Monday, June 20th, 2022
13:15–14:15h Reception and Registration
14:15–15:00h Opening (Land Vorarlberg, LFU Innsbruck, ÖAW, vorarlberg museum, organizers)
15:00–16:00h Key Lecture 1
Touraj Daryaee (Irvine): Armenia as an Imperial Borderland
16:00–16:30h Coffee break
16:30–18:00h Panel 1: Borderlands between Rome and Iran
Chair: Julian Degen (Trier)
Jake Nabel (Pennsylvania): Diaspora or Shadow Empire? Paradigms for Palmyrene History in a SyroMesopotamian Borderland
Christian Rollinger (Trier): Pre-Islamic Arabia as Imperial Borderlands
Welcome Buffet
Tuesday, June 21st, 2022
09:00–09:45h Digital Talk, Chair: Julian Degen (Trier)
Florin Curta (Gainesville): Imperial Borderlands to the North and West of the Black Sea
09:45–12:30h Panel 2: The Ancient Near East
Chair: Noah Kröll (Innsbruck)
Simonetta Ponchia (Verona): Neo-Assyrian Borderlands: The Iranian Highlands as a Borderland of the NeoAssyrian Empire
10:30–11:00h Coffee break
Chair: Florian Posselt (Innsbruck)
Michael Jursa (Vienna): The Internal Frontier: Agrarian Expansion in the Babylonian Heartland from Assyria to the Sasanians
Matthew Waters (Wisconsin-Eau Claire): Elam as a Borderland of the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Empires
12:30–14:00h Lunch
14:00–15:30h Panel 3: The Achaemenids and the Aegean
Chair: Hendrik Stanway (Innsbruck)
John Hyland (Newport): The Aegean World as a Borderland of the Achaemenid-Persian Empire
Julian Degen (Trier): The Macedonian Miracle: Argead Macedonia as a Borderland
15:30–16:00h Coffee break
16:00–17:30h Panel 4: The Achaemenids and the Seleucids in Central Asia
Chair: Valentina Cambruzzi (Innsbruck)
Marco Ferrario (Trient): «τὰ Κῦρα, ἔσχατον ὂν Κύρου κτίσμα». Strabo, Naršaḫi and the Northeastern Border of the Achaemenid Empire Krzysztof Nawotka (Wrocław): Seleucid Border in Central Asia: Demodamas beyond the Jaxartes
17:30–18:00h Coffee break
18:00–18:45h Local Open Lecture
Chair: Andreas Rudigier (Bregenz)
Brigitte Truschnegg (Innsbruck): Bregenz (Brigantium) und das germanische Grenzgebiet vom 3. bis 5. Jh. n.Chr.: Die Reichsgrenze als Hotspot für Kommunikation und Identitätsbildung
Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022
09:00–11:45h Panel 5: Iran and Afghanistan
Chair: Rahim Shayegan (Los Angeles)
Matthew Canepa (Irvine): Imperial Competition, Shifting Frontiers and Material and Conceptual Entanglements in Iranian Imperial Borderlands
Michael Alram (Vienna): The Shahi Kingdoms – the Last Stronghold against Muslim Expansion in the East
10:30–11:00h Coffee break
Chair: Rahim Shayegan (Los Angeles)
Giorgio Rota (Vienna): Some Remarks on Safavid Persia and its Vassal States
11:45–14:45h Panel 6: Egypt
Chair: Nina Holtmann (Innsbruck)
Agnieszka Wojciechowska (Wrocław): Pelusium from “the Stronghold of Egypt” to the Hellenistic Town
12:30–14:00h Lunch
Chair: Nina Holtmann (Innsbruck)
Angelika Lohwasser (Münster): The Kingdom of Kush as Borderland and its Borderlands
14:45–16:45h Panel 7: China and East Asia
Chair: Clemens Steinwender (Innsbruck)
Guolong Lai (Gainesville): Between Hua (the Civilized) and Yi (the Barbaric): The Concept and Management of Imperial Borderlands in Early China
15:30–16:00h Coffee break
Chair: Clemens Steinwender
Byung-Joon Kim (Seoul): Empire’s Periphery or another Center? The Case of the Korean Peninsula between 2nd c. B.C. and 4th c. A.D.
16:45–17:45h Key Lecture 2
Chair: Robert Rollinger (Innsbruck/Wrocław)
Manfred Bietak (Vienna): Egypt and its Borderlands
Conference Dinner
Thursday, June 23rd, 2022
09:00–10:30h Panel 8: Central Asia
Chair: Alexander Steiner (Innsbruck)
Hannes Fellner (co-author Melanie Malzahn) (Vienna): The Pre-Islamic Tarim Region as Borderland
Florian Schwarz (Vienna): The Oxus Region from the Sasanian to the Early Islamic Period (4th to 9th c. CE): Dynamics of a Borderland
10:30–11:00h Coffee break
11:00–15:30h Panel 9: The Hellenistic World
Chair: Jessika Armbrüster (Innsbruck)
Hilmar Klinkott (Kiel): Ideologically in the Center, Politically at the Edge – Greece as Hellenistic Borderland
Piotr Głogowski (Wrocław): Hellenism in the West, the Roman Empire and Neo-Phoenician Identity
12:30–14:00h Lunch
Chair: Kai Ruffing (Kassel)
Erich Kistler (Innsbruck): The Parochial City at Hellenistic Monte Iato (Western Sicily) – Nature of a Borderland Bottom-up
Rolf Strootman (Utrecht): Rome as a Borderland of the Hellenistic World
15:30–16:00h Coffee break
16:00–17:30h Panel 10: The Roman Empire
Chair: Bernhard Palme (Vienna)
Patrick Reinard (Trier): Roman Blemmyes? The Integration of Nomadic Groups into Imperial Structures
Sven Günther (Changchun): Imperare per definitionem: Framing the Romano-British Borderland through defining Picts and Scots
17:30–18:00h Coffee break
18:00–18:45 Panel 11: Late Antique, Medieval and Modern Europe (I)
Chair: Alejandro Boucabeille (Innsbruck)
Walter Pohl (Vienna): Conditions and Consequences of the Dissolution of the Roman Empire: A View from the Borders
Friday, June 24th, 2022
09:00–11:45h Panel 11: Late Antique, Medieval and Modern Europe (II)
Chair: Paulina Zagórska (Wrocław)
Mischa Meier (Tübingen): The Hunnic Empire and Imperial Borderlands
Jörg Schwarz (Innsbruck): Northumbria as Borderland of the Anglo-Saxon World
10:30–11:00h Coffee break
Chair: Cassandra Gerda Lamche (Innsbruck)
Robyn Radway (Budapest/Vienna): Celebrating Shared Values: Cross-Border Jousting Between Habsburg Central Europe and Ottoman Hungary
11:45–12:30h Kai Ruffing (Kassel) and Josef Wiesehöfer (Kiel): Concluding Remarks
End of Conference