Crossing Boundaries, Spanning Regions: Movements of People, Goods, and Ideas

Crossing Boundaries, Spanning Regions: Movements of People, Goods, and Ideas

The Center for International History Columbia University
Columbia University
New York
United States
Vom - Bis
10.03.2006 -
White, Sam

The Center for International History invites graduate students to submit individual proposals for a graduate student conference, to be held at Columbia University on 10 March 2006.

The theme for this year's conference is "Crossing Boundaries, Spanning Regions: Movements of People, Goods, and Ideas." We hope to bring together scholars of all regions and disciplines to discuss movement across boundaries both physical and imagined.

Submissions might address:

* the historical origins and development of national boundaries or international borders;
* border control and international legal regimes;
* how boundaries alter or bring about movements of people, goods, and ideas;
* exchanges (of populations, goods or ideas) across boundaries;
* the spread of religions and technologies across regions and boundaries;
* global trade, globalization, and technologies of communications, trade and travel;
* migration, diasporas, and refugees in historical context;
* the relationship between war, occupation and the crossing of borders.

We also encourage papers on conceptual and historiographical issues related to the study of movement and boundaries. We strongly encourage submissions that cross traditional regions and challenge traditional periodizations.

To apply, please submit a one-page summary of your paper along with a one-page copy of your curriculum vitae. Make sure to include your current mailing and email addresses. Both the paper summary and the c.v. should be submitted as attachments to an email message; they can be submitted either as MS Word files or in Rich Text Format (RTF).

Please send your proposal to Giuliana Chamedes ( no later than 11 December 2005. All applicants who submit proposals will be notified about acceptance decisions by email no later than 11 January 2006.



Giuliana Chamedes

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