War in the Ancient World International Conference 2025

WAWIC 2025 - Warfare in the Ancient World International Conference 2025

Jeffrey Rop, University of Minnesota, Duluth; Marian Helm / Patrick Sänger, University of Münster; Lennart Gilhaus, University of Bonn / University of Duisburg-Essen; Graham Wrightson, South Dakota State University, Sioux Falls
Münster and Duluth
Findet statt
Vom - Bis
29.05.2025 - 31.05.2025
Lennart Gilhaus, Abt. Alte Geschichte, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft

We are pleased to announce the next annual hybrid conference designed to bring together researchers on ancient warfare from around the world to share research and ideas.

We invite submissions on any aspect, era, or geographical region of ancient warfare, encouraging a broad and inclusive discussion. Contributions from archaeological, philological, and historical perspectives are welcome, with particular interest in topics related to the Greco-Roman world, the ancient Near East, ancient Egypt, and neighboring cultures. The conference is open to doctoral students, early-career researchers, and established scholars alike.

See also panel calls: https://www.hsozkult.de/event/id/event-150256

WAWIC 2025 - Warfare in the Ancient World International Conference 2025

The WAWIC will be held in-person in Duluth, MN for North American participants and simultaneously in Münster, Germany for European participants. These in-person venues will be connected via Zoom for selected panels, enabling seamless transcontinental engagement.

We welcome proposals for both individual papers as well as for entire thematic panels.

Thematic panels can be accommodated at either location. We particularly welcome transcontinental panels and will facilitate their connection through Zoom. If you have an idea for a panel, please contact Lennart Gilhaus (lgilhaus@uni-bonn.de) and we will be happy to try to help realize your idea.
Individual Presentations should be no longer than 20 minutes. Online presentations are possible. However, participation in presence is desirable if there are no special personal reasons preventing it. Depending on the funding, participants in Münster (especially doctoral students) will ideally have part of their travel expenses reimbursed.

For individual contributions, please send an abstract of 300 words and a brief bio to Jeffrey Rop (jarop@d.umn.edu) for North America and Lennart Gilhaus (lgilhaus@uni-bonn.de) for Europe BEFORE January 15th 2025.

Participants are invited to submit their paper to the newly founded Diamond Open Access Online Journal “Deimos” after the conference. Thematic panels may be proposed for the newly founded book series “Bellona”.


Lennart Gilhaus (lgilhaus@uni-bonn.de)

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