Asian Diversity in a Global Context

Asian Diversity in a Global Context

Asian Dynamics Initiative
Ceremonial Hall and South Campus at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark
Vom - Bis
11.11.2010 - 13.11.2010
Yoshida, Marie

Asian Diversity in a Global Context - International Conference at the University of Copenhagen, Asian Dynamics Initiative

A three-day conference, 11-13 November, followed by a two-day PhD course, 14-15 November 2010

The opening day of the conference is allocated to a public event with invited keynote speakers. The following two days will be made up of 10-12 parallel panels and workshops under the common theme ‘Asian Diversity in a Global Context’. The goal is to generate deeper and fuller insights into the political, social, cultural and economic changes facing Asia in the 21st century. Finally, PhD students will have the opportunity to participate in an intensive PhD course over two days.

Call for papers
The conference welcomes papers relating to one of the themes of the conference's panels and workshops. Instructions on submission of abstracts can be found on the individual panel/workshop subsites.

PhD Fellows are also invited to submit abstracts for the PhD course.

Deadline for submitting abstracts: 1 March 2010

Detailed information on panels, workshops, PhD course, submission of abstracts and more can be found on the conference website.

'Asian Diversity in a Global Context' is the third in the series of annual conferences initiated by ADI and the University of Copenhagen in 2008.

ADI is an interdisciplinary research priority area based in the Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Copenhagen. ADI aims at expanding research and teaching on Asia as well as strengthening the university's global networks in studies of Asia.



Marie Yoshida
Asian Dynamics Initiative
University of Copenhagen
Leifsgade 33
DK-2300 Copenhagen S