The German Research Foundation (DFG)-funded Graduate School
Cultural Encounters and the Discourses of Scholarship
would like to invite applications for the following DFG
scholarships commencing 1 May 2010:
(Basic grant € 12,000 p.a.: € 2000 travel grant p.a., max. duration 3 years)
The graduate school (founded in 2006) strives to combine empirical studies of phenomena related of cultural encounters with reflections on developments in descriptive and analytical methods in the respective academic fields. This juxtaposition of practical scholarship and theoretical reflection is intended to produce an interdisciplinary dialogue between the discourses of history and theory as they developed over time and as they apply to cases of cultural encounters. Furthermore, it aims to develop innovative cross-disciplinary methodical approaches for the description of cultural encounters.
The school comprises the following disciplines: North American Studies, British Cultural Studies, Early Modern History, History of Medicine, Church History, European Anthropology, German Medieval Literature, Political Sciences, Musicology and Religious Studies.
One of the fellowships will be reserved for a dissertation in the field of history of medicine (transcultural medicine; medicine in cultural contact zones).
Eligible to apply are all M.A. Students who hold an excellent degree in one of these disciplines or a related subject within the humanities or the social sciences. A working knowledge of German is required.
Further information about the graduate school and potential research topics can be found on the website
Please include the following documents in your application:
• Covering letter
• CV (including a list of publications, if applicable) Your PhD-proposal (ca. 2,000 words including bibliography and schedule)
• A reference by a lecturer commenting on the PhD-proposal