Provisional program
Conference The Future of lieux de mémoire
2 – 4 October 2007
Westerbork – Amersfoort – Vught
Monday October 1, 2007 Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork
Afternoon/evening: arrival
Optional: visit to Van Griffen’s restored hunebed, from 19.00 h.
Tuesday October 2, 2007 (day 1) Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork
9.30 Opening by Drs. Puck Huitsing, director of the department of war victims and remembrance World War II, of the ministry of Public Health, welfare and sport (VWS)
9.45 Film The Holocaust experience, introduced by Oeke Hoogendijk, director
Theme 1: The value of the historic site
11.00 Lecture by James Young – The social meaning of the historical site (invited)
11.45 Lecture by Dr. David Marwell (USA) – Countries without historical sites (invited)
13.30 Lecture by Professor Dr. Paul Schnabel (NL) –The value of the historical site for the younger people
14.30 Lecture by Dr. Rob van der Laarse (NL) – Heritage in the cultural identity
Theme 2: Composition of the historic site
15.30 Workshops
Teresa Swiebocka (P) – Auschwitz: the conservation of historical traces
Torsten Hess (D) – Dora-Mittelbau: reconstruction of the past
Marek Bem (P) – Sobibor: total destruction of the historical traces
Drs. Dirk Mulder (NL) – Westerbork: artistic design
Harold Veldkamp (NL) – Westerbork: presentation project Tensing
Dinner on “Estate Het Grote Zand”
19.30 Visit to the campsite of Camp Westerbork
20.30 Summary of the day by Margriet Vroomans and Ton de Ridder (invited)
Wednesday October 3, 2007 (day 2) Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork
Theme 3: Requirements for the historic site in future
9.30 Lecture by drs. Carry van Lakerveld (NL) – Demands from victims as stated by the International Auschwitz Committee
10.00 Lecture by Tim Copeland (GB) – Pedagogue specialised in heritage education
11.00 Lecture by dr. Gerrit Breeuwsma (NL) – Demands from the children (invited)
11.30 Lecture by Professor Dr. H.W. von der Dunk (NL) – Demands from society
13.30 Forum-discussion with the key-note speakers
15.30 Draft of recommendations and demands regarding the historical site
16.00 Ending of the conference by Drs. Jet Bussemaker, state secretary of the ministry of VWS
Barbecue on “Estate Het Grote Zand”
21.00 Concert on the site of Camp Westerbork
with contributions from Maarten Peters and the Gustav Klimt Quartet
Thursday October 4, 2007 (day 3) Camp Amersfoort and Camp Vught
9.00-16.00 Visit to the historic sites of Camp Amersfoort and Camp Vught
accompanied by Magriet Vroomans