Thursday, September 1st, 2005
13.30 - 17.30
Registration, Foyer Casino, Campus Westend
(also possible on Friday and Saturday)
Reception at Geldmuseum der Deutschen Bundesbank
Friday, September 2nd, 2005
Key note speech: How Managers make Corporate Images – and Corporate Images make Managers
Prof. Dr. Alfred Kieser, University of Mannheim
Session 1 A Building Corporate Images from Inside
Chair: Christian Kleinschmidt
Discussant: Brita Lundström
Faessler, Peter: Areal References in the Self-Portrayal of West German Companies.
Cox, Howard: Shaping the corporate identity from below: the role of the BAT Bulletin
Kipping, Matthias/ Cailluet, Ludovic: Building a pharmaceutical and personal care products multinational using the metaphor of a small town pharmacy: Pierre Fabre 1960-2004
Henkel, Regina: Corporate Fashion – a fashion concept between individuality and standardization
Session 1 B Corporate Identity under Totalitarian Regimes
Chair: Christoph Buchheim
Discussant: The audience
Schneider, Michael C.: Between World Economic Crisis and War Economy: Chemnitz Machine. Building Enterprises during the National Socialist Period (1933-1945)
Mau, Mark: German Affairs. Corporate Governance at the Danish Telephone Companies during the German Occupation 1940-45
Amatori, Franco: Myth and reality of a large corporation in Fascist Italy: The story of Montecatini
Jajesniak-Quast, Dagmara: Corporate Images of the first socialist steel works in Nowa Huta-Kraków, Eisenhüttenstadt and Kunice-Ostrava
Session 1 C Corporate Culture and Mergers
Chair: Susanna Fellman
Dicussant: Eric Godelier
Os, Maurits J.J. van: Anglo-Dutch Cross-Border Mergers: The merger between Hoogovens & British Steel (Corus) 1998-2004
Ellerbrock, Karl-Peter: Emergence into Europe? The Estel failure and changing concepts of corporate culture within the Hoesch enterprise during the 1970s and 1980s
Bouwens, Bram/ Dankers, Joost: Below a sealevel: a second merger wave in the Netherlands
Session 1 D Fairs and Exhibitions
Chair: Margarita Dritsas
Discussant: Manuel Schramm
Carreras, Albert/ Torra, Lídia: Why did modern trade fairs appear?
Hannah, Leslie: L’Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Paris, 1900: Contemporary and Historiographical Images of National Businesses at the Turn of the Century
Tréfas, David: Exhibition of Electricity for industry and households in Basel in 1913
Session 1 E Long Term Changes in Corporate Culture
Chair: Toni Pierenkemper
Discussant: Per Boje
James, Harold: The Familiarity of the Corporate Image: de Wendels, Haniels and Falcks
Doherty, Maura: "Once a milltown, always a milltown?": Changing corporate images in Lowell, Massachusetts
Bakker, Wibo: Man to manual? The diverse roots of corporate identity
14.00- 15.30
Panel discussion: Global Business Strategies versus "Cosy Capitalism" - Does Rhenish Capitalism still matter for Business and the Economy?
Wolfgang Münchau, Financial Times, Brussels
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Berghoff, University of Göttingen
Dr. Heinrich Binder, Takata-Petri AG
Prof. Dr. Patrick Fridenson, EHESS Paris
David Marsh, David Marsh & Co., London
Session 2 A Entrepreneurs and Managers
Chair: Franco Amatori
Discussant: Håkan Lindgren
Ehret, Ulrike/ Kretschmer, Tobias: Was Schumpeter a Schumpeterian? A critical analyses of Schumpeter's economic and investment strategies, 1919-1924
Hesse, Jan-Otmar/ Köster, Roman: Fading out the entrepreneur. Images of the entrepreneur in German economics between 1920 and 1955
Kirby, Maurice: Paradigm change in operations research:Thirty years of debate
Session 2 B Cross-Cultural Images of Global Actors
Chair: Susanne Hilger
Discussant: Margaret Walsh
Kerkhof, Stefanie van de: How to sell Weapons – How to Analyse Marketing Strategies. International Fairs and Communication Policy of Arm Producers in the 19th and 20th Century
Bersselaar, Dimitri van den: Advertising for Gin in Western Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries
Lengsfeld, Barbara: Marketing and Distribution Strategies of Daimler Chrysler in the USA, 1950s and 1960s
Decker, Stephanie: Advertising and the language of development – British Multinationals in West Africa, 1945 -1975
Session 2 C Images of Transport
Chair: Laurent Tissot
Discussant: Susanne Kill
Erker, Paul: „Family Business“ as identity and strategy. The logistics company Dachser GmbH & Co KG from the 1950s to the 1990s
Gulowsen, Jon: Esprit du Corps: The case of the Norwegian State Railways
Goey, Ferry de: Cruising with Holland America Line: Tourism, corporate identity and corporate history
Crompton, Gerald: Images of the Corporation - the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Company
Kopper, Christopher: The Deutsche Bundesbahn and the late discovery of environmental friendliness
Session 2 D Financial Institutions
Chair: Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich
Discussant: Dana Stefanova
Dritsas, Margaret: Corporate Culture, Corporate Responsibility and Business Representation in Banking, Industry and Tourism
Rutterford, Janette: The Company Prospectus: Marketing Shares on the London Stock Exchange, 1850 to 1940
Bonin, Hubert: French banks’ image in search of a positive identity, from the Turino exhibition in 1911 to the 1980s
Newton, Lucy: Female investors in the first English and Welsh commercial joint-stock banks
Session 2 E Central and Eastern European Business Relations in the Cold War
Chair: Christopher Kobrak
Discussant: Alice Teichova
Stiefel, Dieter: “No Man’s Land”: Economic Problems and Advantages of Neutrality in the Cold War
Enderle-Burcel, Gertrude: Cloaked Companies: KPÖ-related Austrian Firms’ Eastern Trade. (KPÖ: Austrian Communist Party)
Kubu, Eduard: The Revival of Austrian-Czechoslovak Economic Relations after 1945
Hallon, Ludovit: Facilities, Forms and Areas of Economic Activities of Firms in Neutral and in Socialist Countries During the Cold War: the Slovak Case
Saturday, September 3rd, 2005
Session 3 A Fashion Consciousness
Chair: Joost Dankers
Discussant: Kurt Jacobsen
Dee, Donald U./ Jakob, Mark: Naughty but nice: the self-fashioning of the sex products industry, The case of Beate Uhse
Favero, Giovanni: Benetton: identifying an image, imagining an identity
Merlo, Elisabetta/ Polese, Francesca: Advertising and selling fashion. The Bocconi departement stores' mail order catalogs in the 1880s
Session 3 B ‘Aryanisation Contracts’ Revisited
Chair: Ulf Olsson
Discussant: Christopher Kopper
Ziegler, Dieter: The 'Germanisation' and 'Aryanization' of the Vienna branchesof the Banque des Pays de l'Europe Centrale and of the Živnostenská banka, 1938
Köhler, Ingo: The ‘Aryanisation’ of the German private banks Mendelssohn & Co. (Berlin) and Gebr. Arnhold (Dresden/Berlin)
Wixforth, Harald: The ‘Aryanisation’ and ‘Germanisation’ of the branches of three Czechoslovakian banks in the Sudeten area
Session 3 C Use and Abuse of Company History
Chair: Harold James
Discussant: Thomas Welskopp
Delahaye, Agnes/ Booth, Charles/ Clark, Peter/ Rowlinson, Michael: Building a Corporate Image through History. Corporate History as a Genre
Lundström, Brita: The Role of History in the Modern Company : Ericsson and the Past
Paquier, Serge: The Festschriften in Switzerland
Session 3 D Co-operative Culture
Chair: Harm Schröter
Discussant: Phil Scranton
Mordhorst, Mads: The co-operative movement in Denmark - between national identity and globalization
Hansen, Per H.: Organizational Culture, Narratives and Organizational Change: The Transformation of Savings Banks in Denmark, 1965-1990
Session 3 E Constructing Company History after the War
Chair: Werner Plumpe
Discussant: Margrit Seckelmann
Ahrens, Ralf: Cleansing Corporate History as Constructing Corporate Identity: The Case of Dresdner Bank after World War II
Stokes, Raymond: 'The persistence of memory’': Corporate governance and identity formation at the Buna-Werke Schkopau, 1936-2000
Kleinschmidt, Christian: The I.G.-Farben heritage, Bayer and PR. Business strategies after 1945
Session 4 A Quality and Image
Chair: Michael French
Discussant: Raymond Stokes
Fernández-Garcia, Eva: Marketing Strategies in Sherry Wine Industry during the Twentieth Century
Hierholzer, Vera: Quality as a sales argument: Advertising strategies of the German food industry during the industrialisation
Holten, Birgitte: Improving the image of a national, strategic product. An early sales campaign (Brazil coffee in the 1880s)
Session 4 B European Integration
Chair: Youssef Cassis
Discussant: Peter Hertner
Maielli, Giuliano: Between Italy and Europe: Tariff Abolition and the Development of the Common Market Through a Company’s Eyes and Words
Schröter, Harm G.: Europe: The ideas, understanding and concepts of enterprise on the largest market in the world, 1950-2000
Schwarzkopf, Stefan: Nation vs. corporation: branding and corporate design of British Petroleum in the United Kingdom and in Continental Europe , 1918 – 1939
Session 4 C Visual Constructions of Corporate Image
Chair: Patrick Fridenson
Discussant: Joachim Thommes
Michel, Alain P.: Corporate images of Renault (1898-1939). Visual documents and the renewal of business history
Guthey, Eric/ Jackson, Brad: Framed? The Visual Politics of Corporate Scandal
Zimmermann, Yvonne: From Corporate Image to National Identity: Corporate Films of the Maggi Food Corporation in Switzerland
Session 4 D Enterprising Media
Chair: Mats Larsson
Discussant: Daniel Nyberg
Lechner, Stefanie: The Power of the Narrative: How Language Shapes Business Reality
Meier, Peter/ Häussler, Thomas/ Hesse, Jan-Otmar: Media of corporate culture: the example of Ringier
Boersma, Kees/ Ybema, Sierk: The role of history in the social construction of a identity change - conflict among editors of the Dutch Newspaper 'de Volkskrant'
Session 4 E Corporate Architecture
Chair: Tony Slaven
Discussant: Per Hansen
Fellman, Susanna: The Aesthetics of Modern Management – The Professionalisation of Management and the Creation of the Modern, Efficient Firm in Finland, 1920s–1940s.
Laufer, Ulrike: Global hearts and local faces? Architecture as visual corporate identitiy - looking at the Ruhr area
Mikkonen, Tuija: Corporate architecture – one mirrow of business
Session 4 F Family Identity in Business
Chair: Margit Müller
Discussant: Jari Ojala
Kansikas, Juha: Family Business Ownership as a Corporate Identity
Arnoldus, Doreen: “Mister Duyvis” – The public representation of a family firm, Duyvis 1850-1969
Petersson, Tom: Family ties, technological change and organizational inertia. Heroes and villains in the history of the rise and fall of the Swedish office machine industry
Schäfer, Michael: Constructing the Family Firm: The Emergence of Family related Business Entreprises in Saxony , 1850-1940
Session 5 A Cinema and Corporate Image
Chair: Jakob Tanner
Discussant: The audience
Hatzfeld, Nicolas/ Michel, Alain P./ Rot, Gwenaële: The factory in motion picture. Industrial films by the Renault automobile company (1945-2000)
Miskell, Peter: American Film Distributors in Foreign Markets: The Case of United Artists in Britain in the 1930s and 1940s
Session 5 B Management Theories and Practice
Chair: Bob Locke
Discussant: Alfred Kieser
Pleitgen, Verena: Corporate image and management accounting systems
Wilson, John/ Thomson, Andrew: Image and Identity in British Management: The Slow Transition to Professional Management
Patzel-Mattern, Katja: Between workers’ abilities and company cost-efficiency. A business historical analysis of industrial psychotechnology in the Republic of Weimar
Session 5 C Marketing Strategies
Chair/ Discussant: Jeff Fear
Romei, Valentina: Was there a 'queen of the bottled water'? Appolinaris and its marketing strategy
Köse, Yavuz: Nestlé, the First Multinational Company in the Ottoman Empire: A Brief History of Marketing Strategies
Schutts, Jeff: "Die erfrischende Pause": Marketing Coca-Cola in Hitler's Germany
Session 5 D The Impact of Technology
Chair: Pascal Griset
Discussant: Knut Sogner
Girschik, Katja: "The customer expect us..." Image as strategy. The Swiss retailer Migros and the implementation of a computer-aidad supply chain
Heide, Lars: Building FORCE Technology: shaping a technology-based service provider, 1940-2005
Dienel, Hans-Liudger/ Herzog, Marius: Economists enter a Science-based Company. Transformations in the corporate identity of Linde, 1950-90
Session 5 E Local Identities and Global Markets
Chair: Anna Spadavecchia
Discussant: The audience
Higgins, David: The defence of 'Sheffield'. c. 1850- c. 1930
Londeix, Olivier: The brands of consumer goods and services from Sud-Ouest of France: between regional identity and national competitionin XXe century
Hawkins, Richard: Advertising and the Hawaiian Pineapple Canning Industry, 1929-39
Session 6 A Advertising Impressions
Chair: Hubert Bonin
Discussant: The audience
Vidal, Javier: Marketing, publicity and corporate image in airlines sector: Iberia, Airlines of Spain (1941-2000)
Clampin, David: The British Advertising Industry During the Second World War: Public Image versus Industry Survival
Walsh, Maggie: Gender and Advertising the Service Sector: The American Bus Industry
Session 6 B Managerial Changes
Chair: Keetie Sluyterman
Discussant: Alfred Reckendrees
Binda, Veronica: The Italian Large Enterprises: Main Features and Corporate Images (1950-2000)
Colli, Andrea : The Americanization of Made in Italy: Barilla and the evolution of a corporate image.
Reichel, Clemens: From association to group: The “Metallgesellschaft“ 1966-1976
Session 6 C Teaching Business History
Chair: Hartmut Berghoff
Discussant: Ioanna Minoglou
Zschaler, Frank: Images of corporations in exhibitions and films. Examples of joint projects between scholars, students and corporations".
Iversen, Martin J.: "Creating Scandinavian Capitalism" - a new international business history course
Rose, Mary: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Session 6 D The Business of Welfare Strategy
Chair: Klaus Tenfelde
Discussant: The audience
Aubanell, Anna M.: Industrial welfare in the electric utilities in the first third of the 20th century
Bloemen, Erik/ Nijhof, Erik: ‘Company welfare policy in the Netherlands in the twentieth century’
Session 6 E Self-representation of businesses
Chair/ Discussant: Heidrun Homburg
Griffith, Elizabeth: The Winged Lion of St. Mark. Logo of Venice Ing.
French, Michael: Ambassadors of Commerce: Images and Self-Images of the Sales Representative in Britain, 1900-1960
Castagnoli, Adriana: Women’s firms in Italy: representation and self-representation
Reception and Conference Dinner at Villa Bonn