Across the Border - International Railway Investments in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Across the Border - International Railway Investments in the 19th and 20th Centuries

International Railway History Association (IRHA) / Association internationale d'histoire des chemins de fer (AIHC) / Asociacion Internacional de Historia Ferroviaria (AIHF)
Panhans Hotel in Semmering (Austria)
Vom - Bis
17.09.2004 - 19.09.2004
Roth, Ralf

Call for Participation

'Across the Border' - International Railway Investments in the 19th and 20th Centuries
First International Conference of the International Railway History Association (IRHA) / Association internationale d'histoire des chemins de fer (AIHC) / Asociacion Internacional de Historia Ferroviaria (AIHF) in Semmering (Austria), September 17-19, 2004

The International Railway History Association (IRHA) is very pleased to invite all who are interested in Traffic, Business and Social History to its first International conference. International financial transactions that have taken place across national borders continue to attract our attention and are of the greatest importance in Europe and throughout the world. The conference will focus on the major investors who, in the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, first established railway shares as an act of national unity. A considerable number of these investors also wanted to create extensive world-wide network and thus invested a lot of capital in foreign countries. We would like to discuss the role of financiers, businessmen and engineers of the railways in the time when certain well-known individuals of European capitalism appear on the scene.

- When, where and why were railway investments from investors from other countries of great importance?
- How difficult was it for foreign investors to realise their interests in light of national laws and government policy as well as the economic and cultural barriers that existed at that time.
- What were the economic and political consequences of railway investments across the borders?
- As a tribute to our conference host in the town of Semmering, Austria, we look also at the history of its 150 year old railway line ( Please find below the schedule of the conference including the following events and papers.

The conference is supported by the Federal Ministry for Traffic, Innovation and Technology (Bundesministerium fur Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie), the Austrian Association for Traffic and Science (Osterreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft) and Bombardier:
The conference will take place at the Panhans Hotel in Semmering (Austria) from September 17 to 19, 2004. End of registration date is 20 August 2004

For registration, please use the following address:
visit our website:

In any case you have organisational questions, contact:
Austropa Interconvention Osterr. Verkehrsburo AG
Friedrichstrasse 7
A-1010 Wien
Tel. +43 1 588 00 521, Fax +43 1 588 00 520

For any question concerning the content of the conference do not hesitate to contact:
PD Dr. Ralf Roth
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat
Historisches Seminar
Gruneburgplatz 1
60629 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 (0)69 798-32627 and +49 (0)69 83 83 38 85
Fax: +49 (0)69 798-32622 and +49 (0)69 83 83 38 85
Gunter Dinhobl
IFF - Fakultat für Interdisziplinare Forschung und Fortbildung (Klagenfurt - Graz - Wien)
Schottenfeldgasse 29/5
A-1070 Wien

For more information visit our website:
International Railway History Association (IRHA) / Association internationale d'histoire des chemins de fer (AIHC) / Asociacion Internacional de Historia Ferroviaria (AIHF) Siege
social: 16, rue Jean-Rey, F-75015 Paris


Friday, 17 September 2004
15.00-16.00: Opening of the Conference

Welcome by Gerhard H. Gurtlich (Federal Ministry for Traffic, Innovation and Technology, Vienna, Austria)
Welcome by Helmut Hainitz (Austrian Federal Railway, Vienna)
Welcome by Paul Veron (UIC, Paris, France)
Opening of the conference by Michele Merger (President of IRHA, Paris, France)

16.00-19.00: Session 1 - Individual Across-Border Investors

Melanie Aspey (The Rothschild Archive, London, United Kingdom):
Making Tracks: Promoting The Rothschild Archive as a Source for Railway History

Christophe Bouneau (Universite Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux 3 and Maison des Sciences de l'Homme d'Aquitaine, France):
The Pereire Family Strategy in the Field of International Finance in the 1850-1860's

Ihor Zhaloba (University Library, Czernowitz, Ukraine):
Leon Sapieha - a Prince and a Railroad Entepreneur

Michele Merger (Institut d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, CNRS, Paris, France):
Raffaele de Ferrari, Duke of Galliera, an Investor of European Stature

Ralf Roth (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat, Frankfurt, Germany):
The Rise and Fall of the Railway King Henry Bethel Strousberg: Difficulties of International Railway Investments in Germany in the 1860s

19.45: Evening Lecture
Rocio Robles Tardio (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain):
Economic Investment and Railway Publicity. The Influence of Railway Photographs Circulation on French and Spanish Modern Painting in the 19th Century Second Half

Saturday, 18. September 2004
9.00-13.00: Session 2 - Across Border Investments in Europe

Francisco de los Cobos Arteaga & Tomas Martinez Vara (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha and Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain):
Spanish Society of Secondary Railways: the Failure of a Major International Project to Create an Additional Railway Network in Spain

Gustav Sjoblom (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom):
International Constraints, Railway Finance and the Menace of Motorization in Germany, 1925-35, Including a Brief Comparison with Sweden and Great Britain

Daniela Felisini (Universita di Roma "Torre Vergata", Italy):
Railway Investments in Italy in the 19th Century

Magda Pinheiro (Instituto superior de Ciencias do Trabalho e da Empresa, Portugal):
The French Investors in Portuguese Railways from 1855 to 1884: Three Cases

Frans Buelens (University of Antwerp, Belgium):
British and French Investments in the Belgian Railroad Sector During the 19th Century

Augustus J. Veenendaal (Institute of Netherlands History at The Hague, The Netherlands):
The Dutch as Railway Investors at Home and Abroad

Saturday, 18. September 2004
15.00-19.00: Session 3 - From Europe into the World: Oversea Investments

Diane K. Drummond (University of Leeds, United Kingdom):
Reasons for Sustained British Investment in Overseas' Railways, 1830-1914: The Imperial Dream, Engineers' Assurances or an 'Investment Hungry' Public?

Ian J. Kerr (University of Manitoba, Canada):
John Chapman and the Promotion of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, 1842-1850

Robert Lee (University of Western Sydney, Australia):
French Finance and Railway Construction in Northern China, 1895-1905

Ian Thompson (Unidad de Transporte, Chile):
The Transandine Railway: a Hundred Year Long Financial Disaster that still Attracts Investors

Maria Teresa Ribeiro de Oliveira (University of Brasilia, Brazil):
The Establishment of Railways in the 19th Century Brazil and the British Imperialism

Bulent Bilmez (Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey):
Railway Projects as 'Modernisation Projects': Review of Ottoman Railways to 1918

19.45: Evening lecture
Andrea Giuntini (Universita degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy):
Invitation to Our Next Conference in Italy

Gerhard H. Gurtlich (Federal Ministry for Traffic, Innovation and Technology, Vienna, Austria):
Semmering Railway. The History and Financial Aspects Then and Today

Sunday, 19. September 2004 9.00-12.00: Excursion

Walter Potucek (Austrian Federal Railway, Vienna):
Guided Tour Along the UNESCO World Heritage Semmeringbahn

13.00: End of the Conference


PD Dr. Ralf Roth

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