The editors of Zeitsprünge. Forschungen zur Frühen Neuzeit – Studies in Early Modern History, Culture and Science invite essays.
Since its foundation by Klaus Reichert in 1997, Zeitsprünge has offered a forum for interdisciplinary early modern research in Europe. The editors welcome contributions concerning the history of ideas, knowledge, science, literature, art, and culture that are historically systematic while pursuing questions that transcend their respective disciplinary boundaries. We welcome essays that shed new light on these different fields of research by both daring to take 'tiger leaps into the past' (Walter Benjamin) and critically glancing into the present and the future.
Publication languages are German, English, French, Italian and Spanish. Articles in other languages may be considered after consultation with the editors.
All submitted essays are subject to a rigorous double-blind peer review process.
The submission of essays (ca. 65,000 characters) is always possible. Please email your essay, including two abstracts (in English and in the language of the essay) and six keywords, to E-mail an die Redaktion.
For any questions please contact (Kontakt):
Zeitsprünge. Forschungen zur Frühen Neuzeit – Studies in Early Modern History, Culture and Science
Edited by the Stuttgart Research Centre for Text Studies
Editorial board: Marlen Bidwell-Steiner (Vienna), Nicolas Detering (Bern), Hana Gründler (Florence), Victoria Gutsche (Erlangen), Katharina Piechocki (University of British Columbia, Vancouver), Sandra Richter (Stuttgart), Matthias Roick (Göttingen), Albert Schirrmeister (Paris), Claus Zittel (Stuttgart/Venice)