Intellectual History in a Global Age

Intellectual History in a Global Age

The Journal of the History of Ideas Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
Vom - Bis
14.10.2004 - 17.10.2004
Ulrich Johannes Schneider

In connection with the project "International Dictionary of Intellectual Historians" the Journal of the History of Ideas is holding an international conference at the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbuettel. The program is available on the Internet:



Thursday, oct. 14, 2004

* 5 – 7 pm Opening and Welcome

Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer

Donald R. Kelley
Intellectual History in a Global Age. Opening remarks

Ulrich Johannes Schneider
The International Dictionary of Intellectual Historians. Project presentation

* 7.30 Dinner for Conference Participants

Friday, oct. 15, 2004

Chair: Donald R. Kelley

* 9 – 11 am

Allan Megill
Globalization and the History of Ideas
Comment: Warren Breckman

Jerome B. Schneewind
Globalization and the History of Philosophy
Comment: Michael Carhart

* 11 – 11.30 am: Coffee break

Joseph Levine
Intellectual history as history?
Comment: Constance Blackwell

* 12.30 – 2 pm: Lunch

* 2 pm: Tour of the Library with Jill Bepler

* 3 – 6.30 pm

Naoki Sakai
Panel Introduction: Intellectual History and Japan

Tomiko Yoda
Reading History Against the National Frame
Comment: Jennifer S. Milligan

Takeshi Komagome
Intellectual History in the Context of Colonialism: Colonial Modernity for an Elite Taiwanese
Comment: Steffi Richter

Saturday, oct. 16, 2004

Chair: Jacques Revel

* 9 – 11 am

Edoardo Tortarolo

World history in the 21st century

Lorina R. Repina
Universal history in the Russian intellectual Tradition (XIX - XXI cc.)

* 11 – 11.30 am: Coffee break

Matthias Middell
The Place of Intellectual History within the History of Historiography 1850-2000
Comment: Maryanne Cline Horowitz

* 12.30 – 2 pm: Lunch

Chair: Jerome B. Schneewind

* 2 – 4 pm

Chen Xin
The Ultimate Goal: Writing Intellectual History in the Context of Globalization
Comment: Axel Schneider

Bonnie Smith
The commerce of ideas
Comment: Laszlo Kontler

* 4 – 4.30 pm: Coffee break

* 4.30 – 6.30 pm

Axel Schneider
How ideas become history and how history feeds ideas: On the dialectics of intellectual history

Maryanne Cline Horowitz
Globalization in the New Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Project presentation

* 6.30 pm

Donald R. Kelley, Ulrich Johannes Schneider
Closing Remarks

* 7.30 pm Dinner

Sunday, 17. Okt. 2004

* 10-11 am Visit of the Anton Ulrich Museum in Braunschweig

Participants include
Constance Blackwell (London, UK)
Warren Breckman (Philadelphia, USA)
Michael Carhart (Norfolk, Virginia, USA)
Matthew DeCoursey (Bulgaria)
Horst Dreitzel (Bielefeld, Germany)
Maryanne Cline Horowitz (Los Angeles, California, USA)
Rick Jobs (Pacific University, Oregon, USA)
Donald R. Kelley (New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA)
Takeshi Komagome (Kyoto, Japan)
László Kontler (Budapest, Hungary)
Leonard I. Leeb (Bklyn.,N.Y)
Joseph Levine (New York City, New York, USA)
Allan Megill (Charlottesville, Virginia, USA)
Matthias Middell (Leipzig, Germany)
Jennifer Milligan (Cambridge, Mass., USA)
Friedrich Niewoehner (Wolfenbuettel, Germany)
Lorina P. Repina (Moscow, Russia)
Jacques Revel (Paris, France)
Steffi Richter (Leipzig, Germany)
Naoki Sakai (Ithaca, New York, USA)
Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer (Wolfenbuettel, Germany)
Jerome B. Schneewind (Baltimore, Maryland, USA)
Axel Schneider (Leiden, Netherlands)
Ulrich Johannes Schneider (Wolfenbuettel, Germany)
Bonnie Smith (New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA)
Edoardo Tortarolo (Torino, Italy)
Bradford Whitener (Charlottesville, Virginia, USA)
Chen Xin (Shanghai, China)
Tomiko Yoda (Durham, USA)

Updated September 14, 2004

For further information please contact:


Prof. Dr. U. J. Schneider

Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel

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