Thursday, February 19
14.30 Welcome session
15.00 Dieter Ziegler (Bochum)
Introduction paper
Session 1: Germany and Austria
15.20 Ralf Ahrens (Potsdam)
Bankers and Occupiers: Continuity and Change in the Personnel of German Big Banks after World War II
15.40 Marcel Boldorf (Bochum)
Denazification and the Change of Business Elites in the German Democratic Republic
16.00 Discussion of the papers
16.30 Coffee break
17.00 Wolfgang Weber (Bregenz)
From Nazification to Denazification: Austrian Business Elites (1938–1948)
Session 2: Western and Southern Europe
17.20 Dominique Barjot (Paris)
The Purge of the French Economic Elites after the Second World War
17.40 Discussion of the papers
18.00 General Discussion: Denazification vs. Political Purge: Differences and Similarities
20.00 Common dinner at the Restaurant of Fiege brewery, Bochum
Friday, February 20
Session 2 (continued): Western and Southern Europe
9.00 Florent Le Bot (Paris)
The post-war Purge in France and the Confiscation of “Illicit Profits”,
9.20 Rolf Petri (Venice)
Miraculous Economy, Enduring Elite. The Case of Post-War Italy, 1948–1960
9.40 Michela Ponzani (Florence)
The Legal Purge of Economic Elites in Post-War Italy. Activities of anti-fascist Commissions and Extraordinary Courts of Assize, 1945-1947
10.00 Discussion of Session 2: The Cases of France and Italy
10.30 Coffee break
Session 3: Northern and Northwestern Europe
11.00 Steen Andersen (Copenhagen)
The juridical settlement that tumbled before it got started – Denmark and the persecution of collaborators
11.20 Dirk Luyten (Brussels)
Purge and Economic Elite Change in Belgium after 1944: A Matter of Legitimacy rather than Power
11.40 Discussion of the papers
12.10 Lunch Break
12.30 Common lunch at Tucholsky Restaurant, Bochum
Session 3 (continued): Northern and Northwestern Europe
14.00 Ben Wubs (Utrecht)
Unilever’s Post-war Purges
14.20 Wouter Veraart (Amsterdam)
The Downfall of the Schichts. Controversies around enemy property in Europe after World War II
14.40 Short Discussion of the papers
15.00 Discussion of Session 3: Post-war Purge and Entrepreneurs
15.30 Coffee break
Session 4: Eastern Europe
16.00 Jaromír Balcar (Bremen)
The Struggle for the Factories. Factory Councils, National Administration and Trade Unions in Czechoslovakia between Liberation and Nationalization
16.20 Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast (Erfurt)
Between the Continuity and Discontinuity of Economic Experts During Socialist Industrialization in Poland. The Example of Iron and Steel Industries
16.40 Žarko Lazarević (Ljubljana)
Replacement of Economic Elites in Slovenia after World War II
17.00 Discussion of Session 4: Post-war Purge under Communist Rule
17.30 General discussion
18.00 Final announcements
Saturday, February 21
9.30 Visit of the Deutsches Bergbau Museum