History of Intellectual Culture (HIC): International Yearbook of Knowledge and Society (https://www.degruyter.com/serial/HICU-B/html)
edited by:
Charlotte A. Lerg, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich
Johan Östling, Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge (LUCK), Lund University
Jana Weiß, University of Texas at Austin
HIC is seeking new contributions for publication in Volume 3 (2024). We are inviting proposals for (1) individual articles for sections I & III as well as (2) guest editors for the thematic section II.
HIC focuses on the modern period (from the long 19th century onward) and takes on a decidedly transatlantic and/or continental view of Europe and ‘America’ (including Canada, the U.S., and Latin America). Each volume is divided into three sections: The first part is open to individual papers that fall within HIC’s general profile. The second section presents a theme, bringing together four to five articles and an introduction on one specific overarching topic. The third section aims to engage with the field at large, for example through review essays, conversations, theoretical, methodological, or conceptual contributions.
In general, we seek original research that fruitfully ties empirical research to larger theoretical and methodological debates. In particular, we encourage articles that are structured as well-grounded arguments and aim at contributing to the general scholarly development of the field of the history of knowledge.
Articles for section I and II should be c. 8,000 words. The format of section III is more flexible and should be between 4,000 and 8,000 words. The thematic section II can include up to five individual contributions as well as a framing introduction and conclusion by the guest editors (the total word-count for section II is 40,000–50,000 words).
- Proposals for section I and III should be c. 500 words, accompanied by a short CV. Please also indicate which section you would like to contribute to.
- Proposals for a thematic guest editorship of section II should include a 500-word overall description as well as at least three confirmed contributors with working titles and 200-word abstracts each (further contributors should be recruited through an open call for papers). Please include short CVs of guest editors and confirmed contributors.
Please submit proposals in one pdf file by May 31, 2023 to HIC@lmu.de
We particularly welcome new, diverse voices and the work of early career researchers. Guest editors are encouraged to be aware of this policy. Grounded in the discipline of history, we distinctly encourage interdisciplinary approaches with the aim of stimulating productive exchanges, expanding conventional notions, and enriching public discourse.