Friday, March 28
9:00 am
9:15 am – 12:00 pm
Panel I: First World
Chair: Nick Cullather (Indiana University Bloomington)
Joseph M. Hodge (West Virginia University)
British Colonial Expertise, Post-Colonial Careering and the Early History of International Development
Jason Pribilsky (Whitman College)
Modernizing Peru: The Cornell-Peru Project, Incipient Imperialism and Cold War Struggles in the Andean Highlands, 1951-1966
Corinna Unger
Industrialization or Agrarian Reform? West German Modernization Politics in India in the 1950s and 1960s
12:00 pm
Lunch break
1:30-5:00 pm
Panel II: Second World
Chair: David Engerman
Ragna Boden (University of Bochum)
What Went Wrong? Obstacles to the Soviet Modernization Offensive in Indonesia
Young-sun Hong (SUNY Stony Brook)
International Solidarity, Health and Race in the East German Encounter with the Third World
Constantin Katsakioris (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Paris)
The Soviet Model of Modernization for the Arab Partners: Representation, Implementation and the Soviet-Arab Encounter
Bernd Schaefer (Woodrow Wilson International Center)
Socialist Modernization of Vietnam: The East German Approach,
5:00 pm
Coffee break
5:15-6:45 pm
Panel III: Third World
Chair: Odd Arne Westad (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Lorenz Luthi (McGill University)
Soviet Economic Development Models and their Application in the
People’s Republic of China
Bradley R. Simpson (University of Maryland Baltimore)
Indonesian Modernization Discourses
Saturday, March 29
9:00-10:30 am
Panel III (cont’d): Third World
Chair: Odd Arne Westad
Daniel Speich (ETH Zürich)
The Kenyan Style of ‘African Socialism’: Developmental Knowledge Claims and the Explanatory Limits of the Cold War
James P. Woodard (Montclair State University)
The Consumption of (Over?) Consumption: Development, Modernization, and Consumer Culture in Brazil’s “American Century”
10:30 am
Coffee break
11:00 am -12:30 pm
Panel IV: Transnational Organizations
Chair: Corinna Unger
David Hamilton (University of Kentucky)
Mordecai Ezekiel, the FAO, and Food and Agriculture
Daniel Roger Maul (University of Giessen)
“Make them move the ILO way”: The International Labour Organization’s Integrated Approach to Development and the Modernization Discourse of the 1950s
12:30 pm
Lunch break
1:30-3:45 pm
Panel V: Triangulating Modernization
Chair: David Engerman
Jeffrey James Byrne (London School of Economic and Political Science)
The Narrow Doorway: Algeria and the Contest of Modernisations in the 1960s
Sara Lorenzini (University of Trento)
Modernization German-style, East and West: A Comparison
Massimiliano Trentin (University of Florence)
“Tough Negotiations”: The Two Germanys in Syria, 1963-1972
3:45 pm
Coffee break
4:00-5:00 pm
Panel VI: Comments and Final Discussion
Chair: Corinna Unger
Nick Cullather
David Engerman
Odd Arne Westad
End of Conference