1st “Cité des Télécoms” Doctoral Summer School :
“History of electronic images: a long term perspective.”
14th-18th September 2009
The Summer School will take place in France from Monday 14th of September, to Friday, 18th of September 2009. The summer school aims at providing doctoral students with an overview of relevant research results and of innovative tools and methodologies in the field of communication history. It is organised jointly by the Cité des Télécoms, the Paris-Sorbonne University and the Maastricht University. Students will spend the five days at the Cité des Télécoms in the northern part of Brittany. See: http://www.cite-telecoms.com/. During the summer school, students will present and discuss their PhD research with leading international scholars in the field of media history and innovation studies. The conference language will be English.
The summer school will focus on the history of the electronic image on a long term perspective. This means that we are interested in projects dealing with the history of electronic image in a broad sense of the term, including topics like television, video, telecommunications, computers, electronic devices for professional and artistic uses, medical equipment, basic research etc. Each half day session will be based on a keynote lecture by an invited scholar and followed by student presentations and discussions of their work in progress. Social events and visits will give the opportunity to discover either traditional or modern faces of this high tech part of Brittany.
The academic organizers:
Andreas Fickers (Univ Maastricht) and
Pascal Griset (Univ Paris-Sorbonne)
will be joined by
Ib Bondebjerg (Univ de Copenhague)
Patrice Flichy (Univ Marne la Vallée)
Sonja de Leeuw (Univ d’Utrecht)
James Schwoch (Northwestern University)
Isabelle Vera-Masson (CNRS- Paris).
All local costs (accommodation and food) will be covered by the organizers, but participants are expected to pay their own travel to and from Lannion, the closest railway station linked to Paris by TGV. Participation will be limited to 15-20 PhD students. Those interested in attending the summer school should send the following documents by e-mail to the academic organizers:
Pr Andreas Fickers a.fickers@lk.unimaas.nl
Pr Pascal Griset pascalgriset@yahoo.fr
1.) Cv
2.) a summary of their dissertation project
3.) an example of their work in progress (provisional chapter of the dissertation or a published article in any language).
The deadline for applications is May 11th 2009. Students selected will be notified before May 25th 2009.