The year 2022 marked the centenary of the March on Rome. This anniversary provided a fruitful chance to survey the state of art of fascism studies. The varied contributions, conferences and book discussions prompted by the anniversary have provided a broad picture of recent historiographical trends and lines of enquiry, on which further reflections and in-depth analysis still appear useful. We believe that it is possible to advance further in research on fascism using a women's and gender history perspective. In the last forty years, women's and gender history has contributed to the reconsideration of the main historiographical issues, including from transnational and imperial perspectives.
The Scientific Committee, therefore, welcomes paper proposals - in Italian and English - which question the fascist experience through the analytical categories, chronologies and thematic articulations suggested by women's and gender history. The intention is to explore the most recent research but also to provide a chance for comparison on the methodologies employed in the study of fascism. Proposals may focus on primary sources and original cases, or on historiographical debates and methodological issues. In rethinking periodisations and categories - the relationship between continuities and ruptures, the spatial dimension or the notions of private, public and political -, proposals might address issues including but not limited to the following:
- families, bodies and sexuality;
- symbolic practices, representations, rituals;
- institutions and social control;
- cultures and forms of violence;
- biographies and (political) participation;
- living and working conditions;
- consumption and material culture.
Please send a 250-word abstract with a short bio by 15th March 2023 to the email address and, specifying in the email subject: CONVEGNO DONNE GENERE FASCISMO. The Scientific Committee will select proposals for the Conference by 15th May 2023. Funding for travel and accommodation is not available.
Scientific Commettee:
Stefania Bartoloni, Maria Nadia Filippini, Alessandra Gissi, Catia Papa, Martina Salvante, Simona Troilo