Corinna Unger, Department of History and Civilization, European University Institute
Thursday, March 22
6:30 – 8:30 pm
Reception at the GHI
Friday, March 23
8:30 am
9:00 am
Panel I: Warfare and Environmental Degradation
Chair: John McNeill
9:15 am
Toshihiro Higuchi: “Green” and “Peace”: Nuclear Weapons Testing and the Confluence of the Nuclear Disarmament and Environmental Movements in Cold War America
10:00 am
Mark D. Merlin: Environmental Impacts of Nuclear Testing in Remote Oceania, 1946-1996
10:45 am
Coffee break
11:15 am
Paul Josephson: Rivers as Enemies of the People: Nature, the USSR and the Cold War
12:00 pm
Holly High: Crucial Junctures: Nature and the American War in Laos
12:45 pm
Lunch break
Panel II: Visions, Conceptions, Planning
Chair: Bernd Schaefer
2:00 pm
Richard Tucker: American Strategic Interests and the Spread of High Dams in the Early Cold War, 1945-1960
2:45 pm
Scott Moranda: Mobilizing Germans for the Cold War: National Park Proposals along the Elbe River
3:30 pm
Coffee break
4:00 pm
Eagle Glassheim: Judging a Modern Landscape: Communist, Dissident, and German Expellee Visions of Modernity in Cold War Czechoslovakia
4:45 pm
Arvid Nelson: Cold War Landscapes: Archival Sources and Leading Indicators of Change in Postwar Germany
5:30 pm
Coffee break
Panel III: Animals
Chair: Uwe Lübken
5:45 pm
Greg Bankoff: A Curtain of Silence: The Fate of Asia’s Fauna in the Cold War
6:30 pm
Jenny Smith: The Sable Boom: The Effects of a Cold War Mentality in Transbaikal Siberia
Saturday, March 24
8:30 am
Panel IV: Science and Research
Chair: Corinna Unger
9:00 am
Jacob Darwin Hamblin: A Global Contamination Zone: Early Cold War Policies on Environmental Warfare
9:45 am
Matthew Farish: Simulating Survival: Environmental Laboratories of the American Cold War
10:30 am
Sayuri Guthrie-Shimizu: The Cold War in East Asia and Ocean Resource Management, 1945-1960
11:15 am
Coffee break
11:45 am
R. Samuel Deese: A Dialogue on the Destiny of Species: Julian and Aldous Huxley in the Cold War Era
12:30 pm
Kristine Harper: Environmental Diplomacy in the Cold War: Weather Control, the United States, and India, 1966-1967
1:15 pm
Lunch break
Panel V: Social and Popular Experiences of Environmental Change
Chair: Paul Josephson
2:30 pm
Celia Donert: Between Industrialisation and Indifference: The Cold War in the Carpathians
3:15 pm
Han-Rog Kang: The Korean Green Movement during the Cold War and post-Cold War eras
4:00 pm
Coffee break
4:30 pm
Frank Uekötter: Peace with Nature and the World: Environmental and Anti-War Activism in the Two German States
5:15 pm
Joy Parr: Unsettled: Woods, Meadows and Memory of North Atlantic Alliances at Gagetown
7:00 pm
Conference Dinner
Sunday, March 25
8:30 am
Panel VI: International Policy and Politics
Chair: Joachim Radkau
9:00 am
Bao Maohong: The Evolution of Environmental Problems and Environmental Policy in China: Interaction of Internalization and Externalization
9:45 am
Ingo Heidbrink: Cod-Wars and Cold War: Armed Conflicts Between NATO Members on Maritime Environmental Issues, 1952-1976
10:30 am
Coffee break
11:00 am
David Zierler: Against Protocol: Ecocide, Détente, and the Question of Chemical Warfare in Vietnam, 1969-1975
11:45 am
Kai Hünemörder: Environmental Crisis and Soft Politics: The International Policy of Détente and the Global Environment, 1968-1975
12:30 pm
Erez Manela: Is Smallpox History? The Smallpox Eradication Program and Cold War Historiography
1:15 pm
Lunch break at the GHI
Panel VII: Comments and Final Discussion
Chair: Sayuri Guthrie-Shimizu
Panelists: Sabine Höhler, John McNeill, Joachim Radkau
3:00 pm
End of Conference