Derek Penslar, University of Toronto
Tobias Brinkmann, University of Southampton
Simone Lässig, Deutsches Historisches Institut, Washington, D.C.
Dan Diner, Simon-Dubnow-Institut, Leipzig/The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Nicholas Berg, Simon-Dubnow-Institut, Leipzig
Michal Bodemann, University of Toronto
David Cesarani, Royal Holloway, University of London
Abigail Green, Brasenose College, University of Oxford
Katharina Hoba, Universität Potsdam
Rebecca Kobrin, New York University
Rainer Liedtke, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
Anna Lipphardt, Universität Potsdam
Michael Miller, Central European University, Budapest
David Rechter, St. Antony's College, University of Oxford
Nils Roemer, University of Southampton
Reinhard Rürup, Technische Universität Berlin
Joachim Schloer, Universität Potsdam
Jonathan Skolnik, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
Adam Sutcliffe, King’s College, University of London
Scott Ury, University of Toronto/The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Stephan Wendehorst, Simon-Dubow-Institut, Leipzig/Historische Kommission/Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
2 May (Centrum Judaicum, Oranienburger Strasse)
9:00 Welcome
I. Jewish Transnationalism
Panel 1: Modern Jewish History as International History
Narratives of Jewish History in 19th Century Europe: Between Nation, Minority, and Region
Jonathan Skolnik
An Unlikely Internationalism: The Jewish Experience of Warfare in Modern Europe
Derek Penslar
Chair: David Cesarani
10:30-10:45: Break
Panel 2: Capital, Exchange and Jewish Internationality
Culture and Commerce in the Early Modern Jewish Atlantic
Adam Sutcliffe
A Jewish Transnational Business Network? N M Rothschild & Sons in 19th-century Europe
Rainer Liedtke
Sir Moses Montefiore and the Making of the 'Jewish International'
Abigail Green
Chair: Stephan Wendehorst
12:15-14:30 Break
Panel 3: The Limits of Deutschtum Among Germany’s Jews
A Diaspora on the Move? Jewish Migrants from Eastern Europe in Berlin after 1918
Tobias Brinkmann
Lost and Found Heimat among German-Jewish Emigrés: Transforming Berlin in Palestine/Israel
Joachim Schloer and Katharina Hoba
Jews in Germany since 1989: A Model of a Transnational Community?
Michal Bodemann
Chair: Simone Laessig
Keynote Address
The Jews, the "Nation" and Beyond – On Concepts, Experiences, and Polemics
Dan Diner
3 May (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jägerstraße/Gendarmenmarkt)
II. Sub-National Roots of Modern Jewish Life and Identity
Panel 4: Empire and Locality
Local Jewish Politics as Imperial Politics. The Demise of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806, its Consequences for Jewish Emancipation and its Legacy in Historiography
Stephan Wendehorst
"Bless the land that nourishes your children": Habsburg Jews between Empire and Nation-State
Michael Miller
Geography is Destiny: Region, Nation and Empire in Habsburg Jewish Bukovina
David Rechter
Chair: Michal Bodemann
11:00-11:15 Break
Panel 5: Urban Identities and Local Diasporas: Jews in Eastern Europe
Bright Lights, Big City: Jewish Urban Anxiety in Fin-de-Siecle Warsaw
Scott Ury
Białystok's Exile: Jewish Regional Identity in the Age of Mass Migration
Rebecca Kobrin
'Reconstructing Yerusahlayim deLita throughout the World' - the Yiddish-speaking Vilne Diaspora after the Holocaust
Anna Lipphardt
Chair: Abigail Green
12:45-14:00 Break
Panel 6: Locality and Heimatgefühl Among German Jews
Being Jewish, becoming Bourgeois: Sociability, Identity, and Power in the German City before the First World War
Simone Lässig
Locating German Jewish Cultures between the Province, the Nation, and the Diaspora
Nils Roemer
Luftmenschen and Lebensraum: German-Jewish Concepts of Heimat at the Fin-de-Siecle
Nicolas Berg
Chair: Tobias Brinkmann
15:30-15:45 Break
Roundtable Discussion
Transcending the Nation? Implications of Sub- and Transnationality for the Jewish Future
Derek Penslar (Chair)
David Cesarani
Dan Diner
Reinhard Rürup