Kevin Lenk, Historisches Seminar, LS für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte (19.-21. Jh.), Universität Münster
Thursday, October 10
Venue: Heereman’scher Hof, Königsstraße 47, 48143 Münster
09:15 Welcome/Conference Opening
09:30-13:00 Panel 1: Transimperiality
Chair: Silke Mende (Münster)
Keynote Address: Maria Framke (Erfurt): Towards a Transimperial History of Humanitarianism, c. 1850s-1950s
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Vitalij Fastovskij (Münster): The Surveilled Traveler: Encouraging and Restricting Mass Mobility in the Age of Imperialism
Anne Schmiedl (Münster): Transimperial Knowledge Transfer between Europe, China and Japan, 1850-1920
Kevin Lenk (Münster): Securing the Coast, Ruling the World. The History of a Transimperial Project, 1870-1930
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break
14:30 Thematic City Walk (Meeting Point: Heereman’scher Hof)
Philipp Erdmann (Münster)/ Felicity Jensz (Münster): Colonial traces in Münster: An explorative city tour (German/English)
17:00-18:00 Poster Presentations
18:00-20:00 Keynote Speech
Chair: Sarah Albiez-Wieck (Münster)
Greeting Message: Monika Stoll, Vice-Rector for Research, University of Münster
Greeting Message: Dean of the Department of History/Philosophy
Frederick Cooper/Jane Burbank (New York): Sovereignty: Imperial, National, and Transimperial Perspectives
Reception at Heereman’scher Hof
Friday, October 11
Venue: Käte Hamburger Kolleg, Servatiiplatz 9, 48143 Münster
9:30-13:00 Panel 2: Mobility and Global Entanglements
Chair: Felix Brahm (Münster)
Keynote Address: Elizabeth Buettner (Amsterdam): Empires, Migration, and Race (as seen by ‘an Englishman from Budapest’)
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Sarah Albiez-Wieck (Münster): Controlling the Mobility of the Chinese. Spanish Philippines, 17th-19th century
Christoph Lorke (Münster): More than a Private Matter: "Mixed Marriages" in the Context of the German Colonial Empire and Beyond
Kirsten Kamphuis (Münster): Questions of Imperial Legitimacy in Indonesian Religious Women's Publications, 1920s-1940s
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-17:30 Panel 3: Imperial and Postimperial Societies and Cultures
Chair: Kevin Lenk (Münster)
Keynote Address: Markus Koller (Bochum): The ‘Marginalised Empire’ – Space and Society in Ottoman Provinces (17th/18th century)
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-17:30 Lena Marasinova (Münster): Legislative Regulation of the Death Penalty as an Instrument of Legal Unification in the Russian Empire of the 18th Century
Ricarda Vulpius (Münster): Enlightened Colonialism: Civilization Narratives and Imperial Politics in the Tsarist Empire’s Age of Reason
Mark Stein (Münster): Making Empire Porous
17:30 End of Conference