Contextualizing Imperial Borderlands (9th c. BC–9th c. AD)

Contextualizing Imperial Borderlands (9th c. BC – 9th c. AD)

Robert Rollinger & Julian Degen
Vorarlberg Museum, Kornmarktplatz 1
Gefördert durch
ÖAW, Universität Innsbruck (Büro der Vizerektorin der Forschung, AWOSA, Doktoratskolleg Entangled Antiquities), Land Vorarlberg, Stadt Bregenz, Nawa Chair, Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Vom - Bis
20.06.2022 - 24.06.2022
Robert Rollinger (Innsbruck/Wrocław), Julian Degen (Trier)

Kernthema der Tagung sind die Entwicklungen in den imperialen Randzonen vom Beginn der Entstehung imperialer Großreiche im alten Vorderasien bis zum Ende der "Langen Spätantike". Dabei geht es darum, die wesentlichen Entwicklungen in einem vergleichenden Querschnitt näher zu erfassen und historisch vergleichend einzuordnen.

Contextualizing Imperial Borderlands (9th c. BC – 9th c. AD)

Kernthema der Tagung sind die Entwicklungen in den imperialen Randzonen vom Beginn der Entstehung imperialer Großreiche im alten Vorderasien bis zum Ende der „Langen Spätantike“. Dabei geht es darum, die wesentlichen Entwicklungen in einem vergleichenden Querschnitt näher zu erfassen und historisch vergleichend einzuordnen.

Contextualizing Imperial Borderlands (9th c. BC–9th c. AD)

The central theme of the conference is the development of imperial borderlands from the emergence of empires in the ancient Middle East until the end of the “long late antiquity”. Hereby the conference aims at capturing and comparing the main developments in a cross-sectional comparison.


Monday, June 20th, 2022

13:15–14:15h Reception and Registration

14:15–15:00h Opening (Land Vorarlberg, LFU Innsbruck, ÖAW, vorarlberg museum, organizers)

15:00–16:00h Key Lecture 1

Touraj Daryaee (Irvine): Armenia as an Imperial Borderland

16:00–16:30h Coffee break

16:30–18:00h Panel 1: Borderlands between Rome and Iran
Chair: Julian Degen (Trier)

Jake Nabel (Pennsylvania): Diaspora or Shadow Empire? Paradigms for Palmyrene History in a SyroMesopotamian Borderland

Christian Rollinger (Trier): Pre-Islamic Arabia as Imperial Borderlands

Welcome Buffet

Tuesday, June 21st, 2022

09:00–09:45h Digital Talk, Chair: Julian Degen (Trier)

Florin Curta (Gainesville): Imperial Borderlands to the North and West of the Black Sea

09:45–12:30h Panel 2: The Ancient Near East
Chair: Noah Kröll (Innsbruck)

Simonetta Ponchia (Verona): Neo-Assyrian Borderlands: The Iranian Highlands as a Borderland of the NeoAssyrian Empire

10:30–11:00h Coffee break

Chair: Florian Posselt (Innsbruck)

Michael Jursa (Vienna): The Internal Frontier: Agrarian Expansion in the Babylonian Heartland from Assyria to the Sasanians

Matthew Waters (Wisconsin-Eau Claire): Elam as a Borderland of the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Empires

12:30–14:00h Lunch

14:00–15:30h Panel 3: The Achaemenids and the Aegean
Chair: Hendrik Stanway (Innsbruck)

John Hyland (Newport): The Aegean World as a Borderland of the Achaemenid-Persian Empire

Julian Degen (Trier): The Macedonian Miracle: Argead Macedonia as a Borderland

15:30–16:00h Coffee break

16:00–17:30h Panel 4: The Achaemenids and the Seleucids in Central Asia
Chair: Valentina Cambruzzi (Innsbruck)

Marco Ferrario (Trient): «τὰ Κῦρα, ἔσχατον ὂν Κύρου κτίσμα». Strabo, Naršaḫi and the Northeastern Border of the Achaemenid Empire Krzysztof Nawotka (Wrocław): Seleucid Border in Central Asia: Demodamas beyond the Jaxartes

17:30–18:00h Coffee break

18:00–18:45h Local Open Lecture
Chair: Andreas Rudigier (Bregenz)

Brigitte Truschnegg (Innsbruck): Bregenz (Brigantium) und das germanische Grenzgebiet vom 3. bis 5. Jh. n.Chr.: Die Reichsgrenze als Hotspot für Kommunikation und Identitätsbildung

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022

09:00–11:45h Panel 5: Iran and Afghanistan
Chair: Rahim Shayegan (Los Angeles)

Matthew Canepa (Irvine): Imperial Competition, Shifting Frontiers and Material and Conceptual Entanglements in Iranian Imperial Borderlands

Michael Alram (Vienna): The Shahi Kingdoms – the Last Stronghold against Muslim Expansion in the East

10:30–11:00h Coffee break
Chair: Rahim Shayegan (Los Angeles)

Giorgio Rota (Vienna): Some Remarks on Safavid Persia and its Vassal States

11:45–14:45h Panel 6: Egypt
Chair: Nina Holtmann (Innsbruck)

Agnieszka Wojciechowska (Wrocław): Pelusium from “the Stronghold of Egypt” to the Hellenistic Town

12:30–14:00h Lunch
Chair: Nina Holtmann (Innsbruck)

Angelika Lohwasser (Münster): The Kingdom of Kush as Borderland and its Borderlands

14:45–16:45h Panel 7: China and East Asia
Chair: Clemens Steinwender (Innsbruck)

Guolong Lai (Gainesville): Between Hua (the Civilized) and Yi (the Barbaric): The Concept and Management of Imperial Borderlands in Early China

15:30–16:00h Coffee break
Chair: Clemens Steinwender

Byung-Joon Kim (Seoul): Empire’s Periphery or another Center? The Case of the Korean Peninsula between 2nd c. B.C. and 4th c. A.D.

16:45–17:45h Key Lecture 2
Chair: Robert Rollinger (Innsbruck/Wrocław)

Manfred Bietak (Vienna): Egypt and its Borderlands

Conference Dinner

Thursday, June 23rd, 2022

09:00–10:30h Panel 8: Central Asia
Chair: Alexander Steiner (Innsbruck)

Hannes Fellner (co-author Melanie Malzahn) (Vienna): The Pre-Islamic Tarim Region as Borderland

Florian Schwarz (Vienna): The Oxus Region from the Sasanian to the Early Islamic Period (4th to 9th c. CE): Dynamics of a Borderland

10:30–11:00h Coffee break

11:00–15:30h Panel 9: The Hellenistic World
Chair: Jessika Armbrüster (Innsbruck)

Hilmar Klinkott (Kiel): Ideologically in the Center, Politically at the Edge – Greece as Hellenistic Borderland

Piotr Głogowski (Wrocław): Hellenism in the West, the Roman Empire and Neo-Phoenician Identity

12:30–14:00h Lunch
Chair: Kai Ruffing (Kassel)

Erich Kistler (Innsbruck): The Parochial City at Hellenistic Monte Iato (Western Sicily) – Nature of a Borderland Bottom-up

Rolf Strootman (Utrecht): Rome as a Borderland of the Hellenistic World

15:30–16:00h Coffee break

16:00–17:30h Panel 10: The Roman Empire
Chair: Bernhard Palme (Vienna)

Patrick Reinard (Trier): Roman Blemmyes? The Integration of Nomadic Groups into Imperial Structures

Sven Günther (Changchun): Imperare per definitionem: Framing the Romano-British Borderland through defining Picts and Scots

17:30–18:00h Coffee break

18:00–18:45 Panel 11: Late Antique, Medieval and Modern Europe (I)
Chair: Alejandro Boucabeille (Innsbruck)

Walter Pohl (Vienna): Conditions and Consequences of the Dissolution of the Roman Empire: A View from the Borders

Friday, June 24th, 2022

09:00–11:45h Panel 11: Late Antique, Medieval and Modern Europe (II)

Chair: Paulina Zagórska (Wrocław)

Mischa Meier (Tübingen): The Hunnic Empire and Imperial Borderlands

Jörg Schwarz (Innsbruck): Northumbria as Borderland of the Anglo-Saxon World

10:30–11:00h Coffee break

Chair: Cassandra Gerda Lamche (Innsbruck)

Robyn Radway (Budapest/Vienna): Celebrating Shared Values: Cross-Border Jousting Between Habsburg Central Europe and Ottoman Hungary

11:45–12:30h Kai Ruffing (Kassel) and Josef Wiesehöfer (Kiel): Concluding Remarks

End of Conference
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