Thursday 26 April
10-11am: Registration, Keynes College Foyer
11am – 1pm: The view from Whitehall, 1982
Opening Reflections from Sir John Nott
Professor Peter Hennessy (QMUL): British intelligence and assessments of Argentine intentions on the eve of invasion
1pm-2.30pm: Lunch
2.30pm – 5pm: The background
Professor Klaus Dodds (RHUL): Kith and kin: the Falkland Islands and the development of a culture of loyalty, c.1960-1982
Professor George Philip (LSE): Argentine politics; the closing of the options 1955-82
Dr Celia Szusterman (Centre for the Study of the Americas): Maintaining the struggle for the Malvinas: the role of the Malvinas in Argentine life since 1982
4-4.30pm: Tea
4.30pm – 5pm: Questions for panel
Friday 27 April
9.30am- 12.30pm: Media Panel
Introduction by Professor Jean Seaton (Westminster)
Panel – Chaired by Allan Little (BBC News).
Participants: Dame Jenny Abramsky, Robert Fox, Michael Nicholson, Kim Sabido and John Shirley
Dr Alasdair Pinkerton (RHUL): Calling the Falklands: ‘acoustic spaces’ and ‘radio wars’
(Panel to include tea break 10.30am-11am)
12.30pm-1.45pm: Lunch
1.45pm-3.15pm: Writing histories
Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman (KCL): Independence and Balance: Challenges in writing official histories
Hugh Bicheno: The other side of the hill: writing an unofficial history
3.15-3.45pm: Tea
3.45pm-5pm: The aftermath
Peter Johnston (Kent): “Why We Fight”: How the Falklands Challenged Perceptions of the British Military
Dr Matt Benwell (Liverpool): Affective commemorations: considering representations of the Malvinas conflict in the year of Argentina’s bicentenary
Saturday 28 April
10am – 1pm: Veterans’ panel
Major-General Julian Thompson and Commodore Michael Clapp: Joint Planning and the Execution of the Amphibious Phase of Operation Corporate
Captain Chris Wreford-Brown: HMS Conqueror’s war patrol
Brigadier David Chaundler: From Whitehall to Wireless Ridge
1pm- 2pm: Lunch
2pm-3.45pm: The Falkland Islanders’ view
A panel of islanders including Patrick Watts formerly of Falkland Islands Broadcasting Service
3.45pm-5pm: Closing reception