Paper Stories. Paper and Book History in Post-Medieval Europe

Paper Stories. Paper and Book History in Post-Medieval Europe

Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
Reykjavík: National and University Library of Iceland, National Museum of Iceland
Gefördert durch
Rannís, National and University Library of Iceland, National Museum of Iceland
Vom - Bis
05.05.2022 - 06.05.2022
Silvia Hufnagel, Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies

This international two-day-conference will focus on the various paths that paper took from production via the processes of being made into documents, manuscripts and books to their present repositories in library collections. We intend to bring together scholars, paper experts, conservators, book historians and others who work in watermark research, paper trade, history of collections and object biography.

Paper Stories. Paper and Book History in Post-Medieval Europe

This international two-day-conference will focus on the various paths that paper took from production via the processes of being made into documents, manuscripts and books to their present repositories in library collections. We intend to bring together scholars, paper experts, conservators, book historians and others who work in watermark research, paper trade, history of collections and object biography. Thus, we aim to highlight material aspects of manuscripts and books, as well as object biography.

We understand object biography as a perspective on both the material and the intellectual history of text bearers, i.e. manuscripts, books and documents. We focus on the processes of their production, reception and use, their physical appearance and aspects of wear, tear and repair. This includes the investigation of the origins of the raw materials, including paper production, as well as manufacture, use, ownership, exchange and preservation of the objects.

Post-medieval watermark research, watermark analysis in Scandinavia and studies in paper trade are gaining more and more scholarly attention, not least because it has a great impact on several scholarly disciplines, such as history, literary studies, art history and musicology.

We hope that the analysis of paper production and trade, as well as history of collections and object biography presented at our conference will lead to new understandings of social, cultural and economic history in Europe.



09:15–09:30 / SESSION A: National Museum of Iceland

WELCOME: Guðrún Nordal, director of the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies

09:30–10:30 / CHAIR: Guðrún Nordal
KEYNOTE SPEAKER 1: Heather Wolfe: Reconsidering John Spilman‘s paper legacy and the English white paper market

10:30–11:00 BREAK

11:00–12:00 SESSION 1: Paper analysis CHAIR: Silvia Hufnagel, Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies

Geoffrey Day: Frost Fairs and Laki: paper-making, printing and the climate in eighteenth-century London

Sonja Neumann: Mechanizing handmade paper: traditional and modern paper production in 19th-century Europe

12:00–13:30 LUNCH

13:30–14:30 / CHAIR: Ólöf Garðarsdóttir, dean of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Iceland / KEYNOTE SPEAKER 2: Dana Sajdi: The place of culture (from the perspective of the Arabic tradition)

14:30–15:00 BREAK


SESSION B: National and University Library of Iceland

SESSION 2: Object biography

CHAIR: Bragi Þorgrímur Ólafsson, National and University Library of Iceland

Maria Stieglecker: Traveling books: Johannes of Speyer and his autographs

Chiara Palandri: Missale Nidrosiense, 1519: an archaeological approach

Martina Hacke: Agents connecting the book markets of Basle, Paris and Lyons in late medieval times: the example of the agents of Johann Amerbach

Anna Svensson: Plants in paper: revisiting the early herbarium as history of the book

17:00 OPENING OF EXHIBITION AND RECEPTION: Ingibjörg Steinunn Sverrisdóttir, National Librarian, National and University Library of Iceland



SESSION A: National Museum

SESSION 3A: Vernacular literacy CHAIR: Viðar Hreinsson, Icelandic Museum of Natural History/Stefansson Arctic Institute

Davíð Ólafsson: Many pages, much ink: the materiality of writing in 19th-century Iceland

Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon: The page: textual embodiment

Harpa Rún Ásmundsdóttir: From oral transmission and single sheets of paper to systematic collection of poetry

SESSION B: National Library

SESSION 3B: Watermark description CHAIR: Silvia Hufnagel, Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies

Ermenegilda Müller: Describing and representing watermarks from paper catalogues to online databases

Neil Harris: Watermarks and descriptive protocols: Briquet reloaded

Ilaria Pastrolin: Paper history and watermark studies: a European network before Europe, through Charles-Moïse Briquet’s labor

10:30–11:00 BREAK


SESSION A: National Museum

SESSION 4A: Vernacular literacy CHAIR: Davíð Ólafsson, University of Iceland

Indriði Svavar Sigurðsson: The mirror in miscellanies

Viðar Hreinsson: Harsh nature in tattered manuscripts

Dana Sajdi: Coif and tell: the barber historian of Damascus in the eighteenth century

SESSION B: National Library

SESSION 4B: Paper uses CHAIR: Beeke Stegmann, Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies

Paul M. Dover: The impacts of paper‘s abundance, 1450–1650: an episode in coevolution

Pádraig Ó Macháin: Paper and the format of Irish manuscripts

Gunnar Marel Hinriksson: The paper thief, the headmaster and comet C/1652 Y1

12:30–14:00 LUNCH


SESSION A: National Museum

SESSION 5: Watermark analysis CHAIR: Vasarė Rastonis, Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies

Silvia Hufnagel: Paper provenance and use in 15th- and 16th-century Iceland: an overview

Halldóra Kristinsdóttir et al.: Manuscript production in 17th-century Iceland: the case of Hannes Gunnlaugsson

Beeke Stegmann: The origin of added paper in structurally altered manuscripts of the Arnamagnæan Collection

15:30–16:00/ FINAL REMARKS: Þórunn Sigurðardóttir, Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, and Ágústa Kristófersdóttir, head of collections, National Museum of Iceland

For a full programme, please see the conference website:


Silvia Hufnagel
The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
Árnagarður við Suðurgötu
ÍS-101 Reykjavík
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