Rethinking the Peace of Utrecht 1713

Rethinking the Peace of Utrecht 1713

Universität Osnabrück (IKFN); Universiteit Utrecht; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (Madrid)
Universitätsbibliothek, Zimeliensaal
Vom - Bis
05.05.2011 - 07.05.2011
Inken Schmidt-Voges

In 2013-2014 the tercentenary commemoration of the signing of the Treaties of Utrecht and Rastatt, which concluded the War of the Spanish Succession, will take place. In the context of several activities organized by the city and province of Utrecht, a series of three conferences aims at reassessing the nature and significance of the Peace of Utrecht: starting with an exploring workshop in Osnabrück, followed by two conferences in Madrid 2012 and Utrecht 2013.

The treaties marked the close of forty years of warfare, in which many of the major European states were involved: France, Britain, Spain, the Dutch Republic, the Holy Roman Empire, Savoy and Portugal, it is said to have restored the ‚Balance of Power‘ in Europe and once again ended the wars of religion of the seventeenth century. The Peace of Utrecht also, however, opened a phase in which the global context became increasingly dominant in European politics. The workshop aims to reassess the peace negotiations in a wider context of political and cultural history, exploring the effects and influences of an emerging public of printing press, of mutual perceptions, religious ideologies, semantics, image making and representations on diplomacy and politics in an closer growing web of global intertwinings.


Thursday, 5 May 2011

16.30: Welcome Coffee at the University Library Osnabrück

17.00: Guided City Tour: Osnabrück and the Peace of Westphalia (Thomas Vogtherr)

19.00: Dinner

Friday, 6 May 2011

09.15: Introduction: Inken Schmidt-Voges / Ana Crespo Solana / David Onnekink

09:45-10:30:Part I: Empires, Moderation: David Onnekink

Guy Rowlands (St Andrews University): The latter Reign of Louis XIV

Christopher Storrs (University of Dundee): Spain under Carlos II and Philip V

Ana Crespo Solana (Madrid): The Spanish Empire and the break of the trading colonial system

Klaas van Gelder (Universiteit van Gent): Habsburg and the Austrian Netherlands

10:30-11:00: Discussion Part I: Empire

11:00-11:30: Coffee / Tea Break

11:30-13:00: Discussion

13:00-14.30: Lunch Break

14:30-15:15: Part II: Identities, Moderation Ana Crespo Solana

Inken Schmidt-Voges (Osnabrück): The Reverberations of Peace: Utrecht and the Holy Roman Empire

Tony Claydon (University of Wales, Bangor): Political discourse & religion in England

Sugiko Nishikawa (University of Tokyo): Religious International Networks

Michael Rohrschneider (Salzburg): National prejudices and peace-negotiations 1648-1713

15:15-16:30: Discussion

16:30-17:00: Coffee / Tea Break

17:00-18:00: Presentation Renger de Bruin: Museum exhibition 2013

19.00: Dinner

Saturday, 7 May 2011

9:00-9:45: Part III: Peace & Conflict, Moderation: Inken Schmidt-Voges

David Onnekink (Utrecht): International diplomacy and the War of the Spanish Succession

Olaf van Nimwegen (Utrecht): The Military Revolution

Paola Bianchi (Turino): The Italian Army & Wars

Manuel Herrero Sánchez (Sevilla): Dutch-Hispanic Raprochement in the general context (1648-1699)

9:45-11:00: Discussion

11:00-11:30: Coffee / Tea Break

11.30-13:00: Discussion of Results

13.00: Lunch and Departure


Inken Schmidt-Voges

Interdisziplinäres Institut für Kulturgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit
Neuer Graben 19, 49074 Osnabrück

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