International Forum of Young Scholars on Eastern European Jewry

International Forum of Young Scholars on Eastern European Jewry

Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture at Leipzig University, Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for Russian and East European Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, International Center for Russian and East European Jewish Studies, Moscow
Leipzig, Germany
Leipzig, Germany
Vom - Bis
18.07.2004 - 28.07.2004
Tobias Brinkmann

International Forum of Young Scholars on Eastern European Jewry

The Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for Russian and East European Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in cooperation with the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture at Leipzig University, and the International Center for Russian and East European Jewish Studies in Moscow are pleased to invite applications for the International Forum of Young Scholars on East European Jewry. Its purpose to promote the research and career progress of promising young scholars from Europe, the former Soviet Union, North America and Israel.

This will be an ongoing forum, comprised of 15-20 advanced Ph.D. students (ABD) and recent Ph.Ds (before tenure-track appointments). It will meet once a year and is intended to allow these young scholars an opportunity for cross-fertilization in their fields with their own peers and with an esteemed group of senior scholars led by Profs. Jonathan Frankel (chairman), Dan Diner, Zvi Gitelman, Oleg Budnitskii and Israel Bartal. We invite applications from candidates in all branches of the humanities and the social sciences connected to the study of East European Jewry.

The first session of the International Forum will be held at the Dubnow Institute in Leipzig from
18-28 July 2004. Prof. Sander Gilman of the University of Illinois will also participate as a senior scholar in this year. Information about the Dubnow Institute can be found at

Transportation and housing costs for the participants will be paid in full by the organizers of the Forum. The Nevzlin Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem will serve as the permanent base of the Forum.

Applications must include:
• Updated CV
• Transcript
• Publications list
• A description of current research
• Two letters of recommendation.

Please e-mail the CV, publications list, description of research and the names of the two recommenders to the Nevzlin Center ( by 19 March 2004.
The printed transcript and letters of recommendation must be received at the Nevzlin Center by 28 March 2004. The mailing address is:

The Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for Russian and East European Jewry
Rabin Building
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mt. Scopus
Jerusalem 91905

Applicants will be informed of the selection committee’s decision in early April 2004.

Further inquiries can be made at the Nevzlin Center:
Tel: ++ 972-2-5881959
Fax: ++972-2-5881950



Jonathan Dekel-Chen

Leonid Nevzlin Research Center, Hebrew University Jerusalem
Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem IL-91905, Israel


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