19.10 Film: Human Terrain: When Academics go to War
Screening (56 Min.) and Discussion with Co-Director and Executive Producer James
Der Derian (Brown University, z.Z. American Academy)
26.10 Bernd Greiner (Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung)
Imperiale Präsidentschaft und Präventionsrecht: Spuren von 9/11 in den USA und Europa
9.11 Andreas Etges (Kennedy-Institut)
Trapped by History? America at War from World War II to the "War on Terror"
16.11 Andrew Gross (Kennedy-Institut)
Michael Chabon's "The Yiddish Policemen's Union": Violence, Detection, and the Politics of Memory after 9/11
23.11 Moritz Schularick (Kennedy-Institut)
A Dismal Decade -- The American Economy since 9/11
7.12 Peter M. Boehm (Botschafter von Kanada in Deutschland)
Still Friends and Neighbours: Canada, the US and the Implications of 9/11
14.12 Victoria de Grazia (Columbia University, z.Z. GSNAS, Kennedy-Institut, FU Berlin)
Soft Power Militarism: Before and After 9/11
4.1. Thomas Blanton (Director, National Security Archive, Washington, DC)
The Secrecy-Security Oxymoron: The Hyper-Growth of Top-Secret America and the Declining Health of Global Democracy
Ernst Fraenkel Lecture
11.1. Peter Marcuse (Prof. em. Columbia University)
Unresolved Issues after 9/11: Conflicting Responses -- from Solidarity to Bigotry
18.1. Winfried Fluck (Kennedy-Institut)
Ambivalence to Irony to Grotesquery: 9/11 and Changing European Perceptions of America
25.1. Peter Struck (Bundesminister der Verteidigung, 2002-2005)
Neue Herausforderungen der deutschen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
1.2. Lora Anne Viola (Kennedy-Institut)
The New American Security State: 9/11's impact on US Foreign Policy Institutions
15.2. Harald Wenzel (Kennedy-Institut)
Being Hurt: Regarding the Pains of 9/11