Narrating Europe’s Pluralities: Unity, Diversity and Exceptionality

Narrating Europe’s Pluralities: Unity, Diversity and Exceptionality

Käte Hamburger Kolleg Münster „Einheit und Vielfalt im Recht“
Raum JO 101, Johannisstraße 4
Vom - Bis
01.09.2022 - 02.09.2022
Nadine Zielinski

Organisation: Dr. Emilia Mataix Ferrándiz (Münster/Bilbao) and Dr. Zoë Jay (Helsinki)

Narrating Europe’s Pluralities: Unity, Diversity and Exceptionality

Europe's identity has been said to be shaped by unitary narratives about a shared legal heritage, extending to past societies such as ancient Greece and Rome or the Carolingian Empire. In many ways, these narratives present a vision of Europe built on a unitary culture and standard procedures. At the same time, pluralism is reflected in adaptations, reinterpretations and counter-narratives that have developed in response to the dominant narratives. The aim of this workshop will be to critically investigate different narratives set in diverse European contexts, and to examine them through the lens of legal pluralism.

Detailed information and registration at:


Thursday, 1 September 2022

10.00 am
Peter Oestmann and Ulrike Ludwig (EViR Directors)
Emilia Mataix Ferrándiz and Zoe C. Jay (Organisers) - Welcome notes

10.15 am Keynote
Sebastian M. Spitra: An Archaeology of European Legal Pluralism: Geography, Identity, Narratives

11.00 am Coffee break
Session 1: Unity – What Have the Ancient Ever Done for Us?
Chair: Gregor Albers

11.30 am
Jacob Giltaij: Separating the Universal and the Local: Ideas of Subsidiarity in Classical Roman Law?

12.00 am
Marian Helm: Enabling Consensus: The Legislation of the Early Roman Republic

12.30 am
Matthias Sandberg: Riding the Bull: Europe between Orient and Occident

1.00 pm Lunch break
Session 2: Diversity – Narratives and Interaction
Chair: Emilia Mataix Ferrándiz

2.00 pm
Jan Matthias Hoffrogge: How is the History of the European Union presented in European Schoolbooks?

2.30 pm
Ville Erkkilä: On Continuity and Change in a Socialist Dictatorship. A Conceptual History of Law and Morals in the GDR

3.00 pm
Ville Suuronen: German Legal Science against Received Roman Law? Reflections on the Banality of Evil and Fascist Legal History

3.30 pm Coffee break
Session 3: Exceptionality – The World of Beliefs
Chair: Pamela Slotte

4.00 pm
Zoe Charlotte Jay: Competing Visions of Subsidiarity: Diversity and Responsibility in the European Human Rights System

4.30 pm
Marianne Sandelin: The Paradox of Pluralism and Universalism: Joseph de Maistre’s Critique of the Enlightenment

5.00 pm
Ville Louekari: Ernst Bloch and Counternarratives of Natural Law

7.00 pm Dinner

Friday, 2 September 2022
10.00 am Keynote
Stefania Gialdroni: Unity, Diversity or Exceptionality? The Enigma of the Medieval Lex Mercatoria

10.45 am Coffee break
Session 4: Unity – Narratives and their Controversial Origins
Chair: Emilia Mataix Ferrándiz

11.30 am
Kaius Tuori: Roman Law and the European Pasts

12.00 am
Benjamin Seebröker: Homicide Rates in Europe and the Myth of a Long-Term Decline

12.30 am
Quentin Verreycken: The Legal Heritage of the Power to Pardon in Europe: Not One but Many

1.00 pm Lunch break
Session 5: Diversity – Universal Values, Divergent Realities and Integration
Chair: Sophia Mösch

2.00 pm
Karolina Stenlund: Legal Pluralism and the Lack of a Legislator’s Will: The Case of Genocide Denial

2.30 pm
Kostadin Karavasilev: Using Human Rights to Challenge Legal Incapacitation of People with Mental Illnesses and Intellectual Disabilities in Bulgaria

3.00 pm
Lena Klos: Narratives of Dependence: Kingdom of Westphalia and the French Empire

3.30 pm Coffee break
Session 6: Exceptionality – Intersectional Identities and Narratives across Boundaries
Chair: Zoe Charlotte Jay

4.00 pm
Reetta Toivanen: History of a Unified Europe: Shared History Means Sustainable (and Safe) Future?

4.30 pm
Clara Harder: From Coercion to Consent? Medieval Perspectives on the European Marriage Pattern

5.00 pm
Tuukka Brunila: Narrating State Sovereignty

5.30 pm
Final discussion and closure
Concluding remarks by the organisers

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