Thursday, 28 June
16.00 Get together / Coffee and Tea
16.30 Welcome
Anne Cottebrune, Volker Roelcke
16.45 Introduction
Volker Roelcke
17.00 Bernd Gausemeier (Berlin):
The impact of genealogy on the formation of the field of medical genetics
17.45 Edmund Ramsden (London):
Lionel Penrose and the population genetics of mental ability, deficiency and disease in the UK and US
19.30 Dinner
Friday, 29 June
9.30 Volker Roelcke (Gießen)
Establishing the scientific foundations of eugenic policies: Ernst Rüdin and psychiatric genetics at the German Psychiatric Research Institute
10.15 Sheila Weiss (Potsdam, NY):
Otmar von Verschuer – a key figure in German racial hygiene and medical genetics
11.00 coffee break
11.30 Etienne Lepicard (Jerusalem/ Gießen)
Eugenics and demography in the work of Alexis Carrel and Jean Sutter, ca. 1930-1960.
12.15 Marius Turda (Oxford):
Pathology, Heredity and Genetics in Interwar Romania
13.00 – 14.00 lunch
14.00 Staffan Müller-Wille (Exeter):
Hermann Lundborg and Gunnar Dahlberg on eugenics and medical genetics - a comparison
14.45 Paul Weindling (Oxford):
International anti-racist networks of biomedical scientists in the 1930s and 40s
15.30 coffee break
16.00 Alexander von Schwerin (Braunschweig):
The legacy of mice and rabbits in German medical genetics 1930-1970
16.45 Anne Cottebrune (Gießen):
Franz Joseph Kallmann (1897-1965) and the Roots of Psychiatric Genetics in the United States: Transfer of German Scientific Concepts in the Context of North American Eugenics
17.30 tea
18.00 Garland Allen (Washington):
Waxing and Waning of Genetic Determinism: Criticisms of Eugenics, 1935-1950 and the Rise of the 'New' Genetic Determinism, 1969-2000
18.45 Nurit Kirsh (Beer Sheva):
Chaim Sheba, Elisabeth Goldschmidt and the screening for genetic diseases in Israel during the 1950s
20.00 Dinner
Saturday, 30 June
9.30 Pnina G. Abir-Am (Brandeis University/ Belmont, MA):
The Rockefeller Foundation's shift of strategy in the post WW2 era: Ramifications for Molecular Biology and Genetics
10.15 Heike Petermann (Münster):
Medical Genetics and Eugenics in Germany, the UK, and USA: The Way to Ciba Symposium "Man and his future" (London, 1962)
10.30 coffee break
11.00 Diane Paul (Boston):
Newborn Screening and the Rhetoric of Reproduction in the 1960s
11.45 Helga Satzinger (London):
12.00 General discussion