Colin G. Calloway
Thursday, May 13, 1999 3:30 p.m. WELCOME
Session I: Mutual Reflections, Mutual Projections (4:00 - 5:30 p.m.)
Chair: Gerd Gemuenden (German Studies, Dartmouth College)
Hartmut Lutz (American Studies, Universitaet Greifswald, Germany)
"'Deutsche Indianertuemelei'/'German Indianthusiasm': On the Historical Origins and Contemporary Functions of a Socially Constructed German National(ist) Myth" Katrin Sieg (German Studies, Indiana University)
"Race and Reconstruction: Winnetou in Bad Segeberg, 1952-54"
KEYNOTE ADDRESS - 105 Dartmouth Hall
8:30 p.m. Christian Feest (North American Studies, Universitaet Frankfurt)
-- "Germany's Indians in a European Perspective"
Friday, May 14, 1999
Session II: Encounters and Representations
(9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon)
Chair: Dale Turner (Native American Studies, Dartmouth College)
Wynfried Kriegleder (German Studies, Universitaet Wien)
"The America n Indian in German Novels up to the 1850s" Jeffrey Sammons (German Studies, Yale University)
"Nineteenth-Century German Representations of Indians from Experience: Charles Sealsfield, Balduin Moellhausen, and Friedrich Gerstaecker, with a Contrasting Glance at Karl May" Markus Kreis (Pedagogy, Universitaet Dortmund)
"Reports from Germany and America in the 1890s on Encounters between Germans and American Indians" Elsa Muller (American Studies, University of Pennsylvania)
"Active Here, Different There: Welskopf-Henrich and the American Indian Movement"
Session III: Moravian Roundtable
(2:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.)
Chair: Darryl K. Stonefish (Tribal Historian, Moravian Band Delaware Nation, Thamesville, Ontario, Canada)
Katherine Faull Eze (Modern Languages, Bucknell)
"Cultural Encounters of Moravian and Native American Women in the Eighteenth Century" William Starna (Anthropology, SUNY Oneonta); and Corinna Dally-Starna (Schrift Research)
"'Amongst the Brown Flock': American Indians and Moravians in Southern New England" Carola Wessel (History, Universitaet Goettingen)
"'We are now one people': Encounters between Delawares and Moravian Missionaries during the Revolutionary War" Maia T. Conrad (History, Northwestern University)
"Self-Identification in a Blended Community: Moravian Converts and Missionaries on the Ohio Frontier" Rowena McClinton (History, Middle Tennessee State University)
"European Values and Cherokee Adaptations to Traditional Life: Moravians and Cherokees in the Early Nineteenth Century"
Friday Evening Program
A Talk and Presentation with slides 105 Dartmouth Hall
Beeke M. Sell Tower (Goethe Institute, Boston)
"'Ich als Indianer': German Artists and Native Americans in the Twentieth Century"
Saturday, May 15, 1999
Session IV: Shared and Contested Territories
(9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon)
Liam Riordan (History, University of Maine)
"'We tracked him by his blood for some duration': The American Revolution as a German-Indian Struggle on the Pennsylvania Frontier" Ingo Schroeder (History, University of New Mexico)
"Pastor Francis Uplegger: A German Missionary Meets the Apache" Gerhard Grytz (History, University of Nevada)
'"Old Shatterhand and Winnetou in Arizona? Myth and Reality of German-American Indian Relations in 19th-Century Arizona" Russel Barsh (Native American Studies, University Lethbridge)
"German Immigrants and Ethnic Patterns of Intermarriage with American Indians in the Pacific Northwest"
Session V: Investigating the Other
(2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
Chair: Sergei Kan (Native American Studies, Dartmouth College)
Bernd Peyer (North American Studies, Universitaet Frankfurt)
"A Nineteenth-Century Ojibwa Conquers Germany" Glenn Penny (History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
"On Display: 'The American Indian' in Germany, 1880-1910" Barbara Saunders (Cultural Anthropology/ Philosophy, University of Leuven)
"Boas' Legacy" Diane Krumrey (American/Native American Studies, Universitaet Dortmund)
"The Image of Germans in Indian Popular Culture"