Contested Truths: Re-Shaping and Positioning Politics of Knowledge

Contested Truths: Re-Shaping and Positioning Politics of Knowledge

PhD research programm 'Gender as a Category of Knowledge' (HU Berlin); in collaboration with the Departement for the History of Medicine, Charité Berlin; and the Departement for the History of Science, TU Braunschweig
Humboldt Graduate School, Luisenstr. 56, 10117 Berlin, Room: Festsaal, 2nd Floor
Vom - Bis
16.06.2011 - 18.06.2011
Falko Schnicke, M.A.

The central topic of the conference is the politics of knowledge and its entanglement with issues of epistemics, power, and gender. Focusing on a deeper understanding of the knowledge-power-nexus, the conference particularly aims to analyze social and epistemological categories, configurations, orders and hierarchies of knowledge. Thereby, a wide range of issues dealing with different sites of knowledge production, objects of inquiry, and fields of research will be addressed. The conference seeks to contribute to debates concerning the situatedness of knowledge. This topic was first addressed in the humanities, science and technology studies, and gender studies by Foucault, Bourdieu, Latour, Haraway, Harding, Barad, among others.

The conference particularly seeks to engage with the following questions from this vast and heterogeneous field of study: How is knowledge socially and epistemically formed and positioned? What are the consequences of certain practices and techniques of knowledge formation? Where and how does knowledge legitimize power relations? How can the hegemonic politics of knowledge be destabilized and re-shaped? Finally, what are the 'conditions of possibility' for truths to be contested? The three panels will address these central questions by (1) uncovering the implicit knowledge politics in the formation of disciplines and the process of canonization, (2) discussing the impact of classifications and infrastructures, and (3) questioning and destabilizing universal and neutral knowledge.

The conference is organized by Corinna Bath, Jens Borcherding, Lukas Engelmann, Lisa Malich, Falko Schnicke, and Pat Treusch in collaboration with Volker Hess and Bettina Wahrig.


Thursday, June 16, 2011


Welcome and Opening Remarks:
Peter Frensch (Vice President for Research, Humboldt University)
Volker Hess (PhD research programm "Gender as a Category of Knowledge"), Bettina Wahrig (Departement for the History of Science, TU Braunschweig)
Introduction by the Conference Team

Keynote and Discussion
Geoffrey C. Bowker (Pittsburgh): Emerging Configurations of Knowledge and Power
Chair: Corinna Bath (Berlin)


Friday, June 17, 2011

Keynote and Discussion
Bonnie Smith (New Brunswick): The Gender of History, Past and Present
Chair: Falko Schnicke (Berlin)

Coffee Break

Panel I: Forming Disciplines and Canonization (First Part)
Chair: Jens Borcherding (Berlin)
Helga Satzinger (London): Concepts of Gender Difference in the Biological Sciences, early 20th Century
Tanja Paulitz (Graz): Contested Knowledge of the Mechanical Machine and the Forming of German Academic Mechanical Engineering: Gender and the Nature/Technology Boundary around 1900
Martina Erlemann (Uppsala): Risk Discourses and Governance of Nanotechnologies - Entanglements of Knowledge and Gender Orders

Lunch Break

Panel I: Forming Disciplines and Canonization (Second Part)
Diane Gu (Los Angeles): Partial Perspectives in Astronomy: Gender, Ethnicity, Nationality, and Networksin Building Glocal Knowledge Infrastructure
Joana Coppi (Berlin): Whose Epistemologies are we talking about? On the Tensions between Theory and Practice in Women and Gender Studies
Bettina Wahrig (Braunschweig): Commentary and Discussion of Panel I

Coffee Break

Panel II: Classification und Infrastructure (First part)
Chair: Lisa Malich (Berlin)
Cornelia Schadler (Wien): Classified Babies. How Children and Parents Are Fabricated
Ulrike Klöppel (Berlin): Politics of the Medical Continuum-Model of Gender
Bradley Fidler (Los Angeles): Manufacturing Positioned Subjects: New Techniques of Pharmaceutical Knowledge and the Gendered Clinical Encounter


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Panel II: Classification und Infrastructure (Second Part)
Rosmin Mathew (Tromsø) and Anup Sam Ninan (Bremen): Politics in Brick and Mortar: Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) as a Spatial Artifact
Judith Simon (Wien): Knowledge Politics, Reputation & Authority: The Role of Quantitative Quality Indicators in Academia
Sabine Hark (Berlin): Commentary and Discussion of Panel II

Coffee Break

Panel III: Localizing and Positioning Knowledge (First Part)
Chair: Lukas Engelmann (Berlin)
Martina Kampichler (Brno): Contextualized Frame Analysis as a Tool for Examining Situated Knowledges
Annika Wellmann (Bielefeld): Analyzing the Production of Sexual Knowledge in Popular Media
Toyin Kolawole (Maun): Soils, Science and the Politics of Knowledge: Some Critical Issues in the GlobalDebates on Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Sub-Saharan Africa

Lunch Break

Panel III: Localizing and Positioning Knowledge (Second Part)
Federica Timeto (Plymouth): Articulating Representation: Haraway s Semiotics and the Politics of Diffraction
Thibault Polge (Paris): Erehwon I speak from? On Subjective Positions in Acts of Discourse
Beate Binder (Berlin): Commentary and Discussion of Panel III

Coffee Break

Keynote and Discussion
Kavita Philip (Irvine): Proper Knowledge: Reflections on Postcolonial Technoscience
Chair: Pat Treusch (Berlin)

End of Conference


Corinna Bath

HU Berlin, Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien, Axel-Springer-Str. 54b, 10117 Berlin
030 2093-4880