31st August, 2009 (S1, Villa Barton)
8:30 Registration & Coffee
9:00 Introductory Remarks: Davide Rodogno, Bernhard Struck & Jakob Vogel
General discussion .
First Panel
10:00 Comment by Johannes Paulmann (University of Mannheim):
Chris Leonards and Nico Randeraad (University of Maastricht):
Building a Transnational Social Reform Network in the 19th century
Vincent Viaene (K.U. Leuven):
Professionalism or Proselytism? The Question of 'expertise' in a Religious International, the Catholic Church
11:00 Coffee Break
Second Panel:
11:15 Comment by Madelein Herren (University of Heidelberg):
Damiano Matasci (University of Geneva):
The Construction of Modern School Systems and the Circulation of Pedagogical ideas in Western Europe: the example of “International Congresses of Education” (1880-1914)
Christian Müller (University of Cambridge/University of Münster):
The Association Internationale pour le Progrès des Sciences Sociales
Third Panel:
12:15 Comment by Pierre-Yves Saunier (CNRS):
Sandrine Kott (University of Geneva):
Between Transnational Reformist Network and International Organization: The International Associations for Labour Legislation as a Case Study
Stéphane Frioux (University of Lyon II):
Sanitizing the City: Transnational Work and Transnational Networks of Sanitary Engineers (end of XIXth century – 1940)
13:15 Lunch
Fourth Panel:
15:00 Comment by Davide Rodogno:
Tobias Brinkmann (Penn State University):
Transnational Jewish Philanthropic Organizations and the Jewish Mass Migration from Eastern Europe 1860–1914
Katharina Rietzler (University College London):
From Peace Advocacy to IR Research: The Transformation of Transatlantic Philanthropic Networks, 1910-1930
16:00 Coffee Break
Fifth Panel
16:20 Comment by Bernhard Struck:
Marc Flandreau (IHEID-Geneva) and Juan Flores (University of Geneva):
Networks of Quality: Prestige, Cooperation and Gatekeeping in Global Capital Markets (until the Interwar)
Julia Moses (Pembroke College- Oxford):
Prevention vs. Compensation? Experts and the Regulation of Workplace Accidents in a Transnational Perspective, 1889-1914’
17:30 General Comments on the first day of work by Madeleine Herren, Johannes Paulmann, Pierre-Yves Saunier.
September 1st, 2009 (S1, Villa Barton)
Panel Six
8:30 Comment by Jakob Vogel:
Martina Henze (University of Copenhagen):
Transnational Cooperation, Nation States and Politics in the Field of Criminal Policy. The Prison Reform Movement 1770 – 1950.
Frank Beyersdorf (University of Mannheim):
Internationalising the ‘Fourth Estate’ Journalists and the League of Nations during the Interwar Period
9:30 Coffee Break
Panel Seven:
9:45 Comments by Pierre-Yves Saunier and Johannes Paulmann:
Dominique Marshall (Carleton University):
The Causes, Promises, Problems of Coordinated Action in Favour of Children in War and Peace: Philanthropists, Experts, Emergency Feeding and the League of Nations, 1914-1930
Davide Rodogno, Francesca Piana and Shaloma Gauthier (IHEID):
Transnational Humanitarian Cooperation in Poland, 1919-1924
11:15 Concluding remarks by Madeleine Herren, Johannes Paulmann,
Pierre-Yves Saunier and the organizers, final discussion