Thursday, 5 May 2011
16.30: Welcome Coffee at the University Library Osnabrück
17.00: Guided City Tour: Osnabrück and the Peace of Westphalia (Thomas Vogtherr)
19.00: Dinner
Friday, 6 May 2011
09.15: Introduction: Inken Schmidt-Voges / Ana Crespo Solana / David Onnekink
09:45-10:30:Part I: Empires, Moderation: David Onnekink
Guy Rowlands (St Andrews University): The latter Reign of Louis XIV
Christopher Storrs (University of Dundee): Spain under Carlos II and Philip V
Ana Crespo Solana (Madrid): The Spanish Empire and the break of the trading colonial system
Klaas van Gelder (Universiteit van Gent): Habsburg and the Austrian Netherlands
10:30-11:00: Discussion Part I: Empire
11:00-11:30: Coffee / Tea Break
11:30-13:00: Discussion
13:00-14.30: Lunch Break
14:30-15:15: Part II: Identities, Moderation Ana Crespo Solana
Inken Schmidt-Voges (Osnabrück): The Reverberations of Peace: Utrecht and the Holy Roman Empire
Tony Claydon (University of Wales, Bangor): Political discourse & religion in England
Sugiko Nishikawa (University of Tokyo): Religious International Networks
Michael Rohrschneider (Salzburg): National prejudices and peace-negotiations 1648-1713
15:15-16:30: Discussion
16:30-17:00: Coffee / Tea Break
17:00-18:00: Presentation Renger de Bruin: Museum exhibition 2013
19.00: Dinner
Saturday, 7 May 2011
9:00-9:45: Part III: Peace & Conflict, Moderation: Inken Schmidt-Voges
David Onnekink (Utrecht): International diplomacy and the War of the Spanish Succession
Olaf van Nimwegen (Utrecht): The Military Revolution
Paola Bianchi (Turino): The Italian Army & Wars
Manuel Herrero Sánchez (Sevilla): Dutch-Hispanic Raprochement in the general context (1648-1699)
9:45-11:00: Discussion
11:00-11:30: Coffee / Tea Break
11.30-13:00: Discussion of Results
13.00: Lunch and Departure