Friday, October 17th, 2008
9:00 Reception
9:30 Opening Ceremony
10:10 Keynote Jim Gee
11:10 Coffee Break
11:40 Master Metrics: The Science behind the Art of Game Design / Chris Swain & E. Daniel Arey
Spatial Literacy: Reading (and Writing) Game Space / Celia Pearce
12:20 Simulation vs. Gameplay in music-based Games / Fares Kayali & Martin Pichlmair
The Spatial Turn in Computer Game Studies / Stephan Guenzel
13:00 Lunch Break
14:00 Video games and education: friends or fears? / Catherine Geeroms
Digital (Game) Childhood. Qualitative Research in Computer Game Studies to Establish an Understanding for Childrens Game Play / Daniela Leopold & Katharina Toifl
14:40 Virtual worlds and Avatar chat rooms: Do we perceive emotions in Avatars? / Maja Pivec & Paul Kearney
Embracing the Actual: Some Methodological Considerations about Computer Game Analysis / Sara Mosberg Iversen
15:20 Coffee Break
15:50 The social meaning of online games – case example Germany / Thorsten Quandt & Jeffrey Wimmer
A Framework for Research on Motivation and Games-based Learning / Richard Wainess
16:30 Break
16:40 Keynote Tanya Krzywinska
17:30 Game Over
Saturday, October 18th, 2008
9:30 Keynote Gonzalo Frasca
10:30 Break
10:40 Key Dimensions of Contemporary Video Game Literacy: Towards A Normative Model of the Competent Digital Gamer / Christoph Klimmt
Computer Games as biographical Research / Gerrit Herlyn & Helle Meister
11:20 Coffee Break
11:40 Just Gaming’: On Being Differently Literate / Julian McDougall & Alex Kendall
‘Ten years after’ – Online Gamers’ Social Networks, Integration and Lifestyles in Austria. A Follow up Study / Margarita Köhl & Gerit Götzenbrucker
12:20 Passionate Digital Play-Based Learning. Learning in a process of confrontation with resistant experiences in computer games like ‘Shadow of the Colossus’ / Konstantin Mitgutsch
Documentary, drama or computer game? A semiotic and procedural analysis of ‘Bow Street Runner’ / Gabriele Ferri
13:00 Lunch Break
14:00 Keynote Mary Flanagan
14:50 Break
15:00 Uses of Digital Enchantment: Computer Games as the New Fairy Tales / Jacquelyn Ford Morie & Celia Pearce
Computer Game Literacy in the Czech Republic: Its Goals, Notion and Concurrent Curriculum / Patrik Vacek & Jana Krátká
15:40 Sublime Sceneries and Beautiful Bodies. Traditions of Romanticist Visualities in Computer Games / Monika Seidl
Video Games and Civic Education: Mapping the Field / Sebastian Deterding
16:10 Coffee Break
16:50 Computer Games in the Federal Republic of Germany: political, social and cultural aspects / Jürgen Hilse & Jürgen Schattmann
Digital Dionysos. Affective labour and aesthetic liberation / Jörg von Brincken
17:20 Break
17:30 Keynote Elisabeth Hayes
18:20 Game Over
Sunday, October 19th, 2008
9:30 Keynote Johannes Fromme
10:30 Break
10:40 The contribution of digital games to bildung / Christian Swertz
Content Strategies of the Future: Between Games and Stories / Mikolaj Dymek
11:20 Coffee Break
11:40 An introduction into the work of AND-OR which is about new forms of interactivity, innovative solutions and extensions to game design and use of adaptive and locative media / René Bauer & Beat Suter
Innovative Approaches on Environmental Education – Possibilities and Prospects of sustainable Environmental Education by digital Games / Eva Frick & Daniela Leopold
12:20 Ludic Society alternate theory Objectives / Margarete Jahrmann
Role-Playing Games as learning tools, how and who will take advantage of them / Karina T. Ceoni & Jane A. Marques
13:00 Lunch Break
Tanks, Chauffeurs and Backseat Drivers: Competence in MMORPGs / Diane Carr & Martin Oliver
‘Construct’: At the Crossroads of Game Play, Machine Learning and Small Group Behavioral Research / David Gerding & David D. Lewis
The Impact of Felt Distance on Cheating Behaviour in Computer Games / Marc Herrlich & Arne Kochanski
From magic circles to magic nodes: a proposal for analyzing game-spaces as socio-spatial practices / Sybille Lammes
15:20 Coffee Break
15:50 Keynote Steven Poole
16:50 Closing Session