paul M. Dover: The impacts of paper‘s abundance, 1450–1650: an episode in coevolution
Pádraig Ó Macháin: Paper and the format of Irish manuscripts
Gunnar Marel Hinriksson: The paper thief, the headmaster and comet C/1652 Y1
12:30–14:00 LUNCH
SESSION A: National Museum
SESSION 5: Watermark analysis CHAIR: Vasarė Rastonis, Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
Silvia Hufnagel: Paper provenance and use in 15th- and 16th-century Iceland: an overview
Halldóra Kristinsdóttir et al.: Manuscript production in 17th-century Iceland: the case of Hannes Gunnlaugsson
Beeke Stegmann: The origin of added paper in structurally altered manuscripts of the Arnamagnæan Collection
15:30–16:00/ FINAL REMARKS: Þórunn Sigurðardóttir, Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, and Ágústa Kristófersdóttir, head of collections, National Museum of Iceland
For a full programme, please see the conference website: