SEPTEMBER 22, 2022
13.00-13.00 Arrival at ZZF
Welcome and Introduction
Rüdiger Graf and Stefanie Middendorf
Section I – In Search of Economic Populism
Legacies of Populism
Chair: Stefanie Middendorf
13.45 -15.15
Jan Logemann, Political and Economic Populism in the United States around 1900: Ideas, Images, and Lasting Legacies
Catherine Davies, Populist Critiques of Finance in the Late 19th and early 20th Century
15.15-15.45 Coffee Break
Populist Mobilization
Chair: Rüdiger Graf
Maurice Cottier, More or Less Government Intervention? The Dilemma of the American Center-Left in the 1970s
David Bebnowski, Conservative Populism: The Popularization of Free Market Doctrine and the Ascent to Power
17.15-17.30 Coffee Break
Section II – Popular Representations of “the Economy”
Approaching the Public
Chair: Kim Christian Priemel
Nicolas Delalande, The Populo as an Economist. The Popularization of the Economy in the French Satirical Press, from the 1880s to the 1930s
Katarzyna Jarosz, Currency and Identity in Post-Soviet Space Seen Through the Lens of Museums
19.00 Conference Dinner
SEPTEMBER 23, 2022
Figures of Economic Power
Chair: Frank Bösch
Marcus Böick, Hate Figure, Monster and Slaughterhouse: Detlev Karsten Rohwedder, the Treuhandanstalt and the Economic Reconstruction of Eastern Germany after 1990 as Extreme Examples of a Popular (Attention) Economy
Kim Christian Priemel, Metonomizing Murdoch. How Tycoon Tales Help Reduce Complexity
Stefanie Middendorf, Moral Bonds, Political Extremes and Images of “the Creditor” in the Interwar Year
11.00-11.15 Coffee Break
Visualizing Economic Abstractions
Chair: Annette Vowinckel
Simon Küffer, The Visual Rhetoric of Money – Aesthetics, Affects and Narratives in Contemporary Mass Media Images
Monika Dommann, Container, Bezos, Ever Given: A Visual History of Logistics
12.45-13.45 Lunch Break
Section III – Political Conflicts and Economic Arguments
Controlling the Economy Across Borders
Chair: Marie Huber (Berlin)
Rüdiger Graf, Controlling Global Flows. Oil and Data Companies as World Rulers
Carina Moser, “People who don’t make anything, cannot buy anything” – The Free Trade Policy Debates in Politics and Media in the US in the 1990s
15.15-15.45 Coffee Break
Economic Extremism
Chair: n.n.
Quinn Slobodian, Investments for Survival: Goldbugs, Moneypocalypse, and the Rise of the Libertarian Right
Philipp Müller, Populism or Class Struggle? Left-Wing Resistance to “Speculators” in Spain after Franco
Concluding Discussion
Die Konferenz wird gefördert von der Fritz Thyssen Stiftung.
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