Military, War and Gender/Diversity: State of Research and Research Problems

MKGD Online Research Colloquium "Military, War and Gender/Diversity: State of Research and Research Problems"

Research Network MKGD; Prof. Dr. Karen Hagemann, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Prof. Dr. Isabelle Deflers; PD Dr. Anke Fischer-Kattner (University of the Bundeswehr Munich)
University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Online via Zoom
Findet statt
Vom - Bis
21.10.2024 - 17.02.2025
Anke Fischer-Kattner, Fakultät für Staats- und Sozialwissenschaften, Historisches Institut, Universität der Bundeswehr München

The international research network "Military, War, and Gender/Diversity" continues its online research colloquium in the winter semester. A lineup of distinguished speakers will be presenting their work, continuing our overview of "Military, War and Gender/Diversity: State of Research and Research Problems".

MKGD Online Research Colloquium "Military, War and Gender/Diversity: State of Research and Research Problems"

The online research colloquium of the Research Network on Military, War and Gender/Diversity (MKGD) is based at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. It aims to promote the networking of researchers in German-speaking, European and transatlantic countries and to create a cross-border virtual space for regular intellectual exchange on this important research topic. Advanced doctoral students will be invited as speakers and co-discussants, as well as experienced national and international experts. Presentations and discussions are held in German and English.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to lively exchanges and discussions!


Monday, October 21, 2024, 4-6 pm (CET)
Dr. Marta Havryshko (Clark University, Worcester, MA)
Gender, World War II in the East, and the Holocaust Revisited
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Maren Röger (University of Leipzig)

Monday, November 11, 2024, 4-6 pm (CET)
Prof. Dr. Isabel Heinemann (University of Bayreuth)
Nach dem Krieg: Aushandlungsprozesse um Gewalt, Geschlecht und Gesellschaft in BRD und DDR
Moderation: PD Dr. Claudia Kemper (LWL Institute for Westphalian Regional History, Münster)

Monday, December 2, 2024, 4-6 pm (CET)
Prof. Dr. Benno Gammerl (European University Institute, Florence)
Queering Military History?
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Christa Hämmerle (University of Vienna)

Monday, February 17, 2025, 4-6 pm (CET)
PD Dr. Eva Herschinger (University of the Bundeswehr Munich)
Male, Female, Radicalized? The Interplay of Gender, Radicalization and Terrorism
Moderation: Dr. Friederike Hartung (Bundeswehr Center for Military History and Social Sciences)

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Englisch, Deutsch
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