Florian Ambach, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften und Europäische Ethnologie, Universität Innsbruck
Monday, 3rd February 2025
8.30 Registration
9.00 Welcome Address (Dirk Rupnow)
9.10 Opening Remarks (Florian Ambach & Elena Taddei)
8.15–11.00 Panel 1: Mediterranean (Un)Freedom
Chair: Dirk Rupnow (Innsbruck)
Teresa Peláez-Domínguez (Valencia): Coerced labour in the 16th-century galleys: Work, (un)freedom and mobility in the early modern Mediterranean
A. Jorge Aguilera-López (Helsinki): Shipwrights in Shackles: Expertise and Captivity on the Early Modern Barbary Coast
Firdevs Bulut (Izmir): Dynamics of Slave Labor in the 19th Century in the Hinterland of Izmir
11.30–13.00 Panel 2: Imprisonment, Agency, and Escape
Chair: Gunda Barth-Scalmani (Innsbruck)
Samuele Virga (Verona): The ‘Taifa’ of the Turks and the Slave Merchants of Livorno. Agency, Labor, and Self-Ransom (17th–18th Centuries)
Chechesh Kudachinova (Berlin): "Like a Caged Bird": Captivity and "Social Coma" in 17th-Century Siberia
Teresa Petrik (St. Pölten): "Devil, I have to get out!" Strategies of escaping imprisonment and negotiations of (un)freedom in 18th-century Vienna and Upper Austria
14.00–15.00 Panel 3: Materialities
Chair: Elena Taddei (Innsbruck)
Joseph L. Yannielli (Birmingham, UK): The Technology of Captivity: Collars, Chains, and Counterinsurgency
Susanna Asthon (Clemson): The Slave Pass: A Cultural History
15.30–17.00 Panel 4: (Un)Freedom in the Age of Abolition
Chair: Levke Harders (Innsbruck)
Elyssa Gage (Wilkes-Barre): Speaking of Rebellion: Justifying Unfreedom in the Reestablishment of Slavery in Guadeloupe, 1801–1803
Elena Barattini (Turin): Diasporic Agencies: "Time-Expired Coolies", Negotiations and Mobilities in the Caribbean (1860–1882)
Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers (Berkeley): She "bought negroes from jail": White Women and the Afterlives of Slavery
17.15 – 18.15 Keynote
Moderation: Niels Grüne (Innsbruck)
Michael Zeuske (Bonn/Cologne): Global histories of slavery and the self-representations of slaves
Tuesday, 4th February 2025
9.00–11.00 Panel 5: (Un)Freedom and Labour in Colonial Contexts
Chair: Marina Hilber (Innsbruck)
Martin Gabriel (Klagenfurt): Colonial Labor, (Un)Freedom, and Agency in Early Modern Spanish America
Lara-Marie Frick (Heidelberg/Paris): Voluntary Unfreedom for Freedom's Sake. German(-speaking) engagés and the French Colonial Projects in Louisiana (1720) and Guiana (1763)
Philipp Huber (Amsterdam/Nijmegen): The Unfree population of Macau in its Parish Registers
Julian zur Lage (Hamburg): Indentured Migration in the Pacific Ocean World: Global Politics and Individual Agency, ca. 1860–1900
11.30–13.00 Panel 6: (Un)Freedom, Gender, and Family
Chair: Ellinor Forster (Innsbruck)
Johannes Gradel (Tübingen): Agency and Representation of Enslaved Women in the Capuchin Hospice of Kimbangu, Kingdom of Kongo (1701)
Turkana Allahverdiyeva (Bonn): Agents of Change: Slaves in the Family Setting of Early Modern Crimean Khanate
Kate Ekama/Benjamin Crous (Stellenbosch): Enslaved women and the body as resistance at the Cape Colony
14.00–15.30 Panel 7: Transatlantic Reflections of (Un)Freedom and Resistance
Chair: Eric Burton (Innsbruck)
Florian Ambach (Innsbruck): Ports to (Un)Freedom. Capuchin Missionaries in West Central African Hubs of the Slave Trade
Yevan Terrien (Lafayette): Black Unfreedom, Marronage, and Customary Rights in the Slave Society of Early New Orleans
Diego Schibelinski (Bonn): Maritime bondage: The dual role of slavery and the fighting for freedom on board the slave ships
15.30–16.00 Closing Remarks (Florian Ambach & Elena Taddei)