The Karlsruhe Bede in Context: Cod. Aug. Perg. 167 - The Making of a Ninth Century Manuscript

The Karlsruhe Bede in Context: Cod. Aug. Perg. 167 - The Making of a Ninth Century Manuscript

Early Irish Hands (funded by Research Ireland) (Trinity College Dublin)
Trinity College Dublin
Neil Lecture Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin
Gefördert durch
Research Ireland
Findet statt
Vom - Bis
06.02.2025 - 07.02.2025
Peter Fraundorfer, History Department, Trinity College Dublin

The Early Irish Hands project is pleased to announce an international conference to 'decode' a famous early medieval manuscript.

The Karlsruhe Bede in Context: Cod. Aug. Perg. 167 - The Making of a Ninth Century Manuscript

The so-called Karlsruhe Bede is an Irish manuscript written in the ninth century, formerly held at Reichenau Abbey and now in the Badische Landesbibliothek in Karlsruhe. It featured in numerous publications over the last century, ranging from papers and books on palaeography, codicology, Bede studies, calendar studies, medieval glossing, medieval knowledge networks, and Computus. This conference will bring together researchers from different fields within medieval studies to look at this artefact holistically from all possible angles, to place it in a broader context and to try to answer, among other things, the still debated question of its origin.

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6th of February

15:00 Opening

15:15-16:15 Use and Reuse: The Palimpsests in Context

Palimpsests in the Early Irish Manuscript Tradition
Pádraic Moran (Galway)

The Palimpsests in the Reichenau Group
Nicole Volmering (Dublin)

16:15-17:00 Refreshments

17:00 Evening lecture

The Irish on the Continent and their Manuscripts
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (Galway)

7th of February

09:30-11:00 Palaeographical and Codicological Examinations

The Scribal Hands in Karlsruhe BLB Aug. perg. 167 and its Fragments (Aug. Fr. 17 & 18)
Peter Fraundorfer (Dublin/Heidelberg)

Observations on the Vatican Fragment of the Irish Manuscript Group
Tino Licht (Heidelberg)

Glosses and Marginal Notes in a Group of Reichenau Insular manuscripts - A Palaeographical View
Jule Meyer (Heidelberg)

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-13:00 Glossing and Annotating: Networks of Knowledge

Annotation Symbols in the Karlsruhe Bede and their Context
Evina Stein (Pavia)

Auctoritas and the Use of Sources in the Karlsruhe Bede Glosses
Jacopo Bisagni (Galway)

Here, there, and everywhere: Positioning the Karlsruhe Bede within the Early Medieval Glossing Tradition on Bede
Bernhard Bauer (Graz/Wien)

13:00-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00-15:30 The Transmission of the Bedan Texts and the Calendar

Shaping the Canon of Bede's Scientific Writings in the 'Karlsruhe Bede': De natura rerum, De temporibus, and De temporum ratione
Faith Wallis (Montreal)

The Afterlives of Chapter 5:24 of Bede’s Historia ecclesiastica
Máirín MacCarron (Cork)

Glendalough, the Original Home of Karlsruhe BLB Aug. perg. 167?
Pádraig Ó Riain (Cork)

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-17:30 Reckoning the Past and the Future

The Prognostica in Aug. perg. 167
David Juste (München)

Computistical Tables in the Karlsruhe Bede
Mathew Clear (Dublin)

Historiography and Chronology in the Karlsruhe Bede (Karlsruhe BLB Aug. perg. 167)
Immo Warntjes (Dublin)

17:30 Closing Remarks
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