Thursday 7 June 2012
9’30-10’00: Registration and Opening
10’00- 10’30: Welcome words and Introduction by Ana Crespo Solana, Inken Schmidt- Voges and David Onnekink
10’30- 11’00: Steven Pincus (University of Yale): Dreams of Empire: British Aspirations and the Ending of the War of Spanish Succession
11’30- 12’00: Manuel Herrero Sánchez (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla): The Dutch miracle in dynastic context. Ties, interdependence and coordination between the Unites Provinces and the Spanish Monarchy after Westphalia
12’00- 12’30: Guy Rowlands (University of St Andrews): The End of the Road: The logistical Decline of France and the Closing of the War of the Spanish Succession
12’30- 13’00: Panel Discussion
Break for Lunch
15’30- 16’00: Sugiko Nishikawa (University of Tokyo): Confessional trans-state networks in a religious cold war
16’00-16’30: Paola Bianchi (Università della Valle d’Aosta): Savoyard representatives in Utrecht: political – aristocratic networks and the diplomatic modernization of the State
16’30- 17’00: Panel Discussion
Friday, 8 June 2012
9’30-10’00: Solange Rameix (Fondation Thiers/CNRS, Université Paris I Pantheón-sorbonne): From the warrior king to the peaceful king: Louis XIV’s public image and the Peace of Utrecht
10’00-10’30: Inken Schmidt-Voges (Universität Osnabrück): Negotiating Peace: Diplomacy and Printing Politics in the Holy Roman Empire, 1710-1715
10’30-11’00: Panel Discussion
11’30- 12’00:Tony Claydon (University of Bangor): English Tories and the discourses of peace, 1708-1713
12’00-12’30:David Onnekink (Universiteit Utrecht): ‘Never was a war more necessary’: Dutch foreign policy discourses on war and peace 1708-1713
12’30-13’00: Panel Discussion
Break for Lunch
15’00- 15’30: Klaas Van Gelder (University Gent): The Peace of Utrecht and the Austrian Assumption of Power in the Southern Low Countries
15’30- 16’00: Christopher Storrs (University of Dundee): The Re-shaping of the Spanish Monarchy
16’00- 16’30: Panel Discussion
General Debate and Conclusions
Saturday 9 June: excursion
A Visit to the Court of Phillip V: El Real Sitio de La Granja de San Idelfonso, Segovia