Sven Günther, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (IHAC), Northeast Normal University
26 June 2025 (afternoon & evening)
14.30–15.00: welcome addresses & thematic introduction (representative(s) from co-organising institutions; organisers E. Günther; H. Zhang; S. Günther)
panel 1: coin legends and interdisciplinary studies
15.00–15.45: Andreas Grüner (Classical Archaeology, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg): “Epigraphica numismatica: giant letters and minuscule coins.”
15.45–16.30: Francois de Callataÿ (Royal Library Belgium, Brussels): “To properly read monetary legends: a preliminary but often tricky task for 16th–18th c. numismatists.”
reception in Bavarian Academy of Science
17.30–18.30: keynote by Prof. Dr. Stephanie Geise (Professor for Communication and Media Studies, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Studies, University of Bremen): “The logic of Visual Framing: patterns, potentials & effects.”
27 June 2025 (full day)
panel 2: coin legends in the Greek & Hellenistic world
8.30–9.15: Ute Wartenberg (Sydney F. Martin Executive Director, American Numismatic Society, New York): “Voices of the provinces: multilingualism in Achaemenid coinage.”
9.15–10.00: Caterina Schorer (Classical Archaeology, University of Heidelberg & University of Zurich): “Framing a parasemon: coin legends of Elea in Classical and Hellenistic periods.”
Coffee break
10.30–11.15: Annette Haug (Classical Archeology, University of Kiel) / Ulrike Peter (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities): “Texts and images on Greek coins between paratextuality and parapictoriality.”
11.15–12.00: Gunnar Dumke (Coin Cabinet Winterthur): “basileus and maharaja – reading (and understanding) Indo-Greek coin legends.”
Lunch break
panel 3: coin legends during the Roman Republic
14.00–14.45: Manfredi Zanin (Ancient History, University of Bielefeld): “Not one without the other. The semantic coherence of signatures, legends and portraits in Roman Republican coinage.”
14.45–15.30: Hongxia Zhang (IHAC, NENU, Changchun): “Aristocratic messages on Roman Republican coin legends.”
Coffee break
16.00–16.45: Niklas Unterdörfel (Helmut Schmidt-University Hamburg): “The bilingual Neo-Punic coins of Numidia and Mauretania: cultural exchange and identity in Ancient Numismatics.”
16.45–17.30: Sven Günther (IHAC, NENU, Changchun): “How coin legends work at the rims of the Roman world.”
Conference dinner
28 June 2025 (morning):
panel 4: coin legends in the Roman Empire
8.30–9.15: Elisabeth Günther (Institute for Classical Archaeology and Byzantine Archaeology, University of Heidelberg): “The iconography of words. Legends as pictorial elements in Roman imperial coinage.”
9.15–10.00: Fleur Kemmers (Institute for Archaeological Sciences, Goethe-University Frankfurt): “Images and ambiguity, or when to (not) use a legend on Roman imperial coinage.”
Coffee break
10.30–11.15: Sven Betjes (Department of History – Art History, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen): “Engaging the viewer: the various functions of the legend in Roman imperial coinage.”
11.15–12.00: Clare Rowan (University of Warwick): “Everyday literacy and Roman tokens.”
Concluding discussion